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My happy place, which happens to have a dead body in it -_-'
Member Since
Proffesional Bum and Angel of Death
Real Name
Dr. Phil
i think the mere fact that that i am still here on the earth after OVER 20 years is an achievement in and of itself. ive done a bunch of other stuffs too...
Anime Fan Since
Jan 2001 (tho i liked pokemon b4 dat)
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, all Gundam, Evangelion, stuff by Mokoto Shinkai, Saikano, Midori No Hibi and many many many more
to rid the world of normal people and set up a chain of islands which will be a paradise for all otaku.
anime-what else?
i am the luckiest bastard alive. i am l337. and i am quite artistic. i have magic fingers.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
heya everyone. sorry i didnt post earlier in the week. so damned busy at work and just burnt out. luckily ive had two days off, friday and saturday, and i have this morning off so i will post now. ^^
oh and BTW, today is rememberance sunday (or veterans day yesterday) where we remember those who died in all wars fighting for peace. i hope you guys all took a few minutes to remember.
as i said above, most of last week was work, so im not going to post about that. on friday i dedicated my afternoon to a special project (the results of which you shall see below).
and friday evening i went to snorkelling and had another rousing game of Octopush (which as you may recall, is like hockey, but underwater, and with shorter sticks).. i had a really great game, and even drew blood! my own, of course, not someone elses. my knuckles on my right hand are quite sore now, but i dont care. its the sign of a good game. ^^ i enjyed myself at any rate...
yesterday i spent talking to Blue online, and then i had some stuff to do in the afternoon. i spent the best part of the evening making up my Master Grade Wing Gundam Zero (Endless Waltz Version). its a tad smaller then most of my other Master Grade kits (which is true to scale) but the Wings more then make up for them...HUGE!
I was also in a Dr. Who mood last night and watched a bunch of the 9th Doctor episodes. i still like "Dalek" as one of my fav episodes. Oh yeah, the spinoff, "Torchwood" is on tonight. im loving that series, cant wait to see tonights episode. ^^
okies, im gonna get political/moral/weird on you for a bit. if ya dont wanna deal with that, skip to the bottom and look at the pretty pictures.
So Saddam Hussein has been sentanced to death. now i dont disagree with this judgement. to be honest my first thought on hearing the outcome of the trial was "good. kill the bugger", which, to be honest, has been bothering me. Yes, Saddam should pay for what he has done, and yes, there is probably few people more deserving of the death penalty than him. What's bothering me is the ready acceptance i have for him to die, the way i laugh at jokes made about his upcoming execution. should we be so easily accepting of killing someone. and this is where i go off the deep end. i found myself wondering...What would Vash do? Vash the Stampede, the Humanoid Typhoon. who always, ALWAYS tries to find a resolution that results in no one dying. yeah, ok, its an anime/manga, its not real life. but is it possible? is it possible to come up against villans like Sadam and Osama Bin Laden, and show compassion? is it possible not to kill people on purpose, out of hate, or because they did something wrong? or is that just naieve? we have been brought up in a violent world, where media tells us that killing is happening everyday, that its almost ok if the person did something heinous. we even have games where we stroll around and point guns at people and pull the trigger to kill. i even play them...i even enjoy them. but is that right? is that the right thing to do? or is there some other way?
okies, enough of the serious stuff. i should leave that for my younger brother. He told us the other day that he was Emo. now im worried... lol
so pushing the weird crap aside, i will now show you the results of my special project i was working on on friday.

yup, i finally finished my project of making lil clay models of my Chibi Darke Days characters. i made Laura (the blonde) ages ago, and i did Darke a while back, but it failed miserably. so this time i made up Rose and Luna, and remade chibi Darke and i almos ran out of clay, but they all turned out spectacularly.
im just gonna put all the pics up in one go, so if you wanna read my comments, look at the alt text.



and last but not least, Darke (ver 2)

and there we have it. my only wish is that they were alive and real...that would be awesome. ^^
i might even make the human members of the CDD cast with clay some day...or even Box Man! maybe. ^^ but i'll have to buy more clay first. lol.
well thats it from me today. yeah i know, another post with lota pics. sorry. i'll try to post wednesday, but i got another busy week ahead of me. *shrugs* we'll see.
"Do ya mind not farting whilst im trying to save the world?"- Dr. Who, from the Episode "Aliens of London"
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