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Real Name
Adrian or Adri-kun
Kicking Dav's ass in track
Anime Fan Since
5 years of age
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D.N.Angel, FMA, FLCL, FruBa, Bleach, and many others
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drawing, reading, writing
Track, drawing, writing, and that's about it
| Darkest~Phantom
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Saturday, December 22, 2007
Dav:They think they've found a balance of a few different medications that i cannot pronounce, nor will i even attempt to try to spell them. But they seem to be working, his temperature is slowing going back to normal, he's not tossing and turning as strongly and his cries are starting to lessen in both volume and frequency. So hopefully he will be somewhat back to normal in a few hours or at least conscious
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Friday, December 21, 2007
Dav:Once again, we are at the hospital and we don't know what she put in there so they're having a hard time finding a medicine that will help. He's still unconscious, he has a fever, and he keeps tossing and turning violently, to a point where they had to strap him down so that he wouldn't rip out the needles or hurt himself. The worst part for me is that he also cries out in pain every time he moves or tries to. They said that i can't touch him at all cuz it would make it worse. I am seriously going to call the police on that woman. She deserves to rot.
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Today sucked
The reason why i said that is cuz my mom(crazy alcoholic woman) Came to our work today and literally dragged me out and locked me in her car. We then drove around while she talked about random things and how she'd missed me in the past few weeks that i hadn't been coming to her house. My god woman! It has been almost a year since, because of your stupidity and irresponsibility, that I was nearly killed!! That is why i don't visit you! I want to stay living thank you! God, i wanted to hurt her for all of the times that she had left me alone with drunks at clubs or bars so she could go fuck some random guy.
Then after a good yelling match she dropped me back off at work, which surprised me. I thought she would've kidnapped me, tied me up, and taken me to her house or something...
Now, twenty minutes later, Dav and I are home and i'm starting to realize why. That bitch must've slipped something into that "soda" she gave me while she was boring me to death about her "concerns about my health" like she ever cared. She never did anything that concerned my health whenever i was with her. Hell, i was lucky if she even fed me half the time, i usually had to find something myself.
I feel so stupid for even touching, let alone drinking whatever that was. And now i feel like shit. It feels... i don't even know ho-*suddenly passes out, falls off of chair, and hits head on the nearby bedpost*
Dav:00 Adrian!!!!! Are you ok?!?!?
*no response*
Dav:*panicking* *starts examining him for injuries* *gets blood all over his hands when he touches head* Fuck! *grabs random towel and presses it to head wound*
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
Sorry we haven't updated in a while. It's been hectic over here with the whole decorating and shopping thing and just plain stress over so many things trying to happen all at once. But things should be getting better as it gets closer to Christmas, or so Dav tells me since he knows his family better then i do. Which he should since I've only been living with them for... a year?
Dav:Yeah, that sounds about right... idk, i don't keep track of time very well... i think you were at you Mom's last Christmas and then that incident with your mom leaving you alone in that room at the club happened...
Oh yeah! I have no idea how i could forget about that. It was after that that i started living here, so it's been almost a year
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Friday, December 14, 2007
Ummm... hi
Reeeaaally bored right now.... and Dav is getting high off of cookies...-_-'
Dav:Weeeeeeee :D
PM us if you want
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Sorry, we haven't updated in a while. It's been interesting over here with the Christmas shopping. For some reason Amy dragged us with her all the way to Wisconsin just to go shopping with her. We were there for TEN hours! She could've just shopped at the millions of malls and shops we have here, but no, she just had to go to Wisconsin to do her Christmas shopping. -_-
Dav:It was really tiring... But i got your Christmas presents there^^
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Friday, December 7, 2007
In response to Shadows of Hatred's comment. Yes, i did say that to their face, they weren't too happy about it either *grins* but none the less, they got back onto the set and i took more pics until they were happy and since it took so long i got paid double^^ So everyone wins
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
One of the things that annoys me about being a photographer is when you're taking pics of people and then when they look at them they get mad at you and say it's your fault that they don't like it. Well, you know what? It is not my fault that you were moving or blinking or whatever the fuck else when i took the picture! Get over it and get back onto the set to take more until you're satisfied. I don't care how many pics i have to take of you whether they're good or bad, i'm getting paid either way
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Monday, December 3, 2007
Pics for a story we r in
Katsuro or Adri-kun

Daisuke or Dav

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I can't believe to you actually woke me up at 8:30 on our day off *glares sleepily at Dav*
Dav:Awww, come on! Don't tell me that you don't want to go play in the snow!
-_- No. I don't like the snow, it's cold and wet
Dav:Party pooper
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