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Sunday, October 2, 2005
Rpg frenzy
Hey ppl, right now im really trying to beat ff2, i was kinda slacking off with the game..XD...but its ok now!^^ I got a new character and beat another boss so its all good. Hopefully I beat it by next week^^ Well anything up with you ppl? Some of you just don't comment anymore..(heartsplit)

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Saturday, October 1, 2005
Hey people today I wanted to take care of a few things like beat ff2, but then I got sucked into........GUNDAM! Gundam Federation vs Zeon to be exact. I just love that game, but I really really want Gundam vs Zeta Gundam, I played it and cried, it was that good.^^ Anyways thats all I seem to be doing now, but if anything happens i'll be sure to post, well later!^^
-Antonio Chan

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Friday, September 30, 2005
kick ass day^^
TODAY WAS AWSOME! Well let me explain why....I went over me friend ashley's house with my friend jon and newly made friend sherry, we were discussing what we're gonna do for anime club at our school. Me and jon are saying the most random stuff and just mainly screwing around, I found myself to love ashley's bed...an INFLATABLE ONE! Now I hate my bed........(sigh) Oh well, anyways we pretty much discussed what we were gonna do so jon had to leave, so it was me ashley and sherry, I know what your thinking...but read on. So ashley took us to her so called "happy/secret" place which turned out to be a beatiful lake, i really liked the sight of it, I saw foxes running so that was pretty cool. There was also swans and geese on the lake but the best part was..........THE HILL, if i wasn't in dress clothes i would've rolled down that without hesitation!^^ I didn't sound like much but it was great, i got to borrow hyper police from ashley by the way, well thats it for me, see ya guys!^^
-Antonio chan

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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Yeah for me
Im really really booked tommorrow, gotta go to ashley's, go to the movies with judy, got to lisa's house to sleep over, and hang out with efrain and sam, wow a lot of stuff to do...can I handle it? Hell yeah!^^ Anyways I just wanna say how much I appreciate all you ppl who visit my site and actually care bout what I say and stuff, love ya all^^ But hey check this out pic of one of the best looking rpg's right now, radiata stories!^^

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I wanna get .hack part 4!!.......(sigh) oh well i'll wait. I also so all these new rpg's there....makai kingdom, baiten kaitos, riviera, and some other great titles, can't wait to buy them and just beat them. I got final fantasy 2 and final fantasy tatics to keep me busy though, school's ok, got a b on test in english...go me^^ Other than that friday im supposed to go over my friends ashley's house to discuss what we're gonna do for anime club, after that we just plan to have some fun and watch some anime and talk and play some....(drum roll) Super smash bros! Don't care what you say, you can't beat me when im Marth, well thats all for me, later^^
-Antonio Chan
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Hey ppl, I finally got to see the neon genesis evangaleon movie! Yay for me^^ Well today was all awsome, school was pretty funny for the most part, I went to the mall and saw .hack part 4(I beat .hack part 3!!^^) but sadly couldn't get it. Oh well, back to the drawing board....well hope you all had a nice day im out.
-Antonio Chan

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Monday, September 26, 2005
Today is all good, school goin' by real smoothly, right now im hanging out with my buddy victor, if ya don't know bout him go to chocoborider's site now........RIGHT NOW! (JK) Anyways it was funny cuz i got itachi to laugh pretty good and my friend sam, i guess it must've been those sun flower seeds.....what were in them...?? Ahem, well see ya ppl later!^^
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
help a friend
Yeah, I need to ask another favor of my honnies. Can you please visit my friend Batmangenesis?, he started about a week ago and needs some ppl to check his site out, thanks in advance^^. Uhhh ummm, yeah can guys check it out too?
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I have returned
Sry sry sry!! I had to go do A LOT of things so I couldn't get a start on anything, I probably won't get to that fan fic till maybe next week, please don't hate me! I gonna do my best and not let things get in the way.
Well on a good note, I GOT MY HAIR STRAIGHTED! Wow my hair was like super crazy long...thanks to mellisa, I love you!^^ And on top of that she had put a bun in my hair making me look like super ghetto samurai, I just wanted to slap on a kimono and a katana by my side...but oh well, right now my hair is a super fro just i had to take the bun out and yeah..but I sh ould be getting my hair done again, when I do i'll put a pic up^^ Well thanks for understanding^^

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Saturday, September 24, 2005
Hey, Hey! It`s Tetra!
Hi people, it`s Tetra, Dark told me to post something here but I completely forgot what it was! Oh yea, if I remember correctly, he went to Six Flags today, so chances are he won`t post today, and that`s all I got to say. Later!
Oh yea, Dark is all up with chicks so I thought this picture would be appropriate! ^^

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