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Saturday, September 4, 2004

the hurricane aint coming to pass jacksonville. there has only been one hurricane recorded in history that the eye has actually passed over jacksonville it was hurricane dora of 1967 i think. no other hurricane has ever went over jacksonville. very disapointing...at least we got fri off
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Friday, September 3, 2004

   well its fri nite
no skool today! that rocked my sock. lol its so fun and exciting. the hurricane isgoing more north and getting closer to us but i dont want the really bad part just some. we had thunderstorms on and off all day. i went swimming for a little while in our pool then this huge crash of thunder came and i went inside. later itook a walk and saw a few houses boarded up. it was weird that it was so sunny and brite when i went to walk and a few hrs be4 that it was lighting and thudering and pouring lol. the hurricane is supposed to come to us bout sunday or sumthin. but its just exciting something different is happening in my life. its good. lol
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Thursday, September 2, 2004

   ROCK ON!!!!!
yea we got a four day weekened its the best thing thats happened since summer vacation. i needed a break so bad i thought i would die lol. no skool!! we got the hurricane coming im not sure how bad but not that bad so far ... ithink. but neway i like the excitement lol. its fun. our power was out this morning and guess what the hurricane hasnt even come yet. this morning while my mom was taking me to skool we stopped at a red lite and all of a sudden it just went out. we were stuck there with a few other cars trying to get out while the cars in the road in front of us zoomed by not paying a spit of attention. lol but we made it to skool. our power is on now but it wasnt the hurricanes work i m not sure whos work it was but it sucked. lol k thats all 4now folks. ill have an update for the hurricanr by tomorrow or something. l8r
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004

   know what?
skool is gettin better. i am getting more friends. kinda. ok i just made 2 new ones... but that is an accomplishment! lol neway homework suckz. my pool is dirty from all the rain and storms we always have. and we got another hurricane coming thru! yay! cept it probably wont hit us. they never ever do... i like the excitement tho lol. well umm what was i gonna say?! lalalalala oh ya i was gonna say my mom heard that they r gonna cancel skool on fri! even tho its not coming we r gonna get some of it i guess. or whatever. last hurricane like a week ago called hurricane charley came and at my house we didnt even get wind only sprinkles of rain! what a rip off! lol it was still outside the whole time. our regular daily storms could beat that!! i just hope we get enuff of this hurricane but not enuff to knock down a house that would suck. we just bought our house! k im gonna go now cuz i dont gots nemore 2 say. so cya l8r!
Stupid Gurl

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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

i dont like 8th grade im gonna try and make it as good as possible im so bored with life. theres no point...but whatever neway my kats r cute and fuzzy! awww the cute kitties!!
im an idiot...

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Saturday, August 21, 2004

   8th grade is dumb
i dont like 8th grade its boring im ready for high skool now. i dont have very many friends in my classes.. lonely cept for sci and l.arts. its the weekened and it seems way too short. man i miss summer. its so borin now. i hate skool. o on thurs i think it was ,i was at skool and this huge lighting strike came and it make something start smoking and it smelt like it. i thought the skool would burn down but it didnt.... stoopid skool. neway nuthing very exciting is happening to me.
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Friday, August 13, 2004

skool has started its been 5 days. i dont have too many friends in any of my classes. i didnt like last yr last yr but this yr i like last yr. make any sense? lol ok... there is a hurricane comin around where i live. hurricane charley its probably all on the weather channel it is here lol duh! im not worried we r just gonna get the outer part of it i dont think its gonna be too big. just some really bad storms. i think.... o i dont kno im just a lost stupid gurl...lol i like that song "stupid girl" it roxz hahaha lol ok... im all hyper and dunno y maybe cuz the hurricane i dunno. i act odd when its storming or doing something like that. maybe im just a little 2 weird. talk about weird i had a little 7th grader come and ask me if i would go out with him. ya rite i dont even kno the little weirdo lol neway i thought id share it was halarious! haha! k im gonna shut up now cuz im just being stupid. k lataz!
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Sunday, August 8, 2004

my hair is purple now i havent told ne of my friends its a surprise i have been dieying it since 6th grade and tomorrow i ll be in 8th but i havent died it since my bday in january. so neway i got skool tomorrow i have to get to bed early or ill never wake up.. ugh! skool suxz but there r good things to it iguess...
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Saturday, August 7, 2004

i went to orientation on friday. i got my classes. and most of my friends arent in any of them :( i helped my mom out in her classroom and i got $20 bucks for that so thats good lol. o on thursday me and my friend went to the mall then we decided to see spiderman 2. it was about 2 hrs long i think and neway... when we got out we heard someone calling her name and it was a cop! he just said her dad was waiting for us. then he asked what movie we saw she said spiderman2 then he asked what movie we tried to see and we said spiderman2 and had no idea what he meant. later we found out that there were 2 other girls who someone saw trying to sneak in an R rated movie and they thought it was us. we were angry. after paying $6 bucks each to see a movie we get blamed and accused! ugh they found out it wasnt us. neway the point is...cops r annoying lol. l8r! ;)
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004

sry i havent written for a while. there really hasnt been much to write about. lol its been borin. skool starts in 6 days. ill be in 8th grade...but i really dont care i just wanna go to high skool now jr high is boring. it stormed really bad about an hour ago. our pool is almost overflowing. k well like i said there isnt that much do write about. until 6 days from now. lol. byez! ;)
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