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Friday, November 30, 2007
Hey, not really doing much right now. Dav is off with one of the designers from the studio for lessons on fashion and shit like that. I wasn't interested in listening to that for a five hours, so i stayed here. Feel free to PM me if you want, i'll be here all day
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Well, Dav and i got our new jobs. Me as a photographer(i also have another job at an art gallery, they said they might sell some of my work if they like it) and Dav as a clothing designer.
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Thursday, November 22, 2007
Today was very interesting for me cuz with either of my parents' families we either didn't do anything at all for the holidays or it was utter chaos(and i do mean that literally).
So this year was really the first time i could say that my holiday was enjoyable. Though i felt very out of place at first. But when I concluded that this gathering would not turn into a mad drunken party any time soon, then i started to relax and enjoy it.
Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!
Dav:Lol, you should've seen how happy my mom was when she saw him playing with my little cousins^^(they are sooo adorable, they're also twins) I got a pic of him giving them both piggy back rides^^ I'm framing that one!XD
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy early Thanksgiving!
Yup, i'm just telling you all to have a happy Thanksgiving cuz..... i can't think of anything else to say honestly... i'll probably say it again in a few days on the actual Thanksgiving day, but oh well.
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Sunday, November 18, 2007
Hello everyone
Hi, nothing much happening over here. Lounging around the house, playing video games, sleeping, watching movies, trying not to hurt myself while trying to break Amy's camera because she keeps taking pics and vids of us (which i have been unsuccessful in doing, i'll get her later when i'm not on crutches)
Also, after Thanksgiving Dav and i are going to go back to work and get interviewed for our new jobs. I don't care what the doctor says, i'm not staying in this house for two more weeks! I've been cooped up indoors for too long and if i spend any more time then i need to, then i will become even more mentally unstable then a already am
Dav:Also, i changed the theme and i want to know what you think of it^^
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Monday, November 12, 2007
We're finally home! Well, actually, we've been home for a few days, i was just too lazy to update. Dav's mom is so happy to have us home again, i think she just likes to play nurse... but really i love that woman, she is the sweetest thing *hugs her*
Dav:I know, i love my mommy! *hugs her too* Remember kids, you're never too old to hug your mom
Oh yeah, and for people that actually know what we do (or did) for jobs, we didn't get fired, but we're applying for different jobs. It's cuz we just decided that we would like different jobs and... yeah. Anywho, I'm going to be taking online classes for photoghraphy and i'm also going to be an apprentice to one of the best photographers at the studio cuz he's getting old and yeah...
Dav:and i'm going to be taking online classes to become a designer!XD And i'll get some tips from designers at the studio!
Well, that is once we get back... it'll still be a week before we're going to go back. Actually the doctors said that we should wait two to three more weeks, but i've been cooped up indoors for too long and if i stay any longer i'm going to go even more mentally unstable then a already am.
Dav:Yeah, and that wouldn't be very pretty
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Friday, November 9, 2007
We get to go home in a few hours!! Ok, i'll be on crutches and Dav in a wheel chair, but we still get to leave! This makes me sooo happy. Now i can sleep in my own bed and won't get sick from the smell of sick people and cleaners. Yes, there are three major reasons why i hate hospitals 1)i worry for Dav's mental and physical health because he worries too much and thinks of worst-case-scenarios though he probably doesn't tell you guys that 2)it means extreme pain for me and 95% of the time i end up there because of something.... that is probably at the top of your worst nightmares list and 3)i despise the very smell of hospitals. At times like that i hate having a sensitive nose
Dav:I don't want to have to use a wheelchair!TT
Oh, suck it up, cupcake!
Dav:You would feel that same way of you had to!
Yes, but i don't have to now do i? *pouting*
Awww, you look so cute when you pout! *tries to reach over to hug him* *falls out of bed* OW! FUCK! That hurt!TT Damn, now i can't get back up... *tries to push the call button but comes up short by a few inches* *gives up and just lays there* The worst part is that i'm still wearing one of those stupid dress things they make you wear and am not in a very good position right now...
Dav:*trying not to drool*
*glares* fuck you
Dav:I don't think either of us are healed enough to do that
YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT! *starts twitching from random muscle spasm*
Dav:00... Adri-kun have you been taking your other meds?
Dav:Shit *presses call button multiple times*
*death glares*...*closes eyes and takes a few deep breathes* Sorry, almost lost myself for a second there
Dav:*sigh of relief* Thank god i thought you were going to switch
*nurse comes in* Oh! *blushes* Um...are you ok?
Do i look ok?
Nurse:...*trying not to stare*
*eye twitches in annoyance* Just help me get back onto the bed please
Nurse:Oh, yes, sorry *helps him*
*fixes dress thing* thank you
Nurse:*stands there* oh, um, you're welcome! *rushes out blushing like mad*
... well... that was interesting
Dav:Yes, yes it was
and you enjoyed watching didn't you?
Dav:*blushes* maybe
Dav:*blushes some more* Oh, and you're not?
I am, but at least i can control myself
Dav:You're mean!TT
No i'm not, you just can't take the truth.... and now we get to wait for two hours for your mom and Amy to get here to take us home
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I'm sexy!!! i sound like Dav...
Dav:Hey! What's wrong with sounding like me?!
Oh, nothing *grins*
Dav:-_-# You aren't going to tell me are you?
Nope *grinning like the cat that ate the canary* and you can't do anything about it cuz you can barely walk
Dav:Damn, i hate it when you're right

What Color Are Your Anime Eyes?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, November 5, 2007
We might get to leave in a few weeks! You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear that... actually, if you know me well enough, then you probably do know how happy it makes to know that in just a few weeks i can leave this hell hole (for about the 6th or 7th time in the last four or so years) and smell something other then sick people, meds, plastic and cleaners. Those last few weeks are going to just ddrrrraaaggg by though -_- great
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Nothing happening. Ummm.... not much has changed beside the fact that we don't look like complete mummies anymore. Now we look like half mummies... I really can't think of anything else to say...
Dav:Hi! I'm finally awake when they're on!
Amy:Yup and i'm here too!XD
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