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Hamilton, New Jersey
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Gamer/Women Chaser (Yeah im back)
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Guys, Address me as Antonio or Dark if you'd like, ladies ,Address me as Antonio chan
Saved the world on occasion
Anime Fan Since
Can't remember that far back
Favorite Anime
Every Anime
To learn swordsmanship
Reading Manga and watching anime
My "Antonio" magic, works wonders
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Hey everyone! Today was a day full of energy for me, I just was everywhere! I was so buzzed up it was crazy!! Im so happy in a way, I just wanna go hit on twenty girls at the same time right now. My good friend Rachel came into school today, after not seeing her for like a lot of days it was kinda nice. She's going to nightschool though, thats beat, but she'll be there next year so its all good. Not like I can't hang out with her outside of school. Well besides that I really don't have much to say so i'll catch ya'll later.
I just can't help myself.....(stare)
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Monday, January 30, 2006
Hey everyone, nothing too important is up with me. I just wanted to post cuz I needed to update more. I kinda have gaps here and there lately. Sorry bout not putting the fan fic up this weekend, like I explained I was sleeping over Jon's. Oh yeah I did take go to have a picture taken over the anime club steering committy, everyone showed up except Jon. Why Jon...why!? Nah its cool, I guess he had things to do. Well im out, catch ya'll later.

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Sunday, January 29, 2006
Hey everyone. I slept over Jon's house cuz it was for his party, Jp slept over too so you know funny things happened. When I first came Ashley was already over there so that was cool we talked for two seconds then I played some Metal Gear Solid 3, finally beat it^^ After that we went downstairs and had pizza, popcorn, chips, yeah the good stuff. I was supposed to get Eric but he wanted to be a lil' rebel and head straight for Jon's. He only showed up for 3 minutes, yes 3 mintues then had to go with Ashley to see some show. Once they left me, Jp, Jon, Mike, and Dan went back upstairs and played some soul calibur. A little later me, Dan, and Mike had to go....but I eventually came back to sleep over..hehe, im such a bastard. So now it was just me, Jp, and Jon. We watched the boondocks, stroker and hoop, and something else, but all i could remember was stroker and hoop cuz it was so god damn funny! After the tv we went to sleep woke up had breakfast then went back upstairs to play games....again. Me and Jp played tekken5 which was badass cuz the battles were really fun. No cheatin' or anything. A few minutes after that I had to go. And thats about it for me. Catch ya'll later.

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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Hey everyone. Man my craving for sword have been gettin' the best of me again. I wanna save up to buy a better sword instead of buying some cheap one now. I want so many in different colored sheaths like red and black and blue. I wanna find a place where I can get some training. Of course im gonna have to use a wooden practice sword, but after a certain of time i'll be able to wield katanas, which will be so cool. If only I get someother people im cool with to join me so I can have some sparring partners. Im not aiming to be kenshin or anything I just really wanna be skilled with a sword when im still somewhat young. Well besides the swords i've been fine and all so i'll catch ya later.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Hey guys, today I was hanging at jim's, whooping some people in soul calibur 3 and viewtiful joe red hot rumble. As you can see I got a new theme, Viewtiful Joe is one of my ultimate favs!^^ Hope ya like it. Well I would write more, but im sort of on borrowed time right now, i'll catch ya later.

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Monday, January 23, 2006
Bachelor Time
Oh yeah, if I didn't say so already. Me and Jasmine are no longer together, meaning....Carlos: Your...back..? Me: Yes Carlos, I am a women chaser once again!! And as my first act as a new women chaser is to achieve a new level of womenizing never achieved by man!!! Yes it will be a rough journey but at the end i'll get lucky, cuz of the worlds of that announcer guy in Viewtiful Joe....some like it Red Hot!!!

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Hey everyone, today im pretty good. I had my first day of mid terms today and it wasn't that bad. Well guess what people are magically talking to me again, not only that it seems they want me to go places with them. Funny funny funny. Besides that nothing much is happening, im trying to beat some games, and if I didn't say already I beat shaman king and zach bell. Jon(razgries) is having a party, his birthday is today, so give razgries a holler!! If I spelled that wrong just look at my friends list. I want a katana so bad, I know its random i've just been wanting one for quite sometime, got the money...just not the sword T_T buts its all cool i'll get it eventually. So whats up with everyone? I know I haven't been to few peoples sites lately or at all, but i've been here and there but I should get to everyone today....yes that means you too Carlos(ryo-oki). Well i'll catch all you honnies later, im out.

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Friday, January 20, 2006
Funny Funny
Ok everyone here's whats going down. Well im not going out with Jasmine anymore, im not really mad about that, its actually pretty funny if I think about it. A certian event happen, but I really don't feel like talking about it. I thought it would be the end of me (not literally) but it actually turned out to be something really great. A few people seem to be mad at me, which im cool with, and some don't even wanna talk to me, which im cool with also. Some people though, they just wanna act so dumb, like way beyond dumb, but im going to overlook it and keep my cool. Im a pretty bad guy without my cool. Well i'll just let you know that you probably don't know what im talking about unless your mike or carlos, but its really really funny! AHAHAHA! IM CRAZY!!!

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Sunday, January 15, 2006
Hey everyone. Oh man, Efrain and Carlos sleeping over was a crazy idea. We had A LOT of fun though. First it was me and Carlos, oh yeah, NO ONE showed up to my house for the anime club meeting, some ppl had reasons though so I won't complain. Me and Carlos we just talking, then I showed him my soul calibur 3 characters including the imfamous Mike. After a little bit Efrain came over with Xavier and then we went to jim's. We got raped at the jeopardy tournament, well not really, we came in second place. Everyone talking made it seem like it was gonna be an easy win for genocide (the game clan im in) but we were proved wrong. Tucker seemed really....into it, too into it. It kinda pushed him beyond nice after the first round, but its understandable. After the loss I just picked up my face...wait what am i saying, it was never down, im sorry for being so cocky but its something the doesn't bother me cuz I can probably get those clan points back ahaha. After saying goodbye Me, Efrain, and Carlos went back to my place and had tons of fun. We were playing red hot rumble(yes Tucker, we played it and had fun), soul calibur 3 and some one piece grand battle. We were also watching...yes, CHAPELLE'S SHOW! Not only that it was season 2 uncensored, yay uncensored! After all those laughs we saw Cromartie High School and then went to sleep. The next day they left and I played digital devil saga up till now just about. Well im out, see yas!

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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Hey everyone, well tomorrow is gonna be crazy. Right after school I have carlos, jasmine, sherry, jon and efrain coming over my house for an anime club meeting. Efrain's not part of the committee but he's sleeping over, so is carlos^^. After the meeting I gotta hop in the shower, hop out and go with efrain and carlos to jim's where were have this big tournament, hopefully I can be of some use. After that we're coming back to my place and gonna do some crazy stuff. Well thats it for me.
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