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Saturday, November 12, 2005
Visit a friend of mine.
Hey everyone, I need to ask you another favor, can you go visit my friend "aisakura"? She's new to myotaku can a close friend of mine, so you can make another anime loving fan feel welcome^^ But im serious, I want you to bombard her with guestbook signingsXD Thats all and thanks in advance, love ya.
-Antonio chan
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My fan fic
Well lemme start off by saying yesterday was....AWSOME. So it was Me, Jon(Rasgries), Ashley, and Carlos(Ryo-Oki). First it was me and Jon, suprisingly we were the ones to come up with the idea for next anime club, meaning we will host it this time! YAY!^^ But when other people came it was really really cool. We played some games. Me and Carlos were into the super smash bros! We haven't played in such awhile....back in the day it was blink you die, not it was slowwwww fighting, but hey its better than not fighting at all^^ Ashley attempted the super smash, only to be put down repeatedly by me and carlos...then...she won....>.>. ANYWAY....jon was showing me some cool songs he made on his music maker, and carlos showed me Fire Emblem path of radience, that game is awsome. It was nice having friends over and just having a good time overall. Ok now for the subject title, I started making my final fantasy fan fic, I posted on Liquidsilver's proboards.(The writers here on otaku shown sign up) Here's the url to view my fan fic's prologue^^
Well have fun reading that, im out.
-Antonio chan
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Friday, November 11, 2005
Anime meeting
Hey everyone, right now im supposed to have an anime club meeting at my place, but no one is showing up, the only person who's here right now is jon (Razgries) and we're messing around with my ps2, im actually learning to tricks with a ps2 thanks to my HDD.^^ Hopefully you are doing ok and hopefully i'll get more people to come for the meeting, well im out, for now, see ya later.

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Thursday, November 10, 2005
The sleep over at Tetra's
I had a pretty good time of a tetra's place yesterday/today. We played video games for a bit, then for some reason we were talking about dancing, then I danced, then danced across the hall all the way to Tetra's bro, he laughed so hard he threw up lmaoXD After we had that dancing stuff cleared up we continued on playing some games, later on we went on AIM and decided to screw with some ppl, it was pretty funny. Then we saw one of the greatest shows, drawn together, that episode was so incredibily funny. I was laughing for hours!^^There was this one scene that had me laughing even when we went to bed, so the next day we wake up, then go on AIM and talk to some ppl again, oh yeah, I finally beat Armored Core Nexus!^^. We had breakfast while watching Jerry springer, then played some more video games, then had popeyes for lunch then I left. I had such a great time. Oh yeah did anyone see the viewtiful joe anime that aired last saturday, I thought it was freakin' awsome!^^ Tetra like to hate a lot and says it wasn't all that great, cuz of Captain Blue Jr. , but I thought blue jr. was cute, well thats it for me. See ya around.

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Monday, November 7, 2005
Help a friend.
Hey everyone, can you do Antonio a favor and check out my friends site? His username is Razgries. Don't worry he's a pretty cool guy, well thanks in advance^^

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Sunday, November 6, 2005
Theme Change
Hello everyone, I changed my theme again, this time to rahxephon, hope you like it^^ Well nothing is really going on with me, im trying to get street fighter annivery edition, but then again...I could buy some manga....still not too sure, any suggestions?

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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Super cool halloween par-tay!
Hey ppl, sry for not posting in awhile, but now I have something to post about, something really really cool........, I went to the best halloween par-tay ever! It was at my friend ashley's house. Tetra went with me of course. Well first ashley introduced me to some new ppl, some that I am now cool with at school so that was good. After that me and tetra were watching some guy play san andreas, but when other ppl started to come we went into ashley's room and played ddr, this girl Amanda (really cute!^^) was into ddr so we played together, and also....I got tetra back into ddr! That is great! Throughout the whole par-tay ppl were getting drunk and it was extremely funny to me cuz i wasn't, but was watching ppl trip and shit. Oh yeah.........I can't say I didn't drink though, cuz me and Tetra finally tasted the godly drink....Sake! We had sake! It was really really good! Well thats all of my incredible saturday^^
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
Hey ppl, sry about not updating in awhile, i've been attending to a few things and I just didn't have a lot of time to post about something. Well some interesting things have happened. I went to my friend Sherry's house for disscussing what are we gonna do for anime club.....all of us actually got something done this time! So now we're back on track for the most part. Well im going to my friend ashley's halloween party, as that wasn't cool enough, im going as bobobo! Yes! As bobobo, I will gain all the respect lol. Well thats it for me, whats up with you?

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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Hey ppl, I got my computer back! Don't even ask how, it was all magic^^ Anyway, I didn't end up going to the dance, and had to look up some kanji translations for anime club. Well besides that I haven't done anything, well whats you with you?

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Friday, October 21, 2005
Hey everyone, this is me from the library again. Well this sucks for me cuz I got my labtop completely taken out of my room, now I can't even listen to music anymoreXD Me sooo mad!>.< Anyways, there's worse news, I can't go to homecoming dance! This really really sucks, beyond all suckiedom. (If thats even a word, which I doubt) Well how are you doing?
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