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Thursday, October 20, 2005
Hey guys, got some pretty bad news, I banned off the computer for three weeks, including this one so its bascially two weeks...but I won't be visiting sites that frequently cuz I can only go on in the libraryXD Sry ppl. Well it turns out this freshman girl developed feelings for me during anime club....how is Antonio gonna handle this one....Hmm I wonder, well what is up with you ladies?
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Hey guys, well today im at the library once again, im a library whore now, oh well^^ Well turns out that I didn't stick around to hang those banners cuz I couldn't get permission....poor Alex. Well tetra is being really....how should I say....himself, talking about how god will destroy the world then recreate it out of klondike bars!?o.o Tetra, listen to me, GET HELP! lol Well guys I hope you all are having great days, so post and let me know how all of you are doing^^ See ya around.
-Antonio chan,kun,sama, whatever you want me to go by^^
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Monday, October 17, 2005
Hey guys, well right now im at the library just chillin'. My friend Alex(which is a girl) asked me to stay after school to help hang up banners for the homecoming dance. So natrually I agreed so I won't be on right away after shcool, so nothing is really goin' on right now but i'll be sure to give you guys an update, well im out see ya later.^^
-Antonio chan
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
New nickname
Well I have a new nickname. I obtain this nickname making these racist jokes with friends, talking about blacks, asians, and such, don't hate me. Anyways, for those of you who don't im half puerto rican, half black. Because my name Antonio represents the spanish, my friends thought it would be funny for me to have a "black" name, so now im Tyrone. Meaning im Antonio "Tyrone" Rodriguez^^ Well thats it for me, see yas

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Saturday, October 15, 2005
Hey ppl sry for not visiting sites, I have just been on gaia too much (Im darkantonio on gaia also^^) but hey some crazy stuff happened yesterday. Apperantly there was this rumor that a shooting was gonna happen. I wanted to lessen the worry by making some many jokes about it, it was just to cool everyone down though. So school was over and me and the crew were walking home together cuz if something did go down we thought it'd be best if we stuck together. After reaching carlos' house, well his cousins, we wait for a ride to ashley's because we were gonna meet up to discuss anime club again. We waited so long and just got bored so we decided to go with jon to get a ride from his mom. So we head out and meet her by this one place then go to ashley's. We get to the house and go inside, then get to her room. Carlos acted like such an ass, but in a funny way. He was touching all her things, and messing up all this stuff. Ashley really got annoyed and thought it would be best to get a fly swatter and whach him? I call her a racist for whacking a spanish person with a fly swatter. Then I go for cover cuz she went to throw something at me, I don't remember what she threw but it bounced off of me and back to her o.o, then she threw it again and hit me. After we thought the worst was over carlos goes to sit on ashley's bed, and im laying on it, so when he sits the bed just plops and carlos gets squeezed between the bed and the wall, I was laughing soo hard it just was that crazy, but we didn't come up with anything for anime club!! So we gotta do it again^^ hopefully we'll get the job done with some laughs and ideas.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Coka-Cola inccident
Alright, once again tetra does that one thing to make anyone just say "why?" Its me tetra and batmangenesis walking home, tetra pulls out the last coke(In lunch I told him to save it because I was gonna shake it then let it loose) and I told him to give it to me. He tells me no and goes to shake it. He somehow drops it and makes a crack in the can, IT GOES SPEWING EVERYWHERE! He goes and puts his mouth on the small hole and his mouth begins filling up with soda and spews out his own mouth! Wtf? This guy IS crazy! Well thats it, see ya!^^

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Monday, October 10, 2005
Determination and Stupidity of Tetra...
Omg guys listen up, I went to go over tetra's house today. I went over there and showed him some nice moves in Xenosaga II, his mom needed to go somewhere and she wanted tetra to come, so natrually I came too. So she went to this one place and me and mike were in a car with a 12 pack of coka-cola.(We weren't gonna drink them till we got back to his place) So we were there waiting for about...20 minutes already. He was so damn impatient to wait he says he gonna get out the car, I was the one protesting saying we shouldn't, he goes opens the door setting off the car alarm...we were there listening to that shit for about 2 minutes, it seemed like an hour! It was really embarrassing. So the car alarm stops, we look at each other and just keep on laughing, it was just that retarded funny. So we open the twelve pack so we have 10 left, after we finish our drinks tetra insists on trying it again...XD I protested again saying it will go off again...he says "don't worry it won't" opens it, sets if off again....we sit there for bout 2 minutes...again. After that we laugh some more, now he's where it gets worse, he NOW looks for a way to get out without setting the alarm, finds spare set of keys(at that point I just really wanted to beat the shit out of him) Well we get out and find his mom, we wait some more and finally get back to his place. After all that stuff we played some inuyasha feudal combat, I didn't tell him controlls but he learned and became a pretty good adversary. After about 3 hours of gaming I finally ending back in my house and here I am. Well tetra's determination to do stupid things really gets to him doesn't it? Well hope you ladies are doing ok, guys the same, well im out.

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Sunday, October 9, 2005
Theme change!
Hey ppl sry I wasn't on, but no im back and stuff, xenosaga II was gettin' the best of me. Well like the title suggests im doing a theme change! Go go go go go go Shaman King! (starts beatboxing) Alright, im getting too ahead of myself lol. Well I don't really have anything super ultra exciting to tell you, but hopefully something comes up, well later!

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Thursday, October 6, 2005
Hey ppl sry I wasn't on for like two days, I kinda had some major studying to do. So here's the lowdown ok? First off I passed the test with a 90% yay for me^^ Next is anime club, it was the second meeting of it, but this time us committy memebers had to introduce ourselves, im not really used to speaking out load in front of a crowd but I was suprisingly smooth guess that means Antonio is cool at whatever he tries^^ So now freshman look to me as the "cool/nice" guy so they talk to me in the halls and are like "Its antonio, the anime club guy!" I really don't like all the worship but...what can I do besides kill em', which I won't do. So anime club turned out great and stuff then better things happened........I GOT NEW GAMES!! Inuyasha Feudal Combat, .Hack part 4, and Xenosaga II, I played xenosaga and inuyasha, they're great! I don't see why some ppl don't like Inuyasha Feudal Combat, the battle system is great, well at least to me^^ So that was it for me and yeah. Well nice talking to ya guys again, LOVE YA!

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Monday, October 3, 2005
Devil may Cry
Yeah rpg frenzy wasn't a good idea.....now I crave...ACTION GAMES! With that in mind I decided to borrow Devil May Cry 2 from tetramaster because I do it for da shorteez. I just love Devil may cry, one of the best action games. Well thats it for me, at least for now anyway, so anything new with you people?

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