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freshman (9th grade student)
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my josh!!
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fma, bleach, inuyasha, JOSH
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Saturday, May 19, 2007
Her face haunts my dreams. I walk in a meadow of yellow flowers. A soft winds blows over me entangling my mop of brown hair. I see her. Just beyond the horizon she is standing there waiting for me. I start to race toward her, my body is heavy. I slowly pull my legs forward step by agonizing step. I almost reach her. She is just beyond my finger tips and she is engulfed by flame. I shield my face with my arm. I am not burned, and that is how I awake to find I am in bed.
My bedspread is tangled up in my legs. Sigh. I hear a knock on my door. “Marc are you still in bed. God you’re hopeless. Get your butt up. It’s already one in the afternoon. You’re gonna be late for work-““Would you shut the hell up! I’m up already okay? Some roommate you are. You act like my mother”, I screamed as I threw my pillow at the door. I heard Vincent walk away.
Twenty minutes later I was up and dressed. That’s new record for me. I knew I couldn’t be late for work today or I’d be fired. I’ve been working at a movie theater for two and a half months. Vincent got me the job. I didn’t want to embarrass him by getting fired. But I’ve always been bad with my boss. I like to back talk and fight. I’m only a junior and I’ve already gotten into five fights at school and ten out on the streets. I don’t care too much for ‘gangsta’ bullshit. So far my banded record has gotten to its yearly high. I’m banned from every dollar store in Statesville and a few in Charlotte. I’m also banned from the public library for smoking pot behind it. So you can see I’m not really popular anywhere. I only have two real friends.
Vincent, my roommate, he’s 18 and gay. It doesn’t really bother me when he brings home his boyfriends but sometimes I have to use earplugs so I don’t hear him screaming from his bedroom across the hall. The guys got tons of energy most of it is spent at the theater and cleaning our apartment but after that he still finds enough the have sex with ‘The One” (which is a thousand different people) a couple times a week.
My other friend is Despair. My Goth. She’s 15 with a bad attitude (like mine) towards everyone! She’s not my girlfriend but she still likes to have sex with me every time she needs a one a.m. ‘Boodycall’. She enjoys cutting herself and smoking pot. But what she loves more than anything is cotton candy ice cream.
I’m Marc. I’m 16 and straight.
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Friday, May 18, 2007
josh came over today but it was too cold to swim so we just hung out for a while. and i got grounded cuz i got a 71 in algebra. (hey i cant help that i dont understand numbers) but i got a 84 in science and drama so yeah...
i cant believe there's only 1 full week of school left for me!!!
panda love

i thought this was funny...

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Monday, May 14, 2007
harooy for posts
okay nothing really going on. so comment peepls.
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Friday, May 11, 2007
i might get to see josh tommorrow. i hope so... if i dont im gonna try to see him sunday. btw thanks for all the comments.
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
yay! -ness
josh is back at school woo hoo. im so happy. um... me and some ppl are making a movie for drama. kaleigh is dressing up in a bunny suit during the whole thing. lmao. um so yeah. and i get to tackle her
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Friday, May 4, 2007
me and kaleigh's duet
(k is a grandma whos singing)
k-"im so lonely i got no body cuz im a grandma wah wah wah wah"
(i enter scene)
e-"i'll be ur someone! ill carry u home grandma"
k-"uhhhhh......."(looking scared)
e-GRANDMA!!!!! I LOVE YOU! NOOOO DONT RUN AWAY I LOVE U!!!! (gets on one knee) "will u marry me?"
k-"nooooo!" (runs away never to be heard of again)
thats what i did during drama. lmao.
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Friday, April 27, 2007
no one ever comments me any more. i feel so unloved. lol j/k
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
josh is gone again. for twice as long now. its sucks major u know what!? well i g2g. i have to finish my powerpoint for theatre.
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
new pics
"who's that?"

im a pimp

best friends looking stupid

the brown spot in my hair

my baby


me and my baby josh!

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Saturday, April 21, 2007
i have a dedication for someone. "there's a good reasone these tables are numbered honey, you just havent thought of it yet." this song go out to kelsey. who trys her damnedist to ruin it all for me! CHEERS!
a quote from the song just for her..."havent you that im the new cancer, ive never looked better and u cant stand it"
in other news---its a lovely day. lol ~^^~
I love josh
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