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Sunday, January 8, 2006
Sorry I was being kinda lazy last week but I put up the latest chapter up in Liquidsilver's proboards, here's the link.
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Hey everyone, alright all you need to know about the date was that....IT SUCKED!!!! Here's what happened, we plan everything and she's gonna go....BUT HER OLDER BRO HAS TO COME....that was irritating to me, but I still said ok. Im getting ready then my friend calls me saying Jasmine can't go, so im like ok..I don't wanna go. Im about to play video games...but my friend calls me again saying she can go, so I hop in the shower, once I get out I get a call saying she can't go...im already ready so I go to the movies....yeah. PLUS! The movie wasn't even good! Yeah now you see how bad of a friday it was for me, but whatever, I want over Mike's for dinner yesterday and had some fun so my weekend itself isn't all that bad, well im out. See ya.

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Friday, January 6, 2006
Hey everyone, I was supposed to be on a date today but things happen so now its Me..jasmine...and tons of people...(groan) oh well, can't win em' all. We are going to the movies, it better be my money's worth cuz we all know im gonna end up spending all my money on my girl in the movies then in the mall, ahaha. Well i'll catch ya'll later.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Hey everyone. Alright, I went on a major shoping spree as you may have heard from Mike(Tetramaster). Here's what I got. I got Rorouni Kenshin mangas #'s 18-22, Shaman King #7, Samurai 7 the second dvd, and I got digital devil saga deluxe addtion! I can't believe I found digital devil saga, lucky for me!^^ I also got my girlfriend a little something, well thats all for me. Catch ya later.
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Sunday, January 1, 2006
Yo, happy new years everyone. I had a fight with my bros right at twelve o'clock, we called it the new years showdown. I was like "MORTAL KOMBAT!" ahaha. I was supposed to going on a date today, but stuff occured and I was screwedXD I beat shaman King today, only about 6 hours of gameplay, but it was still fun as hell. I unlocked some stuff beating it so I should still have some fun with it. Im gonna to the mall tomorrow girls! We all know how great that is spending all the christmas money and using those gift cards!^^ Im gonna get a mountain of manga, no joke. Well i'll catch ya'll later.

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Saturday, December 31, 2005
Hello everyone. I slept over my friend efrian's yesterday and it was pretty cool. We were jammin' on that soul calibur 3 like nothing. I had some wins, he had some wins, but we all know who's the greatest here.^^ Besides that we were talking about things that happened and things that are going to happen. We were watching some peacemaker, that anime is really good. We were gonna watch the whole thing but someone (cough) Efrain (cough) had to fall asleep, but its cool. Well if I don't get to ya later, happy new years!

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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Hey everyone, what is up? I was just playing some of that soul calibur 3. That game is just crazy. I finally got my samurai job so now I can make myself as a samurai WOOT! Im gonna get started on that later. I need to have an anime club comittee meeting sometime this week, hopefully we plan another good anime club meeting. Well I really have nothing do say today but if something comes up i'll be sure to tell you guys. Later.

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Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone, hope you all got what you wanted, I know I did. I got Shaman King the game, Soul Calibur 3, Digital Devil Saga 2, an ipod nano, and family guy seasons 1,2,and 3! Well I don't have much to talk about yet so i'll catch you all later. Stay beautiful!

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Saturday, December 24, 2005
Hey everyone, I have finally got my computer fixed!^^ Now I can stop going to the library ahahaha! Well as you can see I have changed my site, hope ya like it. It was a recommendation from my friend Efrain, Guilty Gear is a great game with anime based art style. Besides the site changed yesterday turned out to be pretty fun. School wasn't horrible and I went to burger king with friends, after that I went to jim's where everyone seemed to be having fun. Ashley wanted me to buy her food so I treated her to lunch at a chinese resturant, it was pretty fun to catch up on things, plus that was some really good lo mien^^ After that we went back to jim's and watched Efrain and Eric play Guilty Gear, which was pretty intense by the expressions on their faces, well at least Efrain, Eric was just calm and he was undefeated. Eric reminds me a lot like yoh from shamana king always winning but with that care free attitude. Well since the big break off the internent I really gotta get on that final fantasy fan fic, i'll post it up later. Well see ya around.

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Sunday, December 18, 2005
Greatest Par-tay
Alright everyone sorry for not posting in awhile again, my computer is still not fixed, but my mom's taking it to get fixed saturday so just wait until then I guessXD Anyways...i've had fun a parties had more fun at par-tay's but I had the greatest Par-tay yesterday, just ask Tetra. I was a suprise par-tay for my b-day which is today^^ I was all tired coming home cuz I spent the night over sam's with eff and got no sleep. So Sam comes with me home and im like...wtf? So I go downstairs and everyone is like "SUPRISE!!" and im like "Oh shit!" ahaha! Omg I had so much fun, bascially everyone was there, everyone in the picture above and more. I got my metal dance pad!! I opened that with the biggest smile^^ So after I opened that and got tons of money from my friends we started to play video games. We were screwing around with Soul Calibur 3 at first, then had a tournament. I got knocked out by Dan in the first matchXD but it was Eff who emerged as the victor of the tournament. We had a tekken tournament also. I got pretty far then was put down my Erk (Erics new nickname). It was Hworang against Hworang (or however you spell that). Eff won that tournament against Erk. We had a super smash bros tournament....but yet again I was put down by Erk..>.< It was Marth against Marth. Jp (James Patrick Mansfield the VII) won that tournament, then we had another super smash tournament, but with teams. Me and Tetra teamed up using Marth (me) and Roy (Tetra) and we called ourselves the "Sexy Samurai" muhaha. We both lost against Erk (getting repetitive right?) and Eff. They won the whole tournament, they group name was "hands and feet"XD. After that we were screwing around with random games then went on to DDR! That metal dance pad is so great, plus its mine to play whenever I want.^^ The only let down was that my wife couldn't come but it was still pretty fun. Well thats all that happened. Well i'll see ya'll around. Later!
Oh yeah, I do got pics from it, i'll put them on later.
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