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Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Hello Devil, Welcome To Hell!
Hello everyone! What a glorious day it is, huh? X_X I had three tests today and I think I failed one of them. *sigh* Story of my life.
Well, thank you so much for the three votes on my art! (Even if they were out of pitty.) ^_^ It made me happy to see that you actually liked it! Hehe I have more crappy stuff on the way I promise.
Well...if you can tell me what book the quote i have as the title of my post came from I will let you have a request. =3 (But only the first person who says the right answer.)
Have a nice evening everyone!
Without You I Am Complete...
-Complete Chaos-
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Monday, October 1, 2007
 Really Bad Painting. Hosted By
Well I told you I was going to post some art! It hasn't gotten any attention yet. Not even a view. *sigh* I accept pitty votes! *nudge nudge wink wink* Hehe.
Well my day went alright. Thanks a ton Bankotsuluver55 for your line art my friend really liked it and she is coloring it as we speak!
If anyone else has line art that I can bring to my friend Sammy (MewKittyCatChan54) to color, she would really love it since she has nothing better to do.
That's all I gotta say.
Without You I Am Complete...
-Complete Chaos-
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
We are finally home. Too bad for the bears though, they lost. -_- Not cool.
Well I wonder if our school did any better at homecoming. We were against our biggest rivals Palatine. Though I didn't go to homecoming ^_^ I hate school functions. -_\\ so boring and too loud.
Well I got a lot of candy this weekend so I'm happy. Also I officially "un-retired" from dueling. (with yu-gi-oh cards ^_~) I have a clean 10-0 record. Yes I am undefeted as of now. ^^ Great huh? I didn't realize how a year off of dueling could make me such a novice again....I don't even know what half of the cards in my deck do. XD
Well, a little update on Sammy...just for those who want to know. She is doing well. She gave me some art and her password so I could post some art for her. ^^ She told me to post it wednesday. She's back in the hospital though; she was only home for the weekend. Though she couldn't come to Wisconsin because of the shape she was in. Wish her well in her recovery. ^^
Talk to you all later.
Without You I Am Complete...
-Complete Chaos-
By the way...I have some new art to post up...well not new but I decided to post some so be on the lookout. =3
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Friday, September 28, 2007
the weekend
I am escaping this crappy place i have been stuck in to go to an even crappier place for the weekend!
At least it's Halloween there so I will be getting candy. Though my friend who was supposed to come with is not doing well. -_- She told me not to say anything because she doen't want it spreding around Otaku.
I would just like to say thanks to mysterioushanyou for the comments yesterday. It was very nice to hear from someone!
Without You I Am Complete...
-Complete Chaos-
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
Alright let's start off on a good note today. Thanks a ton for all the comments I ot yesterday! A whole totaly of ZERO!
Okay well you probably realized that that was a joke because I don't have any friends here.
Well I learned something new today.
My friend who hasn't been at school for a while has actually been in the hospital. -_- I don't know why yet, but I and going to find out tomorrow. (some of you may actually know her, she's on this site...or was)
Also, I just heard that that a girlfried. -_- She doesn't tell me anything anymore. Oh well! Since no one is going to read this...Screw you.
If you actually read that and you are on my friends like or highly respected here I apologize.
Without you I am Complete...
-Complete Chaos-
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Wow, I have been inactive for a while, huh?
Well I'm sory about not updating in a while. Things have been a bit stressful with the whole school starting, a few deaths have occured, and friends have moved on.
Incase you wanted to know, school is going well for me academically. I am getting A's in all of my classes, and I have gotten the best scores on some tests out of my whole class.
I have had a couple close people to me die recently. I am not willing to talk about it so end of story.
Also as some of you may already know, Kitty-chan otherwise known as Sammy has not been doing well. She is probably worse off than me right now, which is saying a lot. Please lend your support and hopefully nothing bad will happen in that situation.
That is all for now.
It has been Pure...
Time rushes towards us with its hospital tray of infinitely varied narcotics, even while it is preparing us for its inevitably fatal operation.
-Tennessee Williams
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Sunday, July 29, 2007
Well, I was gone all weekend because my parents got this briliant idea to go to the dells...Okay so it was my idea..XD
I was able to bring my best friend with me, and we had so much fun! I'm so glad she was able to come!
That's really all I have to say so...
It Has Been Pure
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Well I am really bored. I have nothing to do so I think I may draw something. What to you think I should draw?
Well I hope magzct did well on her finals! Wish her luck! I'm sure she did well though!
Well, that's all I have to say so...
For Now It Has Been
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Monday, July 23, 2007
Well, somehow I woke up really early today. I don't feel very good.
Where did my cool doll thing go! It was at the top, but it disappeared...
Well, I think I may scan that picture today.
That's it for now...
It has been...
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Well, hello everyone! I am back from a long weekend. My friend came up to our summer home this weekend so it was more fun than usual. XD
On Friday, we didn't really do anything other than relax and have a fun time. Saturday was pretty fun also. Umm, we walked around, sang songs, and she got to drive our golf cart. (lucky ducky XP) Then Sunday wasn't so good. I got a little mad at all of the people teasing me and as soon as I got over all of that, I started feeling really sick. So right now I am not feeling good at all. I have a stomach ache, headache, and I am very light-headed. I will be going to the doctor tomorrow to see what is going on because this hasn't exactly been a very rare occurance lately.
Well other than my mom thinking something is wrong with me and me not feeling too well, I am doing okay.
Enough of me complaining,
For Now This Has Been Pure
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