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My happy place, which happens to have a dead body in it -_-'
Member Since
Proffesional Bum and Angel of Death
Real Name
Dr. Phil
i think the mere fact that that i am still here on the earth after OVER 20 years is an achievement in and of itself. ive done a bunch of other stuffs too...
Anime Fan Since
Jan 2001 (tho i liked pokemon b4 dat)
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, all Gundam, Evangelion, stuff by Mokoto Shinkai, Saikano, Midori No Hibi and many many many more
to rid the world of normal people and set up a chain of islands which will be a paradise for all otaku.
anime-what else?
i am the luckiest bastard alive. i am l337. and i am quite artistic. i have magic fingers.
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Guestbook Entries:
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Deceiver (07/02/06)
Hello!! I like your site!! The colors are pretty! I'm going to add you as a friend if its okay with you.
somegirl (06/24/06)
*wishes to sign your guestbook again in french so you can't read it* hmmm i don't feel like torturing you today.. *shrugs* lol jk
that was really funny how you used a translator, it's weird no one else came up with that lol
i lvoe your bg and i will be adding you as a friend, thank you for teh comments and i will see you around.
morbo86 (06/24/06)
I don't really fit into the category Scottish or Irish. I am in fact English!
Glad to see another Otaku from the UK. I have found about 6 so far. We really are few and far between.
Well gonna add ya as a friend and see what comes of it. See ya around I hope.
ZZ Juliette (06/23/06)
Salute! Emplacement impressionnant, vraiment frais !
Espoir que vous vous arrêtez par une certaine heure et parole salut ou quelque chose lol
Le puits voient le ya autour, un plus défunt
Dans les rues de tokyo
La vitesse n’a pas boison de traduction
Rapides et dangereux~
Ryuu-Kiba (06/12/06)
Yo, Mr.L337 M4573r. I like your site.
(Bow down to da shmexy avatar that is Axel!!) The first time I saw your site, I had a heart attack. Big giant Rei... (Not sure if I spelled her name right...) ^^;;
Anyway...ummm...I'm outta crap to say. Wait nevermind. Here's one:
I. WILL. KICK. YOUR. BUTT. SOMEDAY. (I sound like Kyo-kun with Yuki-kun! xD)
Okay. /Now/ I'm outta stuff... So I need to sign more... So bye.
faithmaker67 (05/27/06)
Hey there,
Cool site
Awesome pics
Nice backround
Just signing gb
shadowtiger69 (05/11/06)
+dies+ Nooo...I did this before, I know I did thiss....LOL. Well, I can't believe I haven't done this yet, so here I am signing your guestbook. I do, I like your site, and I am glad that you have a bg now! yay! And I love your avatar the most. Teehee...^_____^ See ya around!
dracoluver69 (05/10/06)
Ok...I hope your the right person...but I'm Emily the one Kyrie (shadowtiger69) has hopefully told you about! Anyway...I love your site and I'm definantly going to add you as a friend! Also if this is the wrong phil kyrie talks non-stop about...I am sorry!:)
(by the way...everyone calls me Sara!)
Kagome98365 (05/02/06)
I LUV YOUR SIGHT!!!! its really neat. its different from everyone else's and i like that.
SpookyKatie (04/16/06)
Cool site and cool pic of yourself!!
I wish I could be where it snows.
well I'll see ya later!!
Love and Peace!
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