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myOtaku.com: darkeangel

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

i know, i know...i havent updated in forever...

truth be told, i have been kinda busy. last week i went to Bath to visit my friend Nic, who's studying down there...Bath is a pretty cool place. Its like a town, or a village that thinks its a city...or a city that thinks its a town or village...basically, its pretty big, but its in the middle of nowhere and it doesnt have any skyscrapers or real urban feel to it. the biggest buildings are Bath Abbey and a multi-storey car park. its really hilly too, lots of steep streets and stuff. and freezin cold!

anyway, i did quite a lot there, considering i was only there three days, and i spent a significant portion of the first and third days driving between Home and Bath. obviously i hung out with my friend. But i also played some weird ass game of monopoly (where you start out with no money, and all the chance cards are EVIL!) i visited both Bath Abbey (inside and on top of the roof...awesome views, but hella cold) and the ancient Roman Baths from which the city takes its name. I went to a christmas market, i visited my mate at his work place, we watched Reservoir Dogs in his room using this huge projector set-up, we had milk-shakes made from raw materials (Creme Egg milkshake anyone? not bad!), i met my mates girlfriend, who is very nice, and i attended a Life Drawing Class (to draw, not as a model. perverts), which was...uhm...interesting.

so yeah, all in all it turned out to be a fun few days. ^^

i do have some pictures, but my computer is acting really slow and crappy at the moment, so they might have to wait a while. i accidently downloaded a few viruses the other day and have spent a significant portion of the last three days trying to clean them out! poor midori.

im also planning on getting a new battery for Luna, who's original battery has given up the ghost.

and i have just this week come down with some kind of head-cold thing. yay.

so yeah...me and my ladies are all fallin' apart. @_@

last saturday was my work place's christmas party. we all went to a bar in London and apparently the company had set out a budget for us, so we drank it all away. the most interesting drink of the night was a little something called "The Dog's Bollocks" and it involved vodka that had had chillis soaked in it, and a few other liquors. it tasted disgusting, burnt on the way down, and DAMN did it give you a right kick up the backside. suffices to say i only had one, but that didnt stop me from drinking a helluva lot of other drinks that evening...well, lets just say my liver and I weren't on speaking terms the next day. ^^;;;; Cotswold Outdoor ltd parties always end up like that sooner or later.

so yeah...thats been my life for the past week and a bit.

we're on the run up to christmas now folks! i really need to go christmas shopping. ugh.

welp, thats it from me today. oh, btw, go check out my latest subject on my "100 subjects to think about" world on VV. i would copy and paste it here, but i think thats enough bloggage for one day...i got a heckuva lot to do, so i catch y'all later.


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