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I guess the first anime I watched was Digimon (when I was a little tyke)
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cowboy beebop, death note, samurai champloo, fruits basket, elfen lied, spirited away, ghost in the shell
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Sunday, March 9, 2008
my disapearing tick
yeah, about that, I've actually had a number of rather upsetting and life disrupting things happen since my last login, some of which are not quite over yet, and not the least of which was moving four times and transfering to a new and very different college as a part time student. Any-hoo a couple of days ago I decided that you all deserved some kind of explination for my disapearance, just in case any of you had noticed I hadn't been on only to discover that the site was down in preperation for something or other about Version Vibrant, which was going to be up and running in a couple of hours. This piqued my couriosity since I remembered reading about this upcoming renovation, and I went to check it out the next day... it looked pretty cool at first but it didn't take me long to decide that I liked myO much better; it made me feel a little more human. However when I came back here I discovered that it was a mess. If anyone else reading this was as dissapointed as I was think of something witty and intelegent you want to say about it and post it in one of our new messed up comment boxes at ElvesAteMyRamen 's site
~luv u all
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Monday, December 3, 2007
I haven't been on much, stuff happened...
English final project suggestions, u all like SATIRE right? I need to have a myriad of sources concering it, I've picked a few but if you can think up any 'experts' who write about it, or a particularly awesome piece which contains it, and I use it in my essay, I'll... draw you ANYTHING you want for Christmas/New Years, (depending on how busy I am) K? and I'll love you bunches too... now for a not so serious question:
soo any hoo, who thinks it weird to eat dried berries and fruit? my room mate acts like I'm eating puppy dogs or something equally taboo, I don't get it, they taste good right... K was that random enough for ya?
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
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look at that, 2 updates in 1 day, I'm on a roll^_^
My roommate came in with this huge grin on her face earlier, and sang "M., guess what I got!"
she got me headphones (mine broke when some moron sat on 'em) she's too funny, she can't stand my music even when I play it really quietly so the nice present she got for me was actually for her, she was so happy about it that I almost laughed, something I don't do very often. She's cute, we keep saying were gonna decorate our door with an M&M theme ('cause we R M&M) but we never get around to it, she gets all excieted every time we talk about it though.
How's everyone? Have a fun weekend n' all that jazz?
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Monday, November 12, 2007
see, I did get something up this weekend, srry itz not finished i just couldn't convince my black to work ne more so the crows are sort of odd looking and I didn't get to go over the lineart like i usually would
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Wednesday, November 7, 2007
some1 told me to draw Neji, and I did, and I apparently didn't put it up...erm if I ever find it I will, and I don't 'member who it waz so sorry! I think I'll get some stuffs up here this weekend, but I've been unbeliveably busy.
What did everyone do for Holloween? I did homework and avoided the, interesting?, individuals in my hall, not very exciting, but it could've been worse!
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Monday, October 29, 2007
My printer
is seriously out to get me, and it's joined forces with every other object I can think of with a computer chip in it but my laptop. You should have seen what it did to the paper I tried to print out today, my prof almost laughed since I've been having problems with the thing all semester long. It's actually about to suceed too, so yeah if I'm murdered and they're looking for the perpitrator it's my printer. On a lighter note I will probably be able to scan things again soon (I have allies too!)so, if I were to do a pic para Hollow's Eve who should I put in it?
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
Amy Brown
+ bordom=
 YOU'R A EARTH FAIRY!!! Take What Type of Fairy Are You? today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.
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Monday, October 8, 2007
i win
I got a bg to show up! yeay, itz for holloween btw ^_^ thanx to christianO, bloodred, and forsaken for offering your help!
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