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Friday, October 1, 2004
hi my friends. how are you?
my brother lost his keys yesterday, so we had to swap the lock in the main door for the one in the porch (sp?) door. And I have the only key for that lock. so i have to be home before everyone else, so they can get in the house. which means i wont be able to email the bits to you
TheAngelHasFallen. Ill have to do it on Sunday. bare with me.

Chibi Darke is coming to get you. wooo....
short post today. I will see you all on Sunday or Monday. Have a nice weekend . laters...
*flies off*
EDIT: *flies back* oh yeah: PINCH PUNCH, FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH AND NO RETURNS. =P *flies away swiftly to avoid wrath of fellow otakus*
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
first thought: HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!
Have you guys seen what they've done to theotaku.com? ITS TOTALLY AWESOME!!! i love this redefined version. and its ahead of schedule...
*runs off to check out all the new stuff*
*two hours later...*
wow. its so cool. congrats to Adam and the team for doing such an awesome job. i seriously thought i was on the wrong site for a second...
Im going to post up the piccies I drew the other day, the 08th MS team one. I did two versions of it. they're both kinda cool.
other than that, its a boring day here. cloudy skies. Nothing to do all day, yet I have to be in school. Tonnes of crap I have to do, nothing I wanna do. poo.
My Uncle went into another one of his Epilectic fits last night. He still lives with my Grandad, and my Grandads getting too old to cope with them now. My mum and Dad went off to help, and he's okay now. but theres probably gonna be another one soon. they always come in pairs...
oh great. now its raining. *sighs*
im really blue at the mo...
I was late for school this morning. despite the fact I have my own transport. Stupid Gundam SEED. always making me leave late...
TheAngelHasFallen: I will post all the "See No Evil" stuff to you soon. I just gotta find a time to get access to a computer that will allow me to use my email.
I was chatting to my friend Rhian this morning. She's the one whose party I decided not to go to. its nice chatting to her again. Now that i've dropped Geography, I dont see har that often.
P | Plain | H | Healthy | I | Irresistible | L | Luxurious | I | Industrious | P | Philosophical |
Name Acronym Generator From Go-Quiz.com
ne hoo, thats enough from me. Im off to see your sites. ciao for now..
*packs bandages in his bag and heads off to Demon Messiah's site*
Stupid rain...making it hard to fly...

yah, thatsh my piccy. ver 1.5 of it anyway. Thats how wet it is here...
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
I had to fall, to lose it all, and in the end...it hurts...
*falls after his baloon was popped*
*there is a Darke Angel shaped hole in the ground*
*pops up from hole wearing a helmet*
yes, i have been watching Excel Saga again. sue me. (actually, dont. i have no money...)
HERO WAS FRICKING EXCELLENT!!! Go and watch this movie. even if you dont like chinese movies. go and watch this movie. Especially if you liked "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon". The story (admittedly) isnt as Good as "Crouching Tiger.." but in terms of visuals, this movie beats anything made in the last year and will probably beat anything in the next year as well. it thrashes the Matrix. The Matrix is a cartoon compared to "Hero". WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! *cocks Gun* Watch it!!
enuff fanboy wonder...
today at school is set out weird. We have periods 1-3 as normal, then we have lunch instaed of period 4, then periods 4-6 lumped together at the end of the day, cuz we are doing the last of our open day thingies for prospective students for next year. thank god its over shortly. I hate the whole three period in a row thing though. It sucks major @$$...
sucks to be me.
i got major homework and stuff starting to pile up. i really should think about getting it done. oh well. we had a talk about universities today in assembly. I wasnt listening, i was sleeping. I aint going Uni, so i dont care. I really cant be bothered to do another three years of education to end up with a useless degree and a mountain of debt.
I also found out today (you learn something new everyday, remember that) that the Vatican (those ass-holes in Italy who decide to run religion) had decided that Britains patron saint, St George, was a myth and didnt actually exist, so they have officially striken him from the records. So Britian is officially without a patron saint. They gave us another one, ST Thomas Beckett, or somebody, but that aint no good. our falg is the cross of St George. i dont know why I care that much. after all, this happened a while ago, and I never celebrated St Georges Day or anyhting. but theres something annoying about a bunch of Italian Roman Catholics deciding that England's patron Saint didnt actually exist. I aint even Roman Catholic. what gives them the right? they're taking liberties. thats what pisses me off. I reckon we should borrow Ireland's patron Saint, St.Patrick, cuz EVERYBODY celebrates St. Patricks day, regardless of nationality. I reckon we should make St. Paddy Patron Saint of the U.K (England, wales, scotland and Ireland.)
ne hoo, enuff ranting.
thats all from me today. im gonna fly off and check out your sites.
*extends his wings and flaps off*
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
people *glares at Tepocoora for no reason* have been complaining that my posts are too long...
well tuff. kiss my ass.
going to skip the rest of school today and go and see Hero. Ill probably review it tomorrow or some such nonsense.
watched Swordfish last night. that is such an awesome movie.
i might change my avi again. Im bored with the Ying-Yang. I preferred my chibi Duo/God of Death. im gonna put another one of them up.
okay, so this post is short. nothing is going on in my life. Im just bobbing along on the river of life no caring where life takes me at the mo.
*sings* Row, Row, Row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Life is but a dream...
okies, im going. i just going to leave you with this.
are you apathetic? but are you bored with saying "i dont care" all the time? here, Darke Angel presents you with alternatives to saying "I dont care,". Beware, some of these have explicit words in them...
-I couldn't give a...
rats a$$
flying turd
monkeys bottom.
or if someone tells you something you couldnt care less about, just say this to get them off your back:
"well whoop-de-sh!t"
use one of these phrases today (or tomorrow. go on, I dare ya.
of course, if you were truly apathetic, you wouldn't have bothered reading this entire blog, would you?
*grabs hold of a giant balloon and floats off into the sky, swaying gently in the breeze...*
EDIT: *falls from sky* SPLAT! oww.
um, i forgot to say this.
PhoenixBlade: Places I recommend in London...um...London Eye (big gigantic wheely thing)
Trafalger Square
Forbidden Planet (look online for the address..its moved recently)
Gosh Comics (opposite the British Museum)
Leicester Square
Go and see a musical.
Oxford Street and Regent Street (for shopping)
Covent Garden
Picadilly Circus.
Buckingham Palace (just to say that you've seen it)
Those are probably the best places in the city. hope you have fun. I might go up to London during October half term. Forbidden Planet y'know. loadsa manga...

Which Guilty Gear X character are you?
im nothing like her, i just wanted the pic, cuz i like Dizzy
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Monday, September 27, 2004
hiya fans of the darkness that is...darke...-_-'
had a boring weekend. drew a cool piccy of a Ground Combat Gundam from 08th MS Team. might post it soonish.
I killed my brothers TV. I was playing on the playstation and then it the screen turned off. but the sound kept going. and now i have no TV to play the PS2 on. T.T
there was a baby squirrel in the garden yesterday. i think he might have fallen out of a tree or something. i forgot to check on him this morning. i hope its alright. I prayed to God to look after it. he should be fine.
thanks for all the comments on my lil quiz thingy that i borrowed from Flueky. it was...insightful...if you can call it that.
Im thinking of putting up a piccy of me so that all visitors to my site can see me. It will scare off people who are easily scared as well. booga booga!!
Mum went shopping at the weekend. now we have food in the house. I dont have to eat my lil bro. huzzah!...
im gonna answer my own quiz...heres what I think about me.
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.-Darke Angel. no reason. the E has some meaning, but i've forgotten what it was...
2. Am I lovable? Not according to my ex...
3. How long have you known me? Um...all my life?
4. What was your first impression?what...the...HELL?
5. Do you still think that way about me now? yeah...
6. What do you think my weakness is? I reveal to much stuff. i should learn when to keep my mouth shut...
7. Do you think I'll get married? If so, to whom and when? Probably not, and thusly to no one and never.
8. What makes me happy? Manga, being here, upside down toast, shadenfreude...
9. What makes me sad? Work, unhappy Luna, movies like Green Mile.
10. What reminds you of me? um...me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be? a MILLION BILLION POUNDS!! and a Gundam ^-^
12. How well do you know me? well enough to leave me alone.
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Yeah...Phil...you're a woman. (really?) No.
14. Do you think I could kill someone? Have considered it, but my stupid conscience wont let me.
15. Describe me in one word. RANDOM.
16. Do you think our ...friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? same.
17. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? seeing as I talk to myself all the time...yes.
18. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? that would be pointless now, wouldnt it....
Hope all you people who asked for my fic are enjoying it. I know Flueky is.
see ya round...
EDIT: its currently 15:10pm here in London and i've just been down my local town near my school during my lunch break. They still don't have the book I want, so I ordered it. It wont come in till the 7th October!!!
I also bought "Swordfish" for £2.99 (its such a cool movie!) and the Beyblade official album. how old am i? who cares, its got some cool songs on it.
Tomorrow Im gonna go and see "Hero" at the cinema with my mate Patrick (or Paddy B as I call him). I cant wait. Its also cheap on a tuesday, so I wont have to pay stupid amounts of money to see the film. See y'all tomorrow. laters...
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Friday, September 24, 2004
*is in communication studies being sneaky...*
first off, Star-chan, that Gundam holding my manga in place is my 1/100 scale Master Grade God (Burning) Gundam. The pride and joy of my Gundam collection, basically cuz it can do so much. its falling apart now (too much usage) so i dont pose it too often.
i've had two requests from you guys for the whole "See No Evil" collection. which is cool. *gives thumbs up* yay, fantastico!
remember, if you wanna see a particular storyline in see no evil, im currently taking suggestions. I've got two chaps lined up, but they are the final chapters and I dont wanna write em just yet.
if you guys can spare a minute, pop down to Demon Messiah's site. Poor guy needs friends at the mo. i wont go into details.
I have got a half-ish day today,( tho my lil bro has the whole day off. bast@rd) so i might go and email some people. I was gonna go buy a book today, but I left my cash cards at home. poo.
the whole trickery thing, whilst morally wrong, is going really well. If only she knew...
Question of the week: If you could have any super-power or super-weapon from any series anywhere (not just manga/anime), what would you have? I think i'd be content with flight, but in several forms.
1: unassisted flight (like Rogue from X-men)
2: Wing powered flight (like an angel or dragon or something)
3: Powered flight (like from Dragonball Z with the energyfields and stuff)
4:Bio-mechanic flight: the ability to transform myself into something like an orbital frame (from Zone of the Enders) and able to fly really fast and in space.
I think that would be cool. that, or Ryoko type powers (from the Tenchi series.)
Hope you all are well. see ya round. either on sunday or monday. T.T.F.N
EDIT: cuz Flueky said so...
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I lovable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. What was your first impression?
5. Do you still think that way about me now?
6. What do you think my weakness is?
7. Do you think I'll get married? If so, to whom and when?
8. What makes me happy?
9. What makes me sad?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Do you think I could kill someone?
15. Describe me in one word.
16. Do you think our ...friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
17. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
18. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
buh bye...
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
is this wrong?
I broke up with my last GF about this time last year. She constantly bombarded me with text messages on my mobile/cell phone.
In the end, i started to blank her, but she still texts everyonce in a while. But i aint interested. nehoo, she recently has been texting me, wondering if she's getting the wrong number (cuz i never reply)
so today i figured id like, trick her. So i replied to her message pretending I was a mate of mine who now owns my phone. and "i" thought someone was pranking me, but it turns out "Phil" (or Darke) forgot to tell her his new number. hopefully now she'll stop texting.
is that wrong? am i going to hell? do i really care? answers on a postcard...
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Last Night was a complete and utter waste of my time. Stupid open evenings. No one came!! well, thats not strictly true, some people came, but not enough to justify my presence there. AND i have to do it over again next tuesday. bleah..
Thanks for your comments on the last post.
replies in order...
Flueky: Now thats what im talking about. a wash? maybe... thanks. *hugs back*
Chie: Thank you Chie. How is you any way? working hard or hardly working? (although I think we all know the answer to that one -_-;..)
Tepocoora: Yup. im a creepy guy. thanks for the YOG-urt...
Memaki: yeah, but i post before you cuz Im in england. time differeance y'know. dont worry about it.
Star: I gave you advice? really? when? stupid memory...
DemonMessiah: Matt, you dont know the half of it...
Cee-kari: EXACTLY. the whole shoe thing is stupid. y'all hear me? STUPID. ne ways, we have to bash our 'puters to get them to work...
Darke Angel...oh wait, thats me...
Clair-chan: YAY! more yog-urt!! *huggles Clair-chan*
Tarokun: ...0.o;
Lucifers Wife: yeah, she gets temperamental sometimes...
wow. lotsa comments. cool.
I've posted some fanart. I dont know if its up. its the same one as one I posted on my site a whiles back. just for the hell of it.
I've also posted a new one on my deviantart account. take a look. link up top...
I had a chat with my best mate last night. He alwaysd makes me laugh. we're like two peas in a pod. Completely different peas, mind you, but same pod. He's an artist, and im "the other guy". We've been mates for over ten years now. Next year is gonna be weird tho. he's off to do an art foundation degree or something, and im off to see the world for a while. Its gonna be weird not seeing him on a regular basis.
speaking off friendships, thats my staus in life. In every relationship (in the loosest sense of the word) im always "the other guy." I really need to get a life. ^-^
ne hoo, thats enuff from me.
EDIT: bleah. i have the whole day free. there was no need for me to come into school. im gonna stick around a bit and use the net, then im going home after lunch. i have my gameboy (classic transparent version) with me so ill be alright...
If anyone wants the whole collection off "See No Evil" chapters, i'll email them to you on PM request. ciao for now...remember to keep the froggy dry...
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Hi guys and gals (or gals and guys...)
I have good news and bad news.
Good news: I have finished Chapter six of See No Evil. I will post it in a sec. Also, if you wanna read the whole story, starting way back from chap.1, PM me and I will see if I can email it to you by the end of the week.
Bad News: Um, this is gonna sound really silly, but Luna and I have kinda had a falling out. Yeah, i know what you're thinking (i.e WTF?) but bare with me. I went out at the end of school last night and I couldn't find her keys. Without the keys, I couldn't unlock the padlock, nor could I start the engine. I looked in all my pockets and around the ground. Couldn't find em. I thought id had locked em inside her or really lost them for good. I was just about to call my mum to bring the spare keys, but I thought id better ask in the school office first. Thankfully they had them,(someone musta handed them in. There are nice people in the world) but then I felt really REALLY guilty about losing them. I mean, the keys are like, Luna's Soul. she's just a hunk of metal and parts without them. And if someone lost my soul after I had entrusted it to them to look after, I'd be pissed with them too.
Luna wouldn't start. Not until I had gotten on my knees (i kid you not) and apologised. repeatedly. Thankfully the school was fairly empty at that point. and then she only strated grudgingly. All the way home I was apologising and begging for forgivness. (this sounds really stupid. shes a 100cc scooter for chrissakes) But then I kept missplacing them for the rest of the day. When I went to lock her up the first time ( i had left them inside whilst I got the garage keys), when I left for Cadets, (halfway downstairs before I remembered) when I got home from Cadets... Im not suprised shes kinda annoyed with me. Im really really sorry Luna!!!!
There, its off my chest.
Here's "See No Evil" Chap 6 in its entirety:
Seeing Shimizu had left me with a taste for adventure, so a few days after the incident at the Newspaper, Kida and I boarded the train for the city once again. We had a picnic basket with us and we planned to have lunch in the City Park after spending the morning shopping. Shimizu had a couple of large department stores. It had been a while since I had been shopping, and Kida, bless her, reminded me why I tried to avoid the experience. We went to one store where she tried on a dozen outfits, then dragged me round two more department stores a bit further uptown, then dragged me back to the first store and bought the first outfit she had tried on in the first place. By this time I was exhausted and decided it was time for lunch. We sat by the river and opened up the basket.
“Man, I am starving.”
“You should be. You were on some kind of mad power drive there.”
“Sorry. I kinda get carried away.”
“It must have weird for the shop assistants, you calling me to move forward and backward all the time.”
“Well I couldn’t have you watching whilst I was changing, but the only way you would have seen the outfit was through my eyes in the mirror. We did good I think.”
“YOU did good. I am never going shopping again.”
“Spoil-sport,” Kida pouted. “You should have bought something…”
“Im fine as I am. I don’t need new clothes.”
“But you’re still wearing the same type of clothes you always wear. I think a change of style would do you good.”
“Im fine, really. Why should fashion matter to a blind man? And, changing the subject, why did you feel the need to buy three pairs of shoes?”
“A girl has to get her shoes,”
“But why? What is this fixation that girls have with shoes? Every girl I’ve ever met, you’re all the same. It baffles me. Me, one pair of shoes. Until they wear out and then I buy some new ones. But you girls change your shoes with the time of day,”
“We do not! Just the time of month…”
We argued about it over lunch, I remained stubbornly unconvinced despite Kida’s best efforts.
As we began to pack up, I saw a young couple making their way down the river towards us.
“Hey Kida, do you think you can get a better look at that couple. I think I recognise them.”
The view changed as Kida focused on the couple as they got closer.
I recognised both of them. Koji Yanagi and Ryoko Omae. Koji and I went to Elementary school together, and we met Ryoko in Junior High. I hadn’t seen them since I transferred to High school.
Suddenly Koji looked up and saw us. His face creased up a bit as if he was trying to place us. Then his mouth fell open in shock.
He and Ryoko ran up the slope to where we were standing. I quickly slid on my dark glasses.
“Kida, lets pretend I can see, okay. Otherwise it’s gonna get complicated, okay?”
“Sure, but who are they?”
“Koji Yanagi and Ryoko Omae. Old Junior High classmates. They don’t know about my blindness.”
I watched through Kida’s eyes as they came closer. Koji looked the same, just a bit more robust and needing a shave. Ryoko, on the other hand, had filled out a bit since I had last seen her, and she had grown her dark hair out longer.
“That’s strange.”
“Ryoko was always a bit of a tomboy, never one for fashion, but she’s looking really good, really feminine. I guess she might be going through a phase or something.”
The two had finally reached us.
“Seraph, is that really you?”
“Is that…Koji? And Ryoko? Hey guys, you’re looking really good! How is it going?”
“Oh y’know, same old, same old. We’ve both graduated back in March.” Ryoko replied.
“Oh wow. That’s great guys. Where are you planning to go?”
“We both got accepted into Tokyo U.”
I felt my jaw drop down. “YOU…? Koji the slacker? Into Tokyo U? You’re pulling my leg.”
“No its true.” He grinned.
“What about you Seraph?” Ryoko asked.
“Yeah, weren’t you going into the SDF?”
“Uh, yeah…um…Mitigating circumstances forced me to pull out of school. Im currently working as a journalist.”
“Really? What kinda circumstances?”
“Ah, I don’t wanna talk about it.”
A small nudge from behind me helped me move the situation away from hot water.
“Oh yes, where are my manners? Koji, Ryoko, this is Kida.”
“Pleased to meet you.” They all bowed politely.
“Uh, Kida is mute, so she doesn’t talk, but I’ve learned some sign language, so we get on fine.”
“Really? I‘ve learnt some too.”
“When did you manage that Ryoko?”
“I helped out one summer at an old person’s home.”
She gestured at Kida and Kida responded.
“What did you say?” Koji asked.
“I asked her how she met Seraph, and she replied that it was through strange circumstances just this summer. I’d love to hear more.”
“How about that then? Kida was just telling me she wants to do a bit more shopping, but im all knackered out. Why don’t you two girls go off and we’ll go get a drink and sit here in the sun.” I suggested.
“What are you doing?”
“I mean, I wanna catch up, get all the facts, and answer some questions. It has been a long time.” I said, answering both Kida’s question and Ryoko’s funny look
“That’s fine with me. I wanna grill Kida for some juicy details anyway. Is that Okay?”
Kida responded with an okay sign.
“Alright then, we’ll be back in an hour or two. Have fun guys.”
“See ya.” We watched them walk off then went and bought some drinks at a nearby vendor. We sat back down by the river and opened our drinks. I was behind Koji slightly so I could use the sound of his footsteps to navigate my way around.
“So spill.” I said when we finally stopped moving.
“C’mon man, I’ve known you since grade school. You have never worked a hard day in your life. And now you’ve been accepted into Tokyo U? What’s up man?”
“I guess I’ve developed a sense of pride.”
“Ryoko was always the one with a sense of pride, in her work at least, if not her appearance. She used to beat you up to get you to work harder. It never worked before, why now?”
“She hasn’t been beating me or anything. She’s changed since you knew her. She’s developed a sense of fashion. A sense of self, of who she is as a person. And I guess that after seeing her change herself, I wanted to do the same.”
He crushed his can, the sound of it ringing off the water.
“Hey, do your famous three-pointer that you used to do in basketball. Y’know, the one that always won the game.”
He handed me the can. “Go on, into the trash can,” He urged.
“You can’t do something like that with a can. Its all about weight and momentum.”
“Yes you can, I saw you do it all the time back at school.”
“It’s getting too dark, I can barely see,” I gambled, feeling the strength of the sun diminishing, and the fact that my watch told me (via a little beep) it was getting late.
“So take the shades off man. Duh.”
“I can’t.”
“Why? Oh, I get it. You’ve been in a fight haven’t you? Got a real shiner that you are trying to hide from Kida,”
“YES! Yes, that’s it.”
“Well, she’s not here. C’mon, show it to me. Show your mate.”
“YES!” We wrestled for a bit, but he had the advantage of being able to see and so it wasn’t long before the glasses were prised of my face.
Then there was a pause. I turned my head to where I could hear Koji panting and smiled a guilty smile.
“Seraph…what happened?”
“I was in an accident a few years ago. My eyes were removed. Im totally blind. I dropped out of school and took up the journalist job.”
“I guess that’s what you mean by “mitigating circumstances”, right?”
“I guess you could say that. Sorry. I didn’t want you guys to know.”
“Hey, its nothing to be embarrassed about. But wait a sec. If you’re blind and Kida is mute, then how…?”
“You’re not going to believe this.”
“Try me.”
“We have this…I guess you could almost call it a condition…where I can see through Kida’s eyes and she can speak directly into my head. We complement each other’s deficiencies. Its called symbiosis.”
“You were right. I don’t believe it, other than the fact that there’s no other explanation.”
We were silent for a bit.
“Hey, Seraph?”
“This…symbiosis…you say it allows two people to complement each others deficiencies?”
“Yeah, that’s about right.”
“Well, y’know maybe that’s what me and Ryoko have got. Im complementing her lack of fashion and she’s complementing my lack of pride and commitment. What do you think?”
“I don’t think that’s how it works. I think its physical deficiencies like senses. Kida’s mum had symbiosis. She seemed to know a lot about it. She said that Kida and I were the first she had ever heard of that didn’t complement senses only, that I complemented Kida’s voice.”
“Then what do you think has happened to us?”
“Its simple really. You love her.”
“Oh come on Koji. You don’t need eyes to be able to see that you two have fallen for one another. Im surprised its taken you guys this long to admit it.”
“Maybe you’re right. Im not sure. But it is true. When we are together, we become far stronger people than by ourselves.”
We sat silent for a minute.
“I wonder how the girls are getting on?”
* * *
(AUTHORS NOTE: In the following section, all of Kida’s speech takes place in sign language. For ease of reading I have written it like normal speech.)
KIDA: Ryoko and I cruised the shops for a while, browsing like a pair of old pros. We stopped off in another clothing store, looking through a range of dresses. I wanted to find something to wear for a surprise I had planned for Seraph. The outfit I bought this morning was nice, but it didn’t have the right effect.
“So tell me,” Ryoko asked whilst she flicked through dresses with the other. “How do you and Seraph communicate?”
“What do you mean?”
“C’mon Kida. You know what I mean. I was there when the accident occurred.”
I was walking by when it happened. I know that Seraph is now totally blind. I think he’s trying to hide it from Koji and me. Im not going to say anything. But if he’s blind and you’re mute, then how…?”
She let the question hang in the air. I sighed and put down the dress I was holding.
“We have this special link. I can’t quite explain it. It just sort of connected when we first met.”
“What kind of link?”
“He can see through my eyes. And I can speak into his head. Its called Symbiosis.”
“I know, it’s hard to believe. Maybe its some kind of genetic thing. My parents had it.”
“So Seraph’s not totally blind. He’s got you.”
“What about you?”
“What about me?” Ryoko went back to cruising the clothes racks.
“Seraph told me that you were never one for fashion. But you’re looking great, and you’re going through these stores like a pro.”
“Yeah. I don’t know why I’ve changed. I guess I saw how Koji was changing, to become a better student and I guess that I wanted to change who I was as well.”
“Maybe its love. Ooh, this is perfect,” I picked out an outfit from near the back of a rack.
“It’s just a thought. People change for the ones they love. Maybe Koji became more committed to his studies because he wanted to go Tokyo U with you. And you’re sub-consciously trying to thank him for that by looking after your appearance a bit.” I started, then blushed.
“Excuse me, I meant no disrespect,”
“None taken. Maybe you’re right.” Ryoko’s eyes glazed over. “Perhaps.”
She looked at her watch. “We really ought to get going. The guys are going to be wondering where we are.”
“Are you getting anything?” I asked as I picked up the outfit I had found.
“Um. Nah. Not this time.”
I nodded and we headed to the cash desks to pay.
* * *
SERAPH: We were sitting in silence when the girls appeared over the ridge.
“Hey, they’re coming man. Put your shades back on,” Koji informed me.
I hurriedly put my shades on. Just as I did Kida and Ryoko had reached us and the second sight of my symbiosis kicked in. It occurred to me that I looked really daft wearing dark glasses in the dark, as it was getting quite late now.
“Take em off Seraph. I know the truth. I’m guessing Koji does by now as well.” Ryoko told me.
I sighed, then pulled em off. I heard a short gasp as Ryoko saw the scars where my eyes once were.
“Seraph, how many fingers am I holding up?” Ryoko challenged. As Kida looked over at her hand, I saw her hold up all her fingers.
“If you would let me finish…Four fingers and one thumb.”
Ryoko paused a second, then we all burst out laughing.
“Same old Seraph,”
“So when did you find out Ryoko?”
“I was nearby on the day of the accident.”
“Oh,” The tone of my voice suggested that I didn’t want to talk about it in front of Kida. Ryoko got the message. We had been buddies too long for her not to get it.
“We really ought to get going.” I said as I stood up.
“Are you gonna be okay.”
“I’ll be fine, as long as I have Kida with me.”
“Farewell Ryoko. It was fun.” Kida gestured along with a commentary.
“Hey, Koji. Are you gonna…?”
“I’ll think about it Seraph. I think what you said is probably true. I’ll see where fate takes me.”
“Take care mate.” We did a mate’s hug, its strength showing the bonds of friendship were still strong.
“See ya round Ryoko. Well, not exactly see, but you know what I mean…”
KIDA: “Are you gonna tell Koji…?”
“Maybe. As he said, we’ll see where fate takes us.” Ryoko smiled.
SERAPH: “Hey, what was that all about?” I asked.
“I’ll tell you later.”
We waved farewell to Ryoko and Koji as we walked off to the station.
We didn’t say anything until we got on the train. Then, in unison:
“Those two are in love.”
“What? You mean Ryoko feels the same way?”
“Yeah! And Koji?”
“Yeah. He thought it was some kind of symbiosis. His sense of pride in his physical appearance and her sense of pride in her academic achievement.”
“Who knows? Maybe Symbiosis is a form of love.”
“Maybe.” We sat the rest of the journey in silence, taking strength in each other’s presence.
* * *
I was sitting in the living room, half-listening to the T.V and mulling over the day’s events. Kida was asleep in the guestroom where she had taken up residence for the time being.
The door creaked open and a weary traveller tramped in, dropped his bag and headed for the kitchen.
“You’ll damage your eyes if you watch T.V in the dark.” Cain joked as he opened the fridge.
“Hi Bro. Had a nice day?”
“Boring. Just filling in the endless paperwork.” He cracked open a beer and flicked the light on. I heard the bulb sputter once, then hum steadily.
“How bout you? You were heading down to Shimizu today as I recall,”
“You remember Ryoko and Koji from my year in junior High?”
“Oh yeah, the terrible trio, huh?
“Very funny. Well, I saw em today.”
“Really? How did that go down?”
“Well, you can add another two to the list of people who know about me and Kida. But that’s not what’s important. Those two are in love.”
“What, those two? No way!”
“It’s true. I just think that they don’t quite know it yet.”
“Well, well, well. Will wonders ever cease?”
“It was nice catching up.”
“You had a crush on Ryoko once didn’t you?”
“I did not!”
“Yeah you did. It was only a small one, and you got over it really quick, but you were all over her at one point. Ah, young love.”
“More like the beginning of puberty. Hormones. Huh, who needs em.”
“Yeah. Makes you do crazy things.”
We were silent for a moment. Then I switched the TV off.
“How did the shopping go?”
“Don’t remind me. I’m never going shopping again.”
“That bad huh? Shoe shopping, right?”
Cain laughed. I got up and stretched.
“I guess I’ll see you in the morning.” I padded off in the general direction of my bed.
“Uh, Seraph, you’re gonna hit the wall. You wanna move a pace to your left.”
I moved a pace to my left then walked straight into a wall. Behind me I heard Cain smother a laugh.
“Very funny Cain.”
“Hey, I needed the entertainment. It’s been a long day.”
“Good Night Cain.”
“Good Night Little Brother.”
And So, Life Continued…
* * *
regarding the whole shoe argument, I take Seraph's stance. why the hell do you girls need more than maybe a couple of pairs of shoes. My first G.F had tonnes of the things....
and to finish today, a short prayer for the stressed:
Dear...(fill in name of your deity here)
Grant me the serenity to accept the
things i cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the jerks I had to kill today because they pissed me off.
Help me to be careful of the toes I tread on today because they may be connected to the ass I have to kiss tomorrow.
Help me to give 100% at work...
12% on Monday,
23% on Tuesday
40% on wednesday
20% on Thursday and
5% on Friday
And finally, help me to remember that when Im having a bad day, and people are really trying to piss me off, that it takes 42 muscles to frown, but only four to extend my middle finger and tell them to bite me.
See ya round friends.
and for any of you who missed my holiday photos recently, they are in my archives...
*drops through his secret hatch which takes him to everyone elses sites...
EDIT: I might not be in tomorrow. I got the afternoon off, cuz I have to do this stupid Open Evening at school for the kids who wanna come here next year. I have to do guiding. But ill see if I can visit. buh bye. See y'all when I see y'all...
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Monday, September 20, 2004
*walks in* HELLO? I cant see! *lights match on his stubble* that’s better. Hmmm… I need to shave…
Hello again my friends.
That’s not a word. That’s the sound you make when you catch the disease.
See the connection? *achoo* or if you are Osaka from Azumanga Daioh: *A-CHOI!* ^-^ sounds nothing like…
Hey, I just made the word longer. Cool.
Had a boring weekend. Work,work,work. Makes me wish I had gone to that party. Oh well, what ever happens, happens.
I opened this chocolate sweet the other day, and inside the wrapper it said
“Sleep Late, dream longer,”
How cool is that? A sweet telling me to sleep longer. Well, im never one to argue with a sweet…
Whats that skittle?
Get on with it?
I bought Darren Hayes’ new album this weekend. It isnt as good as the first one. I also got the Corrs’ new album. Its very good. ^-^
I know I promised more “See no Evil,” but I haven’t quite got it finished yet. I will post it by the end of the week.
THEN I need help. I got the story lines for the last two chapters, but I kinda want to put at least two more chapters between chapter six and the final chapters. But I have no ideas. If anyone has got a concept that they wanna see in “See No Evil,” (within reason) I am now accepting suggestions. PM me or something. Don’t email me tho, cuz I never get on my email. Your name will be included on the credits if I decide that I can use the concept…
About october/november last year I came up with a concept for a manga, after watching “Noir”. I had an assassin called Kira and a title: “Stacked Deck”.
But that was it. I had nothing else. Its remained in Planning Pre-production stage for the last year. I made it my New Years resolution to write “Stacked Deck,” but I was coming up empty…
Presenting a short feature from the same twisted mind that brought you “See No Evil, Speak No Evil,”
Stacked Deck
They say that Los Angeles is the crime capital of the world. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. Despite the amount of crime that does occur there, my job has only required me to go there once. On the other hand, Las Vegas has seen me walk in out of the desert many times. The largest centre of legalised gambling in America, if not the known world. And with so much money changing hands in a blink of an eye, it isn’t surprising to find a large amount of Money Laundering occurring here a lot. And whereas it is not considered to be as much a crime as theft, murder, rape and the like, Money is a powerful force, and thus laundering it creates complicated situations. No one can be considered clean in Las Vegas. Not the crooks, not the casinos, not the law, not even the tourists. And when a person gets too dirty for another persons taste, they call me. I am called Kira. I can’t remember my real name.
* * *
“I don’t like Las Vegas. It’s too bright and colourful for me. Everything is demanding your attention. I prefer to stay hidden. I especially hate the people here. The excitement is near fever pitch, which causes people to do stupid things. Everyone is so goddamn happy. I wish sometimes that I could lose myself in that happiness. But I can’t. It only reminds me of what I’ve lost…”
* * *
I saunter into a Casino called “The Golden Alley” with the air of a pro. As if I have done this many times before. Which I have.
I can feel every eye in the place on me as I slide across the floor to get some chips. And so they should. Im dressed to kill. Literally.
I give a killer smile as I collect my chips and saunter off. I give the image of a confident 21 year old, body length blonde hair done up in a loop that reaches down to the small of my back, my red gown slipping ever so slightly to reveal the stuff of men’s dreams. But that’s all it is. An image. I feel nothing, save for a small portion of satisfaction that the job is going well. After being isolated for so many years, feelings disappear to leave an empty husk.
I make my way to the Blackjack tables. A habit of mine. The dealer acknowledges my presence and deals me in for the next game.
I slide my cards across to me and peek at them. Ace of Spades and King of Hearts. The cards favour me tonight. I stick. I win. Blackjack.
I play a couple more games for show, and then slip away with my chips.
I head up the stairs to the top floor.
My target is expecting an assassin. He has been given enough warnings. He knows death is coming. But what he is not expecting is death to come tonight looking beautiful and smelling of expensive perfume. If looks could kill…but then if that were true I wouldn’t need the Walther P99 that was nestled in my bag.
The guard at the top stopped me. But he is tired and his hormones are kicking his tired butt.
“Im afraid this area is off limits.” He says, with a leer.
“Oh. That sounds naughty.” I reply with a giggle.
“Yeah. I may have to punish you.” He tells me, obvious what sort of “Punishment” he is thinking of.
“Then give it to me big boy.” His smile grows wider as he leans in…
* * *
“I sometimes have flashes of memory. Places I had been, people I had met, things I had done before I woke up that one day in hospital with no memory of who I was, where I was from or anything like that.
Sometimes those small glimpses tell me things. Like that I abhor killing for no reason. That I wasn’t always an assassin. That I had a family. The only proof that I even exist was this locket that I used to carry around with me. It is half a locket and I assumed that someone that used to be close to me had the other half. My half has a picture of me as a child, with someone’s arms around me. The arms were attached to someone who, I guessed, was in the other half of the picture, which was in the other locket. I didn’t know. And, at some point shortly after I regained consciousness, I stopped caring as well.”
* * *
The needle slid in too easily. I frowned at the body of the guard, slumped on the floor. The needle contained a toxin that would keep him down for hours. However, if he wasn’t found and given treatment within five hours, he would start to lose control of his body functions and die eventually. It gave him a chance. Part of me was telling me to end his life now, and part of me, the old me, was telling me to leave him as he was. I left him.
The main double door at the end of the hallway opened without much force and I walked into a darkened room.
“Who’s there?” A voice challenged.
“The Ace of Spades,” I replied.
“So, I am to be visited by the famous Ace of Spades? People must think I am very dangerous to send such a highly acclaimed assassin.”
He swivelled around on his chair. He was in his late forties, his hair almost totally grey, his face starting to be wrinkled by age.
My gun was levelled at his head. But he seemed to look past it to my face, lit by the moonlight streaming in through the window, high enough to escape the neon nonsense that is Las Vegas. His eyes widened.
Something inside me twitched.
“Sarah? Is that you? Don’t you recognise me? It’s your father.”
I said nothing, felt nothing, except a small twitch in my hand that prevented me from pulling the trigger.
“Look,” He dug in his jacket. And I pulled the trigger.
* * *
“I have always prided myself on being able to do a flawless job. That night was an unmitigated disaster. I stayed too long. I acted like an amateur. And so I paid the price.”
* * *
I watched the cartridge bounce and roll across the carpet, coming to a halt with smoke still streaming from the hole where the bullet had been. Blood stained the window, hiding the room from the moon. The man’s hand dropped from his jacket to reveal a locket. The twin of my locket. I picked it up and opened it. A picture of the man, about twenty years younger was inside, his arms reaching across to the edge of the locket. I put mine next to it and the picture was complete. I dropped both lockets.
Then the door behind me burst open and dozens of police swarmed in. I noted that a panic alarm had been tripped as I had been talking to the man. My gun was removed from me and I was escorted from the building. And all the while, I just didn’t care.
* * *
Detective Johnson stubbed out the end of his cigarette and immediately started another. He was a big cop, black, and had been listening to me for the last half an hour. A tape player was recording our every word and behind a mirror we were being watched by analytical teams to see if I was lying. I had no reason to lie.
“So, even though he was your father that you hadn’t seen for at least ten years, if not possibly longer and the fact he could have had the clues to your identity, you had no remorse or sadness in the fact that you killed him?”
“No. I never knew my father. I must have once, but he didn’t try to find me after I awoke. And he was a criminal. And he was an assignment. Why should I care?”
“Because he was your father?”
“That word means nothing to me.”
“If you had known he was you father before you were assigned to kill him, would you have done it?”
“If the cards were right, yes.”
“The cards?”
“Yes. Life is one big card game and either God is a crappy dealer or the deck is stacked. That’s how I ended up here. The deck was stacked against me.”
Detective Johnson sighed and stood up.
“I think we have heard enough. You will remain in custody until your trial, okay?”
“That’s fine. I’ve been dealt the cards, now I have to play them. Even if I lose.”
“You sure like your card analogies, don’t you?”
“Im the Ace of Spades. I play my life around the cards.”
“Whatever. Good Night Sarah.”
“I am called Kira. I don’t know my real name.”
Detective Johnson shook his head and switched off the light, leaving only a small stream of light flowing through the open door. Leaving me alone.
* * *
From the author of “See no Evil, Speak No Evil,”
All characters © Phil Weston; all characters are works of fiction, any resemblance to people alive or dead is purely coincidental.
Well? What do ya think? Nice lil “short”, aint it? And Im glad I managed to achiev a New Years resolution.
Welcome back to Demon Messiah from his lil trip. Hope he enjoyed himself.
And finally:

Don’t ask. Im not quite sure myself. I drew it for a reason.
Laters my friends…
PS, Snow Angel…
A word with every vowel in it… ummm …. Aeiou??? How about that? Or alternativley: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis ^-^
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