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myOtaku.com: darkeangel

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Martian Sucessor Nadesico: Prince of Darkness review
Yesterday I went and bought MSN:POD on DVD. And with great expectations and excitement and forgetting about all my outstanding coursework, i watched it when I got home. Heres the review.

I like Nadesico. I watched the whole series from start to finish. I laughed with them. I creied with them. I felt hot blooded passion and I felt the horrors of war. It was a great anime, worthy of being one of my favourites. The characters were like family. So I was really looking forward to a sequal. But theres an old saying: "Dont fix what aint broke." Thats why the POD movie only gets a three out of ten from me. I was sorely disappointed. Dont get me wrong, the visuals are stunning and it could almost work as a stand alone movie. But as a Nadesico feature it falls flat on its face. The main protagonists get a couple of lines maybe. Theres also some new characters, but no character development here. The story, instead of answering my questions just mde me ask more. Who is that girl? Whats wrong with Akito? The main baddy gets barely any screen time and is defeated with one punch from Akito's aestivalis. The movie does have its funny points, but not on the same level as the series. We barely get to see either the Nadesico B or Nadesico C or their capabilities. Characters like Urbitake, Magumi and Nagare Akatski are barely seen.
The whole movie tone is dark. Nadesico should not be dark. It should be funny most of the time. Occasionaly melancholy. Akito should not be dark. Spasticated, scared, but strong, but never ever dark. The movie is only 90 minutes long, but thats about the same as Endless Waltz or Cowboy Bebop. It should be more than ample time to tell a decent story with a great ending. I am sorely disappointed. At best, this movie is weak. If anything, this is a Ruri story. Thats not so bad, as Ruri has previously been voted most popular anime character, but its not enough to save the movie. I loved the series, but the movie fails to perform. I would recommend Gundam Wing Endless Waltz as an alternative mecha series sequal.

on another note, I bought Full Metal Panic vol.2 as well, and that is brilliant. No qualms here!

Stay tuned for a short essay on why Cowboy Bebop works and why the movie works, considering Spike's voice actor is different and is only about 90 mins as well. ciao.

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