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My happy place, which happens to have a dead body in it -_-'
Member Since
Proffesional Bum and Angel of Death
Real Name
Dr. Phil
i think the mere fact that that i am still here on the earth after OVER 20 years is an achievement in and of itself. ive done a bunch of other stuffs too...
Anime Fan Since
Jan 2001 (tho i liked pokemon b4 dat)
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, all Gundam, Evangelion, stuff by Mokoto Shinkai, Saikano, Midori No Hibi and many many many more
to rid the world of normal people and set up a chain of islands which will be a paradise for all otaku.
anime-what else?
i am the luckiest bastard alive. i am l337. and i am quite artistic. i have magic fingers.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Don’t worry….about a t’ing…cuz ev’ry lil t’ing…gonna be alright…
Hiya folks. Sorry I didn’t update yesterday. I been hella busy this week too, so I'm grabbing five minutes to type this up. ^^
First off, thanks for the kind comments on my lil CDD models. To the two people who said they know someone who can do better, I say: I'm sure you do. ^^ Clay isn’t my forte, it’s a new medium I'm experimenting with. I was happy with em, and that’s all that matters.
Tuesday was my lil brothers 16th birthday. He got this huge remote controlled Mini Cooper that has working lights and sounds and everything. My brother is a Mini maniac, so he was thrilled to bits. He also got a lot of CDs of albums to bands I’ve never heard of. *shrugs*
Work has been very hectic and busy. Blah-de-blah. I’ve also entered a syndicate at work for the Euro Millions Lottery. We all pitched in and bought a bunch of tickets…about 40 lines of numbers in total. *fingers crossed* here’s hoping we win something! ^^
Yesterday I got a lil SD Gundam model in the post. It was my consolation prize for entering the “Design a Gundam” competition. Whilst I was pretty happy with the fact they sent me a Gundam kit as a prize (even an SD kit) I was very pissed off for one very basic reason…I ALREADY HAVE THAT SD KIT IN MY COLLECTION!! They sent me a SD Wing Gundam Zero Custom which is exactly the same kit as the one I bought in america a year or two ago. However, I'm still gonna keep it. I'm gonna give it a Custom Paintjob. ^^ I’ve also seen two Gundam kits that I almost want more then I want to get into the RAF. (and that’s saying a lot)
It’s a Master Grade CrossBone Gundam (a pirate Gundam. ^^ ) and the Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatu. However, I will have to have a hella lot of will power and try not to purchase it until after my birthday in the new year. besides, I still have my Master Grade Freedom Gundam to construct still… ^^
Congrats to Blue who had her two year MyO anniversary the other day. Also congrats to Shireishou who also had her two year MyO anniversary earlier this week.
Heh. I got an email when I got home yesterday from work asking if I was willing to help out at a Raleigh Info evening that night! Considering it started at 5:30 and I got home at 6:15, I had to decline. To be fair, it was uber short notice. As in…same day!
I’ve been really getting into the anime Macross lately. I’ve been playing the Robotech game on the ps2 and watching Macross Zero on YouTube, which is a most excellent series. I used to not like Macross, but the later series, Macross Plus, Macross 7 and Macross Zero (which is a prequel to the main Macross series) are brilliant. And as a kinda side effect, I'm sorta getting into the main series as well, though I'm not in any major hurry to watch the original series, which is quite a dated anime now.
The other series I'm getting really into at the moment is Torchwood on BBC3 which is a spinoff of Doctor Who. Torchwood is sorta like Doctor Who for adult audiences, it’s a lot darker and handles more adult themes. Don’t get me wrong, I still love Doctor Who (cant wait till the Christmas special!!) but Torchwood has me glued to the screen every week without fail. Fantastic.
Okies, I’ve rambled enough for today. Two things left to leave you with. First is a comic which I managed to churn out for you at great personal expense (h’yeah right)

A lil word of advice…NEVER give Darke (either Chibi or real-type) food to look after. For it will not be there when you return. XD
The other thing I wanna post up is a new character design which, to be quite honest, has been haunting me.

This design started off as a doodle in my scrap book cuz I saw someone with that style of hair on a TV program and I really liked it, so I tried to recreate it in a new character design. But that doodle had me transfixed. So I decided to do a full size character sketch to see if that would exorcise it from my head. But no. if anything, it got worse. I tried to decide on a name for the character and nothing seemed to fit. I was about to give up (which I hate doing…I hate having significant designs without a name for the character) when… I swear on all that is otaku this is true…I could “hear” a voice telling me not to give up. So I kept on trying for names, with this voice giggling in my head, telling me If I was getting closer or not. Eventually the letters “M-E-L” just popped into my head and I thought... “Mel…Melanie!” and the voice replied “yep. Pleased to meet you!”
Yes. A character I came up with told me her name HERSELF.
I would put it down to mild schizophrenia brought on by sleep deprivation and too many years of character design. In fact that’s probably what it is. She hasn’t spoke to me since. But still…there’s something about the image…
Okies, enough crazy talk. I shall see you guys on Sunday, probably.
“Well you showed me
How it feels
To feel the sky
Within my reach
And I always
Will remember all
The strength you
Gave to me
Your love made me
Make it through
Oh, I owe so much to you
You were right there for me
In my dreams
I'll always see you soar
Above the sky
In my heart
There will always be a place
For you for all my life
I'll keep a part
Of you with me
And everywhere I am
There you'll be
And everywhere I am
There you'll be…”
“There you’ll be” Faith Hill.
For Blue. ^^
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