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My happy place, which happens to have a dead body in it -_-'
Member Since
Proffesional Bum and Angel of Death
Real Name
Dr. Phil
i think the mere fact that that i am still here on the earth after OVER 20 years is an achievement in and of itself. ive done a bunch of other stuffs too...
Anime Fan Since
Jan 2001 (tho i liked pokemon b4 dat)
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, all Gundam, Evangelion, stuff by Mokoto Shinkai, Saikano, Midori No Hibi and many many many more
to rid the world of normal people and set up a chain of islands which will be a paradise for all otaku.
anime-what else?
i am the luckiest bastard alive. i am l337. and i am quite artistic. i have magic fingers.
Tuesday, May 3, 2005
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me, My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating, Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me, 'Til then I walk alone
"Boulevard of Broken Dreams" Green Day.
Hey everyone. sorry for the lack of proper update yesterday. As I said, I forgot it was a bank Holiday yesterday, so i could only get online at home, so i was limited in what I could do.
Thanks again to FoxRessurected for her entertaining comments. PH34R US CR4ZY 0N35!!! we make life...interesting. LOL.
As I said in my short post on friday, I got my Gundam DVDs on Friday. I spent all weekend watching them. Gundam SEED= T3H COOL!!! ^^ it was sooooooo awesome!!!
My brother and parents went out yesterday to a garden center and brought me home a venus flytrap. ^^ well, seeds for one anyway. when it grows it should help control the fly population in our house come summer. ^^ my brother also bought himself a bonsai plant. its kinda cool. it will look better when it grows a little bit and is clipped and trimmed.
i took the opportunity to write some letters to trust funds yesterday. hopefully they will give me money for my trip to malaysia!! I also began writing the third part of my fiction "Gundam SCROLL 3" (Onee-sama knows about this) which NONE of you will ever lay your eyes on cuz its lame. but i enjoy writing it anyway.
This week I have to finish my music project, decide who im gonna vote for in the general election and sort out a date for Luna's service, as its six months since her last one. she could probably do with it too. ^^;
its nice and sunny here! w00t.
im borrowing my mums memory stick to move some AMVS from the schools computers to my laptop at home. unfortunatly Ive just remembered that mum gets home early today, and i didnt ask if I could borrow it. hopefully i can get it home before she gets home so i wont get scolded. ive "borrowed" it before, and i really cant risk getting caught again. especially since its got her college stuff on it!!!!!!
so im gonna bug out of school early and return it before she gets home.
hey, i know i said you wouldnt see this lil guy again any time soon, but i didnt have a proper post yesterday or friday, AND im gonna be away on Thusday, as the music room is closed for polling day. so here is a Chibi Darke Days strip as a sorry for being a lame 455 in posting recently.

Q: Why were we put on this Earth?
A: To make others happy.
Q: What were others put here for?
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