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myOtaku.com: darkeangel

Monday, April 19, 2004

Beware...death has returned....
IMMMMM BACK!!!!!! Easter break was cool and all, but sooo boring!!! I really missed being here. so here I am, return-ned onceses again!!! I got me MS Gundam: Feddy vs Zeon on PS2 and Wing Gundam 1/100 model. I also got W-zero custom action figure. The wings are bl00dy huge! But that seems to be all that i got anime wise. That and countless watching of my Gundam dvds. hmmm....

Thought for the week: EVERY GREAT JOURNEY BEGINS WITH A SINGLE STEP! unless you happen to be in a wheelchair -_-' (I apologise to all crippled wheelchair users who might take offfence to that remark. Of course, if I really cared, i wouldnt have put the thought in would I?)

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