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myOtaku.com: DarkFaerie88

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Pray for the dead and the dead will pray for you...only because its better than dying like you soon will!!!

in my english class...i skipped and instead just put up flyers all over the school with 4 other kids...it was fun and well dont worry the teacher knew we left class for that.
anywho this kid is planning an anime party and i said he could do it at my house only if my mom says i can...i think that would be fun if it happened...though i would have to take off work cuz we are planning it on a friday after school is out...yep...*WOOHOO Party!*
ok im done...last night i came up with some questions that i thought i should share with you guys...
1. why is it that when the phone rings you are obligated to answer it?
2. why is it that commercials have to repeat after shows all the time?
3. why do people sneeze when they look close to the sun or when lights come on?
4. who invented toys..? *i asked this one a long while ago*...
5. why do people say that you shouldnt judge a book by its cover and yet the authors worry about what it looks like..?
yeah i think i was just bored or something last night...oh my mom made breakfast for lunch...and i told her that tonight she has to make our family favorite "chocolate gravy and toast"...yummmmy i cant wait...now im hungry...^_^
oh in my class we are starting to make a movie on the computer...but since i never made one im teaming up with the elf and making one with her...i wish i could show you guys these things *my wall and well stuff like that* but i cant and i dont know how...oh lunch time be back later

ok im back and im zipping through the 3rd week of my accounting similation...its basicly just writing checks...i just hope that nothing is messed up like there usually is...
anywho last night i was watching X-play and they were talking something about Zelda *the new one* that came out im guessing and well i dont know but they made it sound like a bad thing...wait they do that to all of the games *slaps morgan and adam* i dont know why i watch that show...oh yeah its cuz im bored...

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what if god was one of us
just a slob like one of us
just a stranger on a bus, trying to make his way home...
if god watched anime then this world might get a bit weird...but weird is good ^_^ besides if god watched anime then i think my dad will quite whinning about it when im watching it...*growls at dad*

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heehee im sorry...this girl that had graduated sometime ago is here today with her little baby and its so cute and well babys can devour your soul...why do you think once we had kids we can never leave them cuz we love them so much huh...they take your soul so you will never leave hahaha...ok that was freaky...^)^

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this kitty needs a time out...i dont like cats...their evil...and evil is my thing...cats dont get along with me...o.O
anyways these pics are for your entertainment so please turn off all cellphones and remain seated...now enjoy the ride...heehee well i will go now so bu bye my little pets!

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