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myOtaku.com: darkeangel

Monday, September 27, 2004

hiya fans of the darkness that is...darke...-_-'

had a boring weekend. drew a cool piccy of a Ground Combat Gundam from 08th MS Team. might post it soonish.

I killed my brothers TV. I was playing on the playstation and then it the screen turned off. but the sound kept going. and now i have no TV to play the PS2 on. T.T

there was a baby squirrel in the garden yesterday. i think he might have fallen out of a tree or something. i forgot to check on him this morning. i hope its alright. I prayed to God to look after it. he should be fine.

thanks for all the comments on my lil quiz thingy that i borrowed from Flueky. it was...insightful...if you can call it that.
Im thinking of putting up a piccy of me so that all visitors to my site can see me. It will scare off people who are easily scared as well. booga booga!!
Mum went shopping at the weekend. now we have food in the house. I dont have to eat my lil bro. huzzah!...


im gonna answer my own quiz...heres what I think about me.

1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.-Darke Angel. no reason. the E has some meaning, but i've forgotten what it was...

2. Am I lovable? Not according to my ex...

3. How long have you known me? Um...all my life?

4. What was your first impression?what...the...HELL?

5. Do you still think that way about me now? yeah...

6. What do you think my weakness is? I reveal to much stuff. i should learn when to keep my mouth shut...

7. Do you think I'll get married? If so, to whom and when? Probably not, and thusly to no one and never.

8. What makes me happy? Manga, being here, upside down toast, shadenfreude...

9. What makes me sad? Work, unhappy Luna, movies like Green Mile.

10. What reminds you of me? um...me?

11. If you could give me anything what would it be? a MILLION BILLION POUNDS!! and a Gundam ^-^

12. How well do you know me? well enough to leave me alone.

13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Yeah...Phil...you're a woman. (really?) No.

14. Do you think I could kill someone? Have considered it, but my stupid conscience wont let me.

15. Describe me in one word. RANDOM.

16. Do you think our ...friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? same.

17. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? seeing as I talk to myself all the time...yes.

18. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? that would be pointless now, wouldnt it....

Hope all you people who asked for my fic are enjoying it. I know Flueky is.

see ya round...

EDIT: its currently 15:10pm here in London and i've just been down my local town near my school during my lunch break. They still don't have the book I want, so I ordered it. It wont come in till the 7th October!!!
I also bought "Swordfish" for £2.99 (its such a cool movie!) and the Beyblade official album. how old am i? who cares, its got some cool songs on it.
Tomorrow Im gonna go and see "Hero" at the cinema with my mate Patrick (or Paddy B as I call him). I cant wait. Its also cheap on a tuesday, so I wont have to pay stupid amounts of money to see the film. See y'all tomorrow. laters...

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