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My happy place, which happens to have a dead body in it -_-'
Member Since
Proffesional Bum and Angel of Death
Real Name
Dr. Phil
i think the mere fact that that i am still here on the earth after OVER 20 years is an achievement in and of itself. ive done a bunch of other stuffs too...
Anime Fan Since
Jan 2001 (tho i liked pokemon b4 dat)
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, all Gundam, Evangelion, stuff by Mokoto Shinkai, Saikano, Midori No Hibi and many many many more
to rid the world of normal people and set up a chain of islands which will be a paradise for all otaku.
anime-what else?
i am the luckiest bastard alive. i am l337. and i am quite artistic. i have magic fingers.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Hello everyone, its Azmaria again!
Actually its Darke, but I’ve been watching Chrno Crusade recently, along with Az’s Special Classes that come as extras on the DVD. Az is so cute. =3
Chrno Crusade has a really depressing ending though…
Not much has happened this week.
On Wednesday I managed to make my way to the Hornimans Museum, which was quite interesting. It was absolutely pissing down with rain though…like walking through a mini hurricane. But it was nice and warm inside. ^^ and I got to see fish and prehistoric beasts and musical instruments and the Catford gyratory, so it’s all good… ^^
My brother also came home on Thursday from his trip to New York and Connecticut. Its good to see him again (what little I do see of him what with both of us working the whole time.)
I’ve decided that today is Darke Appreciation Day, in which I appreciate stuff. ^^ so I appreciate you guys for always coming and saying hi and leaving comments and stuff. Special mention today goes out to my new friends: Raina, who always leaves nice comments and is generally an interesting person and Hassei, lil sister of Shireishou who left me a very pleasant GB entry and is new to MyO. And of course, everyone who visits regularly is truly appreciated as well. ^^ I have good friends. ^^
In order to truly show my appreciation (and to make up for the complete and utter lack of comics recently) I wanna post this lil number. I call it CDDS: Chibi Darke Days Special! It’s a TRIPLE LENGTH CDD IN COLOUR!!!

i totally did this on a whim. ^^ But seriously:
Who here can honestly say, hand on their heart, swear to God hope to die, that, if they were given the option, they would NOT go and live in the world of pokemon? Cuz I so would…
But enough fantasy!
I'm currently working on a small personal project called VIRTUE Data Files. Its basically some bios of some of my characters if they were part of an organisation like Ghost in the Shell’s Section 9, or Torchwood or something like that. I’ll post more details as and when they appear but this is a small taster of what I got so far:
* * *
1) Overview
2) Darke
3) Kayleigh
4) Laura
5) Luna
FAITH is one of the three clandestine Autonomous Operation teams that make up VIRTUE, an International Special Ops Defence Force. Its operations, equipment and human resources are similar to my own team, HOPE, and presumably similar to the unknown team LOVE. Since we operate autonomously, with little communication from VIRTUE, we were not even aware of each others existence until recently. As it turns out, both FAITH and HOPE are based in neighbouring cities and have begun to initiate joint operations with each other, in addition to our autonomous duties.
FAITH is geared up for Offensive and Active Defensive operations, which is reflected in their team roster: all four members of FAITH are veterans of one conflict or another, each with their own special abilities. Their speciality is Urban combat but they are also adept at other operations.
FAITH are outfitted with a full armoury, the latest hyper-computer network system and a series of customised vehicles including the CX-150-T Tilt Jet Transport Carrier and the “Eclipse”, a customised Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird motorcycle.
FAITH has currently got four members on its operational roster. I will cover each member in brief.
Commander of VIRTUE: FAITH is the enigmatic figure known only as Darke. Specialist in close quarters combat, he also has above average skills in computer technology, and is an expert tactician and strategist. Despite being a close personal friend to me, a lot of Darke’s personal background and private life remains a mystery, even to his twin sister Kayleigh.
VIRTUE: FAITH 2IC: Kayleigh. Records show her to be the twin sister of Darke. Expert in short to midrange combat. Demolitions expert. Good technical and mechanical skills.
VIRTUE: FAITH Systems Operator: Laura. Eldest one on the team, in charge of information gathering and warfare. Also the team’s Software engineer and communications expert. Probably the best hacker on the planet next to HOPE’S Midori. Also the team’s medical expert.
VIRTUE: FAITH pilot and Hardware engineer: Luna. A type SCV100X artificial life form. Capable of piloting any vehicle, but prefers to use the “Eclipse”. Specialises in Long Range combat, but quite capable at short range. Expert mechanic. Has also got the function to “talk” to machines, but this function is limited. Generally plays support role.
VIRTUE: FAITH is a capable defence team and often succeeds in all missions. I consider myself lucky to know them and fortunate to be able to continue to deploy my own team along side them in the future.
Under Darke’s guidance, VIRTUE: FAITH continues to play a major role in world defence and security.
* * *
Hopefully I’ll have illustrations to go with that soon, as well as the other bios. And I also got to complete the overview and Bios for VIRTUE: HOPE too.
Well, that’s all from me for now. I shall see you some point in the upcoming week.
Toodles. And Cheers! I appreciate you!
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