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Monday, February 4, 2008
Random quiz thing
What would you do if...
Take this survey
You received a call from the President of the US: Tell him he sucks at his job and that a trained monkey could do it better You got lucky and won the lottery: Spend some and then put the rest in the bank You got asked to be on a reality TV show: I'd say "No" and slam the door in their face Someone close to you stole from you: Kick their ass and take back what they stole You saw a murder happen: Call the police Some random person tried to give you candy: I'd say "Fuck you, you sick freak" A magical genie made one wish come true: Give the wish to Dav What woul it be: Whatever Dav wants You could not find your favorite thing: Keep looking for it You found 10 bucks on the ground somewhere: Ask the people around me if they lost it and if not keep it Your date barfs on you: Clean it up and try to make them feel better A huge peice of your hair gets chopped off: Wait till it grows back Your favorite movie star visited you: ...idk... You were stuck on a deserted island with enough battery in your phone for one last phone call: What the hell!? That would really suck... Who would you call and why: Dav, cuz i love him
15 Rndom Questions
1. Do you prefer Boxers, Briefs, or Panties? Boxers 2. Do you prefer Tattoos or Piercings? Both 3. Do you prefer Rap or Rock? Rock! 4. Do you prefer Bath or Shower? Shower 5. Do you believe in love at frist sight? Yes 6. Do you ever make the first move? Yes 7. What is the sweetest thing you have ever done? Hehehe... you probably don't want to know... 8. What is your favorite thing to do when you are haveing sex? Tease 9. When was your frist kiss? ...four maybe five years ago... 10. Do you have a crush on anyone right now? No. I'm in love with someone 11. How old were you when you had your first love? 15 12. What is the longest you went without cursing? Idk... 13. Have you ever had sex with just a friend? No 14. Do you want to get married? Yes 15. What was you last relationship like? Don't even get me started
More surveys @
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Friday, February 1, 2008
Finally! The weekend. I have been so busy cuz of the whole stalker thing and the fact that my teacher pretty much just threw me into the shark tank by having me be the photographer for the major shoot that has been going on this whole week. I'm so happy that i could finally get out of that stressful atmosphere, it makes me really tired
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I got a restraining order on that creepy stalker's ass!XD
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Monday, January 28, 2008
Ummm... hi
Yeah... guess what? One of my coworkers has reached a whole new creepy level on the obsession scale. He is fucking stalking me!!! I could litterally just lift up the curtain right now and i would be able to see him parked at the end of the street, looking at this window with fucking binoculars! God damn! Why can't anyone be normal and just ask and get shot down and be done with it?!?! Is that so much to ask?!?!?!
So much for hoping that nothing weird would happen this year.TT
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Not that much going on over here. Which is actually a good thing if you know all of the crap that happened last year...
Dav:Hehehe... yeah
That really sucked. Those nurses were really stupid
Dav:Yeah, it's surprising that they even got into medical school
Remember that time that you and Amy came to visit and we were watching a movie, then that nurse randomly just walked in and started watching it with us?
Dav:Yeah, that was rreeeeaaally awkward
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Saturday, January 19, 2008
Yay! We don't have to work this weekend and we have Monday off too! *does little happy dance*
Dav:Woot!:D *eating pie* *hands a piece of pie to everyone* My Mom makes awesome pies!^^ Yay for Mom's awesome cooking skills!XD *hugs Mom*
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Thursday, January 17, 2008
Dav:Adri-kun is at work... I'm really bored... I feel so lonely!TT *sulks*
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Not really anything exiting going on over here... Well, unless you were a yaoi fangirl. Then you would think that it's been very exiting, but otherwise it's been the same old school, work, eat, sleep routine.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Bored again
And now the theme is Bleach... again
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Monday, January 14, 2008
I blame boredom
Yup, changed theme again to.... i don't even know what it is... randomness i guess? I don't know...
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