Birthday 1987-01-06 Gender
Male Location My happy place, which happens to have a dead body in it -_-' Member Since 2003-08-10 Occupation Proffesional Bum and Angel of Death Real Name Dr. Phil
Achievements i think the mere fact that that i am still here on the earth after OVER 20 years is an achievement in and of itself. ive done a bunch of other stuffs too... Anime Fan Since Jan 2001 (tho i liked pokemon b4 dat) Favorite Anime Cowboy Bebop, all Gundam, Evangelion, stuff by Mokoto Shinkai, Saikano, Midori No Hibi and many many many more Goals to rid the world of normal people and set up a chain of islands which will be a paradise for all otaku. Hobbies anime-what else? Talents i am the luckiest bastard alive. i am l337. and i am quite artistic. i have magic fingers. darkeangel
Sunday, October 1, 2006
man. where in the heck did september go? oh -_-|||
anyways, i guess we're officially in autumn now, what with the crappy weather and the conkers and stuff. October holds a lot of important events for me. I have to arrange my RAF interview, which will probably take place this month, i have my second driving test next monday (9th), m dads birthday is on the 16th and at the end of the month me and my brother are going to Ireland. ^^ so yah, busy busy busy.
although, im not going to be too busy this week... im only working tuesday, wednesday and saturday. tues and weds are 7-6 shifts and next sat is yeah, not going to be too busy when it comes to work next week. yay! lots of lie-ins.
speaking of work, y'know what i hate? there are lots of things that really annoy me, but picky eaters are the thing that annoy me most. its not people who have dietry needs, or have a general preference, its the people who absolutely refuse anything but this one type of food with no variations. for example, yesterday we had a job sheet for a Salmon and Potato Au Gratin, which we had ran out of. we called the ward and let them know. after several minutes they came back and said that the patient in question was upset she couldnt have the salmon, but asked for a plain cheese sandwich instead. So we looked in the fridge and the closest we had to a plain cheese sandwich was a cheese and tomato sandwich...close enough right? just take out the tomato. (btw, we get all our sandwiches in pre-made and packaged, so if we dont have a certain type, we normally tryto get the closest too it.) so i took the sandwich up to the ward, tried to give it to the nurses there, and they said "oh no its got tomato in. She wont have that." i was like, can't you just take the tomatoes out? but they were insistant that it had to be a plain cheese sandwich or she would refuse to eat it. so restraining myself from a few choice words about finicky eaters and how they should just e grateful that somebody bought em something to eat at all, i went back down to the kitchen, took the sandwiches from the package, removed the tomatoes, put the sandwiches in another packet and took it back up to the ward. after a brief inspection that the sandwich did just contain cheese, they took it. jeez.
so yah. i hate nit-picky eaters.
anyways, thats a random story from my life. in other news, bLuE eYeS and myself have decided that we're fed up with the time difference between all our otaku friends, so we're gonna relocate all the Otaku to one place with unlimited Pizza (and we can probably order in if ya dont want pizza) and unlimited anime and manga available. that way we can chat with each other whenever we want and there will always be someone around to have fun with. We havnt yet worked out what we're gonna call this place, suggestions would be appreciated. Please refrain from unoriginal names like Eden, Utopia, Paradise, Boston etc.
well, i guess thats it from me today folks. i might be going out today somewhere, but im not sure.
anyhoo, i dont have a comic for you today, but i am working on one for wednesday. its gonna be another BoxMan (sorry to those foks missing the Chibi Darkester) cuz i made a promise to someone that i would. ^^
so instead, kick back for a few minutes and enjoy this barrage of wit and humour that is Mystery Science Theatre 3000. this is a compilation of the funniest bits from 3 of the shows. enjoy!
"Ah just feel like you mite not be ready fer some footbahl..."