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Hamilton, New Jersey
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Gamer/Women Chaser (Yeah im back)
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Guys, Address me as Antonio or Dark if you'd like, ladies ,Address me as Antonio chan
Saved the world on occasion
Anime Fan Since
Can't remember that far back
Favorite Anime
Every Anime
To learn swordsmanship
Reading Manga and watching anime
My "Antonio" magic, works wonders
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
crappy days...
Yeah, yesterday at night was pretty crappy, I would say why but yeah, If you really want to know you can PM me, but today seems to be ok. I finished watching the series of samurai champloo, the ending is great. Now I gotta watch naruto cuz i only have the whole season hehe, well thats about it for me, see ya ppl.

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Friday, September 2, 2005
Man, forgot to post, sry bout that, it happens. Anyway yesterday was all cool but today was sweet, I had some friends over and we were playing all these games, then we went to watch some anime and it was all good. So what is up with you guys?

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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
 Your personality is best represented by the traditional Japanese Katana. You are brave beyond words and rarely (if ever) act for your own personal gain. Your honor is very important to you, and you strive to better yourself and help others. You try not to let emotions get in the way of making a sound decision, and are usually quite successful.
What sort of Weapon best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Im back!
Yep, I would like to start this post with.....TETRA!! I SHOULD REVEAL YOUR NAME FOR THAT! Who wants it!?!? Lmao, ok thats settles that....anyway IM BACK! (Hugs and kisses for those who want them, no dudes!)
So hope you guys didn't suffer too bad without me, well im back now so its all good, well im gonna go check those PM's and stuff so talk to ya later^^

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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Hey ppl, tommorrow is my mom's birthday so we're going to this fancy Yeah, so im glad I was able to post today before leaving. If you ppl PM me I won't be able to get to it till tommorrow so i'll get on it as soon as I get back.^^
Much love,

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Monday, August 29, 2005
Hey ppl whats goin' on? Im just waiting for my mom to call to see if I can go to tetramaster's house, yep yep, in the mean time im watching...yep...CHAPELLES'S SHOW!!(bet you didn't see that coming^^) Well i'll check in with you ppl later and remember.....IM RICK JAMES BITCH!! MUHAHAHA!!

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Sunday, August 28, 2005
Changed theme....
Yeah I know, all the final fantasy stuff is gone, I was getting bored so I wanted to change my theme again, hope you guys like it, Rorouni Kenshin is one of my favorite anime.
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Argghh....I feel weak today, I think it was all that fighting with my bro last night, I hate how they know my one weakness, they had me waking up sore today!! Oh well, stuff happens.
So anyway...there is NOTHING TO DO!! I don't even wanna play games its that if ya wanna talk, no one's stoppin' ya. Well i'll keep ya' updated if something "interesting" comes up, well see ya around.

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Saturday, August 27, 2005
Bundle of energy
WHOOOO! I woke up today as a livewire! Im gonna go over my friend's house today, his name is Dan by they way, the ass kicking tae-kwon-do blackbelt korean dude, yep yep, he's whooped my ass a couple of times, doesn't mean i didn't get him back for itXD Well besides that, im doing tons of other stuff with my energy, so PM me if ya want to talk, give me something to do. Well see ya ppl around I think im gonna go street fightingXD

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Friday, August 26, 2005
No subject..
Yeah well today I was playing .hack again (must be boring you guys with that for the past three days^^) I got really far, so I guess its ok. Well this and that and yeah...nothing much goin on here, so whats up with you ppl?

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