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myOtaku.com: darkeangel

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Angel Zakuro (05/11/07)

Heyo! ^_^ I've definitely seen you around! I believe you're a good friend of Xanth...and others, too. ^^ I like your site! And that hat you have in in that picture (that IS you, right?) *laugh* Well, it's certainly awesome! Thanks for complimenting my site! ^_^ I'll add you if you comment on my site sometimes! Thanks!!

Olette-chan (05/09/07)

Olette-chan (05/09/07)

8D Wow!! You are an amazing drawer sir...>> do you mind if I call you Darke-sama? n_n But seriously not only are all of your drawings incredible but also funny. *claps excitedly* You seem like a totally amazing person. Do you want a cookie? *dumps a jar of cookies on him and give him a jug of milk* Heheh yay!! You are a proffesional bum? I've never met one of them. That is pretty awesome..and an angel of death. So you are an angel of death who can't afford to stay in a house XD Or does everyone kick you out cause they don't wanna die? Hrmm o_o ohhh you have a dead body in your happy place...>> doesn't that defeat the purpose? *is just a bit slow* XD You are 1337? XD You are you are! You are totally 1337 it's not even funny. *glomps* n_n I hope you don't mind this here glomp. I just get so excited that I get all hyper and have really no other way of getting rid of my energy. Well I really hope we can be friends cause you seem so freaking awesome. I mean it would be a total honor to be your friend and all I think I would die on the spot. >> Okay so I wouldn't die but I'd sure be happy. Though I just want to warn not to sure how often I can comment since I have a ton of school work but if I get the time I will totally comment you first! Heheh >> Did I even introduce myself?...*silence* I didn't did I? *sighs* I'm sorry =_= I'm so forgetful. Well the name is Olette and I hope despite the fact that I forgot to introduce myself and got so excited that we can be friends cause that would make my day.

RAZOR Chameleon (04/11/07)

hey thanks the welcome and signing my gb. sorry it took so long to sign yours. well cya around

Miko of Life (04/06/07)

duo cool avi hey cool site i like the bg! hey im having a naruto fav chareter vote on my site so if u want ur chareter to win the vote please come and vote and if u want sighn my gb or sumtin well cyah l8ter
_miko of life

kakashi fan girl (04/06/07)

hi i just came randomly just singing gb's so yeah nice bg

TimeChaser (04/05/07)

David Tennant FTW! =)

Hey, thanks for dropping in over at my little place. It is pretty basic, but I like it that way (I can't web-design to save my life anyway). I like your site too.

Nice to see another person born pre-90s, heh. And you're British as well. Bonus points! I've been a fan of British TV frome my early days, thanks to PBS, started on Doctor Who with classic Tom Baker.

I'll add you as a friend, and hope you will do the same for me. Later!

TheSixthTower (03/21/07)

Thanks for dropping by my site, and any friend of Ikyuu's is a friend o mine, yes indeedy feed the freakin needy! i hear that you have been here for quite a while, though your site is pretty in ways ill be honest and say your posts are long and though i will catch bits and pieces ive never got the patience to finish them all lol! sorries, but thanks for the GB sign and ill be sure to check in if you update and see whats happening. laterz

Kogasgirl4ever (03/18/07)

Hi! I am randomly selecting gbs to sign!

You seem cool.
You can PM me anytime.

I really like your site.
Its uber coolieo. ^^

If you could swing by sometime
and sign my gb that would be uber great.
And much aprecitated. ^^

see ya!

*waves* ♥ Emily

Moonlight Blossom (03/16/07)

Hi hi!^^

we can b friends. If you have the
time sign my guest book. C-ya!

lutaru (03/12/07)

You've got a great site man! You gotta come check out mine too. I've been fixing it up quite a bit.

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