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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
i finally got a myspace account! yay...yea so u can find me there and see more pix of me! WHOOOO!
cya l8r
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
ok....... yea.....
ok u all kno that i haven't been here in awhile and stuff well if u read my last post then u'll kno what im talking about...yea well i did go out with the one kid Devin 4 like 2 or 3 weeks... i now kno the kid is a complete asshole! so yea i dont really wanna talk about it but still.. nothing really new with me just bored and have been hanging out with friends at the mall and stuff.... o yea im pretty sure that im gonna be getting this shirt heres the link if u want 2 see it:
and im probly gonna get these earrings:
im so weird... but i think im gonna get them 2morrow when im at the mall....ive been going there like every friday.... I NEED MORE PEOPLE 2 COME THOU! lol its fun when theres a group.. hehe
so anyways.... ok ill tell u guys what happend with the one kid.... i wasn't gonna tell u but i will anyways... well last sunday my friend Pauline saw him coming 2 my house and he was smoking a joint and drinking beer, and she said that i would be pissed if he came over like that.... and i didn't kno that he was like that until she told me... i knew he was acting weird and stuff but i just didnt kno what it was... but anyways i got in a huge fight about it with him and stuff and broke up with him Monday nite. and so on Wednesday (he wasn't there at skool Tuesday) i was sitting with my 3 friends Tyler, Josh, and Aaron. and so he comes out the 2 doors to come outside and Tyler sees him and yells, "HEY LOOK ITS DEVIN! WHAT A FAG!" and so Aaron is going,"HEY TARA HOW ARE YOU TODAY?" "IM PRETTY DAMN GOOD, HOW BOUT U?" and Josh was standing next 2 me listening 2 my CD player that had COF, Nymphetamine in it and stuff.. and Tyler goes, "Josh, act like ur fucking her." and then Aaron yells,"JEEZ JOSH GET UR TONGUE OUT OF TARAS MOUTH!" and the entire time he(The Asshole) was watching us, and then like ran off.... it was really really funny!... i love my friends... and then they were like "hey lets go over 2 Taras house and smoke a joint and come over drunk!" thats the only thing that pissed me off when they said that.
but it was pretty funny...
and im happy cuz he was a fag anyways... hehe
and too im getting 2 kno this really kewl guy named Will that goes 2 my skool.. he seems pretty kewl!
ok well im gonna go ummm do sumthing... like sleep...
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
haven't been on here cuz of ive been doing stuff! lol *shock/gasp*
lol well ya its the truth ive been getting out and it was sooooo kewl 2day 4 my one friend Emo's b-day she got a tattoo and i watched how it turned out.... god it looks soooooooo kewl! first time ever watching.
ya and im getting all ready 4 Homecoming... its in October and stuff(i just dunno the date) lol well ya and speaking of dates, my mom said that i kneed one and the guy that ive been hanging out with a lot and stuff, Devin, came over last nite at like 10pm with my other 2 friends Chuck and Hannah and had a pizza 4 me and Noel. lol it was really kewl. and after my mom dropped off Noel bout an hour later she told me that Devin was really good looking and that i should go w/ him... im like YES! lol cuz he is really hott! lol ^.~ and so pretty much im gonna be trying 2 do that 4 the rest of the month... lol
well i g2g im gonna go listen 2 Atreyu.
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
new and improved site
ok i changed my site's theme,icon, and main intro on me. and its pretty kewl at least i think so...
*grins evilly*
anyways.. hope ya like it!
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Saturday, September 3, 2005

another pic of Dani!!!

and another....

a pic of Manson.... lol i had 2 do that...
o yea 4 all u HIM fans... if ya didn't kno this but HIM has a new CD coming out on Sept. 27, check out their site 2 see all information on them... also has the new musik video "Wings Of A Butterfly" on the site.... its really good.. but Ville Valo cut his hair T.T o well.. still looks hott! lol the site is
cya l8r
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ok ive really been into Cradle Of Filth lately...heres a really hott pic of Dani from Cradle Of Filth:

^.^ i love that pic of him...
but i think the reason y ive been really into Cradle Of Filth is bcuz of 1 reason....the guy at my skool thats really hott listens 2 them and haha reminds me of Dani Filth...
yea yea...
lol well im gonna go.. o yea i got a 4day weekend this week.... yesterday(friday) i got off and then i get Monday off bcuz of Labor Day.... gonna try 2 go down 2 Clearwater 2 go 2 Countryside Mall and look 'round there... i haven't been there in ages!!!
cya y'all l8r
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
yes... i finally have gotten a pic of me... i had my mum send it over from her computer. and then Kenshyou Harpuia helped me out by showing me how 2 set it up. ^.^
well here I am.....

its like my best pic of me...
well i g2g talk 2 ya all l8r
Post Script: the pic was from my 8th grade dance.... i love that dress and i hate wearing dresses... lol
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Happy Birthday To:
a special happy birthday goes out 2 one of my favorite singers...he is: Wednesday 13! i love his voice(if ya didn't already know this but hes the lead in Murderdolls). but anywho... its Friday! YAY! weekend from skool 4 me... im already been tired of it since day 1. but its getting better cuz lots of hott goth & emo guys there..^.^
haha well im gonna go draw 4 my Journalism class.. ^^ im the editoral cartoonist 4 the skool newspaper!
cya y'all l8r
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
2morrow.... the day that i go bak 2 skool.. but im getting nervous by the min. cuz they screwed up my classes, im going 2 start high skool, and i get 2 see the guy ive liked for almost 3years....
i dunno what im gonna do....
and im really scared that my bro is gonna hate all of my friends... but y would he be hanging out w/ me and my friends?
i dunno... im gonna listen 2 sum musik... o yea i found out my mum hates Murderdolls.. shes going on,"I can let cursing go on but i can't stand them singing bout fucking!" hahahaha funny...
well i g2g talk 2 ya after skool 2morrow!
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
ok yea yesterday was my b-day and i kinda had sum fun... i went 2 see Charile and the Chocolate Factory with my mum and my friend, Noel. it was pretty good. and i got a brand new Dickies watch thats white with a black face from my mom. and i got silly-string and a spongebob thing that u hit and kandy comes out(i 4get what they're called). and 2morrow im going 2 the dentist(which im happy cuz i haven't been there in umm almost 6years). then i think im going 2 the Tarpon Springs Sponge docks 2 get this really kewl pen that is old-fashion that u dunk the ink in and then write with them. but it isn't a feather one its just a needle that has bright red on it like blood! muhahahaha
ok well im gonna go 2 bed.
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