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myOtaku.com: Darkantonio

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Have it your way
TODAY WAS GREAT! Got to be in school with all my buddies, took some pics too, you'll see em' when I get them put up on this post, I got Itachi San,Tetramaster, and yours truly. After school Me,Tetra,ItachiSan, Ryo-oki, and some other friends who don't have otaku accounts went to BURGER KING, Tetra achevied one of his dreams and got the TENDER CRISP BACON CHEDDER RANCH^^ Good job Tetra!^^ I got to raid Tetra's fries, raid his coke, and got a chicken sandwhich for free^^ Did I mention I ate ItachiSan's and Ryo-oki's stuff as well^^ It was great, after that Me and Tetra headed home, it was great hanging out with friends and having it my way....HURRAY FOR ME!!^^
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