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Sunday, September 11, 2005

Greatest Day!
TODAY WAS GREAT!!! Me, my best friend Sam, his brother, and Efrain all went to six flags! We went on everything but kingda ka, but it was fun as hell! All the waits were liek 5 mins! It was like the whole park was just for us lol. Besides that, we showed off mad skills in DDR!! Yes yes, I should've brought a camera, but I wasn't thinking at the time. Anyway...........TODAY WAS GREAT AHAHAHAHA! I can't help but feel good. Well thats all from me, hope you all are feeling as great as I am!

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Saturday, September 10, 2005

Yeah, Eric got me all hooked up on ragnarok now. Its just so cool with the fighting and lvling up and stuff. My character isn't all the great, but he's the sexiest character in the whole game^^ For any of you who do play it my sn is SexySwordNio. Well thats all I had to say, catch ya later.

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Friday, September 9, 2005

Vote at Tetramasters site!! Go check out the crazy battle, MIKE VS MARTHA!
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Lisence Plate
Today in drivers ed we got to make fake like lisence plates. Mine is 53XY N10 yep, mine is great. Well after making that school went by pretty fast, well thats it for me, see ya.

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Thursday, September 8, 2005

Hey ppl, today at school was all cool. My classes are cool and everything, but I gotta get my schedule changed. Im trying to get 7th period lunch cuz 4th period lunch is too early for me, come on 10:08 that is breakfast! Moving on....well there's nothing to move on to.....wait! There's this girl in my Spanish three class that is pretty cool. She's costa rican, the question is...can Antonio work his magic once again to get the girl? Nahh, i'd rather just be friends. Well anyway thats all for me see ya later!^^

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Wednesday, September 7, 2005

The sexyness
Here is the sexy pic of me, and friends.^^

Here's ItachiSan, as you can see he doesn't like pictures^^

At least he decided to take a decent pic for his fans^^

Here's Tetra!

Last but certainly not least, your truly^^


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Have it your way
TODAY WAS GREAT! Got to be in school with all my buddies, took some pics too, you'll see em' when I get them put up on this post, I got Itachi San,Tetramaster, and yours truly. After school Me,Tetra,ItachiSan, Ryo-oki, and some other friends who don't have otaku accounts went to BURGER KING, Tetra achevied one of his dreams and got the TENDER CRISP BACON CHEDDER RANCH^^ Good job Tetra!^^ I got to raid Tetra's fries, raid his coke, and got a chicken sandwhich for free^^ Did I mention I ate ItachiSan's and Ryo-oki's stuff as well^^ It was great, after that Me and Tetra headed home, it was great hanging out with friends and having it my way....HURRAY FOR ME!!^^
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005

First day
First day was great!!!^^ I got to see everyone again and that made the day the best, all my teachers seem supringly cool, too soon to judge yet but still. Me and tetra have the same lunch, that goes for ItachiSan as well.^^ Its all good, but we're planning to switch 4th period lunch cuz of certain reasons. My health class is nothing but me and chicks, how ironic right, I think thats the only class I won't be able to concentrate...but oh well, I'll try my best^^

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Monday, September 5, 2005

Last day.....
Omg, last day of summer vacation. I thought this day will never come, but its all cool cuz i wanna go to school! I get to see my ppl's again, get to learn new things to help me with what I wanna do. Well I might not be albe to post every day like I do, but this isn't a good bye, just a see ya later^^. Peace my ppl.

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Sunday, September 4, 2005

Summer ending
Man......two more days till school, oh well I can't wait actually, so many things I can do over there then my home. Today is pretty good, im not all bleh from two nights ago^^. Yeah you might have noticed I put a pic of me, yep me and my kenshin shirt, oh yeah the guy in the back with the goofy face is one of my friends, Efrain, or Eff as some call em'.Well Im all good and im in a talking mood so if ya want PM please. Well thats it for me^^

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