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My happy place, which happens to have a dead body in it -_-'
Member Since
Proffesional Bum and Angel of Death
Real Name
Dr. Phil
i think the mere fact that that i am still here on the earth after OVER 20 years is an achievement in and of itself. ive done a bunch of other stuffs too...
Anime Fan Since
Jan 2001 (tho i liked pokemon b4 dat)
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, all Gundam, Evangelion, stuff by Mokoto Shinkai, Saikano, Midori No Hibi and many many many more
to rid the world of normal people and set up a chain of islands which will be a paradise for all otaku.
anime-what else?
i am the luckiest bastard alive. i am l337. and i am quite artistic. i have magic fingers.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
It’s always been hell, From when I was born, They make me violate them, No matter who they are
"Red Fraction" by Mell, OP theme to "Black Lagoon" anime
hiya folks. do ya like the new intro? i think it suits me rather well. XD
first, the news.
Again, been working mostly, so not a huge amount to talk about. and my huge apologies to 29 for unintentionally rubbing my l337 driving skills in her face. i didnt mean to, i forgot you...well, lets just say i forgot. ^^;;;
really the biggest thing that ive done with my past three days is download some new manga from a Scanslation website.
the first i downloaded was the first chapter of a Manga called Black Lagoon which is about a group of modern day pirates who are (and i quote) the baddest motherf*ckers in the Asian Sea! (end quote)
the art work is really crisp and the story line is really cool. and i found out theres two anime series derived from it too. "Black Lagoon" and "Black Lagoon: second barrage"
the other one i downloaded was a whole series (about three vols)called Tende Freeze. its kinda like the manga "Hands Off!" in story line (people with special abilities and a kid who has a power to amplify these abilities but doesnt realise it) but its a lot more comical. and its aimed at boys rather then Hands Off! target audience, which seems to be girls. there are a lot of females in this manga. ^^ lol
both are very good and im enjying them, though i wish there were more chapters of Black Lagoon available to download. but supposedly its beeing licesenced by Geneon, so i might see an english version soon. ^^ which would be cool.
today i have to go drive somewhere and buy stuff. i have to pick up a new suit cuz my old one is all nasty and horrible. i need it for my RAF interview which is freakin next tuesday!!! AHHHHHH!!!! im gonna pick up some other stuff too.
ok, so judging by the position of the moon and stars and cross-correlating it with the pattern on my bedroom wall, then multiplying the number of hairs on my chin by Pi, i believe it is Thanksgiving tomorrow. (which also means alot of you wont be on tomorrow)
now, i dont celebrate Thanksgiving (im british...i have nothing to be thankful for... LOL. im just kidding folks)
but every year i have been here on MyO for thanksgiving, i like to give a short list of stuff im thankful for.
so here it is. in no particular order, i am thankful for:
1: Luna. obviously.
2: the opportunities i have had this year to go travelling. Malaysia and Tennessee especially, but Wales and Ireland were a total blast too.
3: having a job. as much as i loathe it, it beats being penniless and nagged at by mum.
4: all the neat stuff i have. my tv, my dvd player, my laptop, all my manga and anime stuff.
5: for letting me have some vague sembalance of a social life.
6: all my Gundam needs. ^^;;;;
7: the fact i passed my drivers test! yes!! (sorry winnie!!!)
8: My family. as much as they annoy me. and especially my big bro this year. been a great help, lots of support.
9: God. i dont care if you're not particulary religious, i believe in him. and i wanna thank him for every day i wake up and see something beautiful in the world. even if its just a blue sky or something that makes me smile.
10: My friends here on MyOtaku: 29 (you'll get there!), Astraea, Black Pearl, chainedangel, chickenburger, chie (always Chie), Chobit Chi, Clair Chanteur (where'd ya go lil sis?), Dark Phoenix, dramaqueen2007 (always reply to my comments. awesome.), Grifter99 (awesome stories dude), Jangalian, Living Doll (your stuff always bows me away), luicifers wife (hey Jen! you rock!), Mew Wem (you rock too!), Mourghan (great to see ya again), Number 5, princess ookumae, Purgatory (hey kitten. ^^), red tigress (hey red. you rock as well), Samejima Mamimi, Shireishou (your english is brilliant. ^^ ), sitarose, TravelingDisciple (hey buddy! whats shaking?), Vamp2004, Weaver, xanth reborn (its been a pleasure getting to know you) and of course yukina123 (you sexeh thing you)
11: My sistuhs: lil Riss-riss (the annoying younger sister i never had. ^^ just kidding), my psuedo twin sister Mina-chan and my deeply respected and very dear older sister Katy-neesama.
12: My bestest best best best friends in the whole freakin universe, my second family: Amber, Chrissy, Mindy and Kyrie. and of course, Nic, Paddy and Rhian. they wont read this, but i gotta include them too.
13: me. bwa ha ha!!! well, okies, maybe the stuff that i do. Chibi Darke and his cohorts, Boxman and all my other series, as many as they are. ^^;;
14: and last but not least. Blue.
15: oh yeah, and Butterflies. Butterflies rock man....they
anyways, thats my list. a bit long winded. ^^;;
anyways, i dont have anything else to say really.
lookie at my beautiful Master Grade GunPla!!


*happy sigh*
anyways, enuff from me.
Have a great Turkey Day! stuff your faces and stuff. ^^
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