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My happy place, which happens to have a dead body in it -_-'
Member Since
Proffesional Bum and Angel of Death
Real Name
Dr. Phil
i think the mere fact that that i am still here on the earth after OVER 20 years is an achievement in and of itself. ive done a bunch of other stuffs too...
Anime Fan Since
Jan 2001 (tho i liked pokemon b4 dat)
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, all Gundam, Evangelion, stuff by Mokoto Shinkai, Saikano, Midori No Hibi and many many many more
to rid the world of normal people and set up a chain of islands which will be a paradise for all otaku.
anime-what else?
i am the luckiest bastard alive. i am l337. and i am quite artistic. i have magic fingers.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Bonjour, Salut and wotcher!
*sails in gracefully wearing a beret and eating crepes (creepy crepes!!)*
Hello my friends! Im back, briefly. Back from Paris, where Streets are narrow, buildings are tall and trees are square. Yes, square. like green boxes. crazy.
We travelled to France by Eurostar (crazy train that travels under English Channel) It was quick and quiet and before we knew it, we had hit Paris!! (BTW, i dont recommend hitting Paris. It hurts the knuckles)
I had an awesome time. I almost bought some French Manga. But i didn't. They also had American imported anime, but that cost a lotta Euros.
The weekend camp was okay. Not too bad. Nice and hot. I also got a rope burn on my hands from the assault course. It looks like I have stigmata!! Crazy. But its healing quite nicely now.
But I've really missed you guys. How y'all doing? I will have photos from Paris to post on soon.
This week I have to go to the Optitians. I really hope I dont have to wear glasses. Its not about the image, its about needing 20/20 vision so I can be a combat pilot. so, fingers crossed.
Im also going up to London to go on the London Eye (for those of you who don't know, its some fat big ferris wheel that we put up for the millenium celebrations). Its my third time, but my families 1st time, so its a big thing. Then we're gonna try and see Snoopy the Musical on stage. Thats gonna be soooo cool!!
*Lil voice in Darkes head* : how old are you again?
Darke: not now voice, im busy...
Then on thursday my AS results are going to be released. I'll probably be drunk that night, either in celebration or trying to drown my sorrows.
Then, in a couple of weeks Im going back to NEW YORK BABY YEAH!!!
We're going to see my brother in both his shows.
Go to
The pair of legs to the left of the screen wearing Union Jack boxers is my brother. Yes, those are his legs and groinal regions. Stephen Weston, showing his legs off to the world. And to think...I bought him those boxers -_-' Click on the boxers to bring up the synopsis. The guy in the middle: thats my Bro... if you click on his name on the main page, you get his bio.
But, thats one of my brothers shows that im gonna see.
I've also begun watching "Airbats", a new anime on sci-fi channel. its kinda like Patlabor but in fighter jets, and its funnier too. keep an eye out for this anime review...
Thats it from me for now. Im gonna go round all your sites now.
Heres a little thing I thought up yesterday whilst on the tills. It will keep you mulling over until I get a chance to post again.
Project H: History and Development
Shortly after Project Universe was completed under the command of Project Leader Jehovah, plans were made to develop the third planet in the Sol system to be used eventually as the final resting site for the project leader and his cohorts. On the seventh day of development it became obvious that a system to keep the planet running was required. The use of organisms was decided upon and thus Project Eden was set up. In the end, Project Eden had to be scrapped, but two prototypes were received by the technical department as a consequence of the project. Prototype ADAM-00 and EVE-00 were determined to be successful in terms of hardware, but due to faults in software as a consequence of Project Eden, they where determined unsuitable for the eventual project goal of Jehovah and his plan for Project Heaven. However, since Project Eden, the original HUMAN-class organism workshops have disappeared and thus all FEMALE-type models were fitted with self-replicating systems. And thus Project H (Human) began. Its purpose: To generate an infinite number of possible candidates for Project Heaven.
Candidate Serial Number: 06011987PRW
Class: HUMAN
Type: MALE
Model Number: WESTON-P-R1987
Unit Designation: Philip Reginald Weston (Dubbed “Darke Angel”)
Current theatres of Operation: BETHS GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 359 Sqn Air Cadets, TESCOS Sidcup, Eltham Otters Snorkelling Club,
Unit History:
Following the success of WESTON-S-J1984, the design teams of the Fuller Guild and the Weston Foundation met up again in mid 1986 to design and build another Unit. The design was finalised, Project Leader Jehovah gave the project the green light and work commenced with a completion date to be set at January 9th 1987. As was typical of late 1980’s thinking, the design leaders decided that bigger is better, and to this day, Model P-R1987 is the largest HUMAN class unit launched by the two Corporations. From the Weston factory, Model P-R1987 received its large adrenal glands and male designation, as well as a small indentation on its Chin area. From the Fuller factory, Model P-R1987 received a talent for music and its structural details, especially its overall height which currently stands at 6ft 1 inch from head to foot. Brown Hair and eyes as was the trademark of both factories became the distinguishing features of this unit.
Development did not run so smoothly. During the initial programming of the unit, something went wrong. As a result of the incident, the imagination and personality of the unit went haywire. Later attempts to rewrite the software have proven to be ineffectual, with only a twenty percent success rate. As a result, Model P-R1987 has a vivid imagination and its personality is erratic. This is not helped by the faulty adrenal glands. The unit can get quite agitated and stressed at times, and at other times, can be completely random and exited. However, these periods of exceeded adrenal flow depletes the supply of adrenaline in the body and so the unit goes into a state of depression for a time until glands are back at maximum capacity.
However, despite several setbacks, including a brief period where the unit was laying sideways in the construction dock, unable to move, the construction phase was completed and the unit was launched on the 6th of January 1987, three days ahead of schedule, the only unit from the two corporations to have done so.
The unit was dubbed “Philip Reginald,” and took the MALE unit family name as is common practise for HUMAN units. “Reginald” was taken from a FULLER unit that had been recently decommissioned from active service a few weeks before Model P-R1987 was launched.
Several weeks into the project, several bugs in the units systems became active. The unit had intolerance to important dairy supplements. This was resolved by feeding the unit Soy Milk as an alternative until the system could be reconfigured. A further bug wouldn’t resolve itself until later in the unit’s life span. It turns out the active defence system of the unit had a flaw that would prevent it from recognising the external virus “Chicken Pox,” To date, the unit has suffered from this virus three times, whereas the average HUMAN infection is once in the Units life-span.
The main problem of the unit is not in the hardware, however, but the software. The OS of Model P-R1987 is antiquated compared to the rest of the unit. It is full of old style ideas and values like Chivalry, good manners and a resistance to violence, more common in older units. As the unit has carried out its duties, it has attempted to rewrite the OS several times according to other units of its generation. However, the original instructions are burned deep into the hardware, and the addition of new instructions has compounded the problem. This has resulted in a mixed up individual, frowned upon by older generations for the sin of being a “Teenager” yet rejected by similar and even newer generation HUMAN units for possessing the antiquated and fractured OS. This has lead to Model P-R1987 to engaging in operations solo with little or no assistance.
Operations have seen the Unit engaged with FEMALE-type units, but recently the unit has returned to solo operations, and has not displayed interest in engaging with another Unit.
Model P-R1987 has an easy going, apathetic attitude to its duties, but has been known to get stressed and agitated, especially in the TESCO and ATC theatres of operation. Model P-R1987 is about to finish its tour of duties, with one year left in the “Nurture” phase. Then it will depart the BETHS theatre for new horizons.
Model P-R1987 is 6ft 1 inch high and 30 inches in diameter (average). The unit possesses reasonable strength, although this has never been tested in combat situations. Mental Capabilities are slightly above average, although unit does display a tendency to ignore orders, or put off tasks until when it feels like it.
In conclusion, Model P-R1987 has proven itself to date as a reliable and responsible unit and it is hoped that it will go on to be successful as its brother unit, model S-J1984.
See also: Model S-J1984, Model D-M1990, Model C-2004(D), WESTON, FULLER.
Extracted from Project H Development Report, 2004 edition.
Until next time.
*fades slowly out of existence. he is, after all, just a figment of his own imagination...*
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