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| DarkFaerie88
Monday, December 4, 2006
Dont hurt me please dont hurt me...ouch.
Im back my little ones.
As it turned out me and the elf had a snow day friday and its wasnt that great. it was icy and Leigh said that she was stuck at her moms all weekend because her dads truck broke or something and her road was all iced up, plus if you havent heard it from Lordsesshomaru, we had a power-outage. i lost my power like 4 in the morning friday and i didnt get it back till yesterday morning. it sucked and i still feel dirty from not taking a shower for so long. but hey i didnt have to worry about staying warm because i have a wood burning stove and mommy could still make hot food or at least heat stuff up becuase she would just but a pan on top of the stove and presto! we have food! =) and for the freezer food, we just put the food outside because hell it was cold enough to do that. now today the ice and snow are melting but its still cold.
oh this morning i had a fight a weiner dog. i woke up hearing dog barks and i knew it wasnt coming from my dog Simon. so i run outside in my pjs and mommys flip-flops and i see this fisty little ankle-bitter. i call for Simon and the weiner dog runs up to me and bits my foot (its wasnt bad, just a little scratch) and so i kick it and run inside my garage pulling Simon with me and close the door. well the dog was trying to get thought the doggie-door (but he was to short to get up through it) so i hit it on the nose and it backs off and then i take my moms shoe and open the door and chase it away. yeah it was just peachy for a morning. and to think its only monday too.
other than that dog, this lovely snowy wekkend off school was boring and slow. and at work Sunday morning was horrible because the other McDonals was closed so all their damn customers came to us and hello we are busy enough with out them all. *sigh* but hey i survived so thats all good.
wow in my 1st hour the guys were horny or something and now in my 7th hour, those same guys that were talking about picking their noses are now talking about satan and shoving watermellons up their butts. wow i think this week is going to just be interesting. yep thats what i have decided here.
gah everyone is talking about getting christmas gifts and stuff and im here thinking, hello there has never been a time that i ever got any of my friend gifts, it was only cards or something, this is going ot agitate me, and Ozzy and the elf have already got my gifts and its annoying me because i dont know what to get them and i dont know what they got me. but mommy suggested that since Ozzy wears earings that thats what i should get him...*not a bad idea* but hello i dont have enough money for gifts when mommy said i have to make my car payment again and i need my lunch money and gas money, im starting to hate money, why cant we all just go back to paying with chickens or something. GAH!......
oh Antiworld thanks for the cookie. i love you! ^_^
Uncle bunraku, im sorry if i sound like a b**** i dont mean to i never used to be like this and and and well god i hate this! *crys*
anyways i got some new bruises to care for and i told people that as much pain it'll be to not fight for a while but we all have to stop fighting each other so that my bruises can get better, then i can continue. ^^ so i just hope i dont have to wait long, i like fighting, it toughens me up.
well i think i will go now and look around the great community of MyO, so bu bye fot today.
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