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myOtaku.com: DarkFaerie88

Thursday, October 19, 2006

splash…hey wait this isn’t a pool.

*Penny for your thoughts*

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Omg I’m watching our commercials for our redesign project thing and OMG! I didn’t do my project *I’m a bad girl* but I did one with this other group that was doing one for Doritos. It was funny. Gah the camera took my soul again…since I just got a new soul last week. ^^

Oh guess what I am planning to color the top layer of my hair white, yes I said white. I just have to find the stuff. Yeah I can’t wait to color because I know it will look good. My A+ teacher said that it might look freaky, and I told her that maybe that’s what I’m going for.

Ok we don’t have school tomorrow.

Yeah Rosa has a boyfriend now. She is with the guy that I was telling you all about that she likes. ^^ I told her that I will keep an eye on him and if he makes her cry then I’m going after that punk. So yeah I will be very protective of my little girl ^_^ Oh and I think I might ask out my ferret boy on Halloween. Cuz everyone (at school) keeps asking me about it and well I am starting to like him and I think it would be nice to have my first boyfriend. ^^ yeah I think it’s about time for that.

Ah the first quarter is ending today and grades are coming in. I know my grades might not be that great in maybe my religions class and my DTP class too cuz well in that class I haven’t been going anything *bad me* but oh well it’s not the end of the world.

Ok well time to go now, see you all Monday kiddies!

There comes a time when you must take action, even if it’s evil action. o.O


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