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myOtaku.com: darkeangel

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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urcat (11/18/06)

do you know the i'm american and i come from NYC i hate it here but one day i would go to england

MokubaKaiba (11/16/06)

*points to sign below* Hey well lookie there!!! XD Well thats for actually signing ^_~


tarynbobarin (10/23/06)

i added you. hope you'll do the same.
& come check out my site, its new
but it'll be running soon

Hiko (10/17/06)

hey cool site
where are you at in your pic? i lookes really cool
i am going to add you as a friend and i hope you do the same
hey cool you like cowboy beboptoo geez i rarly see any one who likes it like i do
lol i will see you later

kingcorrupted (10/15/06)

Hello, I am hear because I was linked through Blue and I was bored. No offense meant by the bored thing, but I like the site, and the clubs. Your picture looks like my friend Charle, he is not an otaku though. Heh, the colors are very cool looking. Well i will add you as a friend if that's okay with you.

NaNa-chou (10/09/06)

hello there my fellow otakuite! how are u?

anyway nice site! i like it alot! u sound like an awesome person so i thought id sign ur gb...

can i add you as a friend? well im gonna anyways so im not givin u much of a choice am i? he he

hope we can be friends
and see ya around


Jangalian (10/08/06)

Hello. I see your name around everywhere. I figured I would finally say hi to you. Hope to see you around...perhaps...


HanaRhinestone (10/08/06)

Okay,so you're from europe right?I've been there before so I might know where you're standing.Sign my Guest book!Thanks.

sitarose (10/04/06)

Dude... you skate... *less than three* ((cause this bastard site wont let me draw it... I saw your little drop of humour on Allie's site and decided to drop by... Anywho... I might add you for lack of anything better to do. Cheerio n' top o the marnin to ye.

Grifter99 (09/29/06)

Nice. I commented without signing your GB. Sorry for the bad manners. No wonder my comment sounded random.
Thanks for stopping by and signing in none-the-less. I look forward to getting to know you in future visits.

Take care,


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