AIM • MasterIshtar75 Website •Click Here Yahoo! Messenger • noahssweetheart75
Birthday • 1988-05-14 Gender •
Female Location • MA, USA Member Since • 2005-05-24 Occupation • college student Real Name • Natalie
Achievements • I went to Spain last year! ^-^ Anime Fan Since • I can't remember...I think it was the start of 8th grade or something. Favorite Anime • don't ask me this, lol my first anime was I guess that's my fave. I do love Naruto, OHSHC, Bleach, Prince of Tennis, and FMA more though ^__^ Goals • to travel through Europe and maybe someday become an illustrator (or manga artist) Hobbies • drawing, writing, reading Talents • drawing and writing Darkfire75
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
You know, I realized I have a very unhealthy obsession with Itachi and Deidara as a couple. They're fun to draw and write together though =) I wrote a Hidan/Deidara/Itachi oneshot thingy last night. It's not the best, but whatever, and I posted the first chapter of my HidanOC fic at today. I'm probably gonna be spending the afternoon with my cousins tomorrow. I haven't done much this vacation (disney world was the big thing and we're going to cape cod in early august), so yeah.
My brother likes to play Runescape and he just recently became a member. I don't know WHY he wants to spent 5 bucks every month just to be a member, but whatever. It's his money. Anyway, he kept trying to show me all these "cool" things he could do as a member and I'm just like: "Tim. I do not care." I have two runescape characters, but I hardly play on them anymore. One was a warrior, the other a mage in training =P
I haven't got into any new anime lately. Waiting for the new Bleach ep this week and the new Naruto. I saw the latest ep from the Prince of Tennis Nationals OVA. As much as I HATE Atobe's new haircut, I still wanted to see him, but I didn't =( The subbers skipped the ep or something and jumped right to Fuji's match. I wanna download the OVAs, but I don't know a site that has them in .avi format for free. *shrug* I've missed a few D.Gray-man eps too. I need to go catch up. I miss Lavi, and Kanda...and Tyki. =P
I think that's all for now. It's kinda late (okay, it's like 10:30, but still). So bye peeps! Comments (1) |
Monday, July 16, 2007
Jeez, the weather here keeps going from 90s to the 60s. I go to bed without sheets and when I wake up, I'm scrambling to get all my heavy sheets cuz I'm freezing. And we had another thunder storm yesterday, plus some hail. My grandma got sent home yesterday also ^-^ My uncle came over for a bit and then he left with my dad to go get her from the hospital. I think I figured out how to color using soft-shading. Hehe. I tried it out while coloring my new PoT pic.
I'll probably color the other PoT couple pics I drew like this as well. And in honor of Deidara...I drew a pic of him at ratemydrawings.
Dei and his chest mouth =P
Sesshomaru sketch
and my Akatsuki OT3 ^-^
I was rereading some fics I've written. I wrote most of them when I was like 16-17. They sometimes make me wanna gag XD Like, I got a review on a story that I have no looked at since I was 16 and the person was all: "the romance is moving too fast." and I'm like: "did she not notice that I haven't updated since 2004?" *sigh* So yeah, I realized I was a perv way back when I was 15 =P I wrote lemons (crappy ones, mind you) but lemons nonetheless. And they were all het. BORING. Now I've moved on to het, yaoi, AND yuri, mehehe. Yeah, I'm weird.
It sucks, cuz I write romance, but I've never been in a relationship, so I actually have no idea about romance at all. O.o I just kinda wing it and add some random horny shit in there. *shrug* It's all good, people. XD
Anyway, I'll go now. I'm not feeling the greatest. Girls will know why though. =P So...bye for now, peeps.
Blah. That's how I feel right now. I'm so tired. I stayed up 'til 1:30 this morning finishing a slideshow on movie maker. *dies* My comp froze twice so I had to restart everything but I finally finished it.
the song during Deidara and Tobi's part is called Type wa D! by Oishi and Eiji from PoT ^-^ I forgot to type it in the credits. And omg, I want the new Naruto Shippuden video game. I wanna play as Sakura and Deidara and Itachi =P I'm gonna have to see if I can find an online store to import the game from.
Forgot to mention that my friend Bridget invited me to her birthday party July 31st =) It should be fun. She has a pool too. We visited my grandma in the hospital yesterday. She was doing well. She was walking but I guess there's still some stones left and the doctor said they may have to operate again =( My uncle came in today around 5:15ish from Texas. He and my dad are the hospital now I think.
I found two more art thieves at DA. And I have a question: why the hell are all the art thieves 15 and under???? Is that like the age they realize they can't draw for shit and suddenly decided they're gonna steal to get awknowledged? I mean, honestly. Why can't they learn to draw and practice hard to get better? That's what I did. I couldn't even draw people that well when I was 15. They looked like disfigured aliens. I've improved a lot since 2003 and hell, I'm improved a lot in the last few months. I learn new stuff all the time.
Like, this one girl, I saw a pic that I had saved on my comp and I thought the pic resembled a pic of arriku's from DA, so I checked the girl's gallery just to make sure I didn't make a mistake. Arriku was the original artist and this 15 yr old brat stole her art saying: "something i doodled for a dear friend." >.< Pfft. Idiot. I wanna virtually punch her. I'm kinda waiting in the wings if someone steals my art. I won't flip out like last time, but play games with their head. I'll be all: "sooo...what program to you use? Can I see the sketch? I love sketches. How many hours did this take? What inspired you to draw this?" XD That'll be fun.
Ugh. My neck hurts. I think I slept on it weird or something. I haven't done much of of anything today...blah. I just kinda sat around on my comp and went downstairs to play a video game and then came back upstairs to the comp. It doesn't help that I'm tired either =P
dude! isn't this game AWESOME???!! The animation is really good too. Yay Deidara! Kick Kakashi's ass! I don't like Kakashi anymore. Well, not as much as I first did. He's kinda eeeehhhh to me now. *sniff* he killed Kakuzu...
I want Sakura's babies! hahaha, I wanna play as her in this. I'd have so much fun.
O.O I WANT IT!!!! The graphics are AMAZING.
hehe, I found a site that has it. It's like 80 bucks though to import it from Japan O.o I'll have to talk it over with my mom. I also wanna get the Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2. Anyway, I better go now. Bye. Comments (0) |
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Have you guys seen my new Naruto pic? Wow. I still can't believe I drew it. I never thought one of my pics would look so good, but hey, hard work pays off. I've been discouraged from drawing anime-style by two people in my life (a cartoon illustrator and the guy in charge of the Visual Arts department at my college). Everytime I got criticizism, I just worked harder to get better. =) My anatomy drawings are a lot better than they were in December.
My grandma is currently in surgery right now. She's having a kidney stone removed. Hopefully she'll be able to go home by Saturday. My uncle's coming in from Texas to take care of her for 2 weeks also.
My mom said we could go see Harry Potter today! I've waited so long. I've been rereading the 5th book and I have like...two chapters left. So I wanna finish it before we go see the movie =P It's either Harry Potter or Transformers we go see. I like both, so I don't mind. It depends if my dad gets home or not. He's with my grandma now.
I've got some cool plot ideas for my AU Hidan/OC fic ^-^ Um....I don't know what else to say. I'm just listening to my imeem playlist right now, hehe. Anyone have requests for me to draw while I still have the motivation? I've mentioned before that I'll draw whatever, but I guess I better put what I won't draw under any circumstances. These are mostly Naruto stuff.
-NaruSaku (I'm a NaruHina/SasuSaku fan 'nuff said)
-SasuHina (this crack pairing bothers me too much. I don't even know why, it just does.)
-SasuNaru (Ugh. I love yaoi soooo much, but I cannot stand this pairing. Some of the art is cute and I've saved a few, but I will NOT draw or look at this pairing if I can avoid it. Sorry.)
-SasoDei (Given the fact that I don't like Sasori, I don't like this couple and really would prefer not to draw it. I don't think I could stomach it.)
-LeeSaku or GaaSaku ( I like LeeGaara. Sakura has Sasuke-kun ^-^ or...whoever else. There's so many yummy pairings with her now)
-TemariShika (InoShika fan right here! I like Temari, I just don't like her with Shikamaru)
-I don't draw hentai (Yes, I am a pervert and not afraid to admit it, but I'm not comfortable drawing anime nudes doing stuff to themselves. My friends have asked before to draw them hentai and I've refused.)
- If I can avoid it, I won't draw Naruto by himself (if he's in a couple or group pic, then yes, I'll draw him. But he's not my favorite character and never was and I would prefer not to draw him by himself. But if my brother asks for a pic of him that's different. Not that he would ask for one anyway, but I'm just saying.)
- IrukaKakashi (I like the couple, but not enough to draw it. Sorry.)
I think that's most of the main points. So...I'm gonna go browse the net for awhile. Bye.
I drew Light for you, Zano ^-^ Hopefully it shows up in the DN section soon. I also wrote more to my Hidan/OC fic. 10 pages to be precious. O.o I think the first chapter might be ready to viewing at =D I'll post what I've written since the last time. Hope you guys like it.
The next morning, Natari dragged herself out of bed, showered, dressed, and ate breakfast in record time. Her alarm clock hadn�t gone off and she was 10 minutes behind her normal schedule. As she exited her house and locked the door behind her, she noticed a foot protruding from her bushes.
Oh my god. Please tell me this isn�t a homicide. She carefully peeked around the corner and frowned upon seeing the source of the foot. It belonged to the silver-haired man from last night. He was currently sleeping (in the most uncomfortable position she had ever seen) behind her bushes. His hair curtained his face and Natari paused a moment to admire him. It was amazing that someone that attractive could have such a vulgar mouth.
She knew she was wasting time, but she wanted to know what the man was doing sleeping on her property when he had a house of his own. So she kicked him. Needless to say, he was NOT happy.
�What the FUCK??!!� he shouted, grabbing his side where she had kicked him. He blinked his eyes at her. �Are you fucking RETARDED, lady?!�
Natari glared down at him. �Care to explain why you�re sleeping in my bushes?�
That seemed to calm him down. �Um�they�re comfortable?�
�Try again.�
He pouted. �Fine, I was making sure that fat dude didn�t follow you home.�
�By sleeping?�
�Well I was awake last night!�
She rolled her eyes. �Right. Well as you can obviously see, he did not follow me last night so you can go on home now.�
Hidan stood up, still clutching his side. �Hell no. I�m not leaving until I�m absolutely sure he�s not coming back.�
�Are you always this protective of people you don�t know?�
�Are you always this rude?�
Natari chose to ignore that. �Look, I have to get to work and you better not be here when I get back.�
He glared at her. �I�m not going anywhere.�
She growled low in her throat. �Fine. Whatever.� She stomped over to her car and got inside. She looked out the window at her house. Hidan was making himself comfortable in the bushes again. She counted to ten mentally before driving off.
�So now he�s sleeping in my bushes!� Natari finished. She had just told her entire story to Genma and Sasuke, who were staring at her as though she had just grown five heads. �Well? Don�t you have anything to say?�
�Are you sure he�s not a stalker?� Genma asked.
�Trust me, if he was, I would know.�
�Maybe he�s lonely,� Sasuke suggested.
�Pfft, yeah right. A guy like him lonely? I�m sure he�s got plenty of women back home waiting for him.�
�Well it doesn�t explain why he�s sleeping outside your house.�
�I know.� Natari sighed heavily. �Why can�t I just have a normal life? One where my parents don�t try to set me up and weirdoes don�t follow me home and sleep in my yard.�
When she arrived home, sure enough, Hidan was still there. He was sitting on the steps leading up to her door. Natari purposely walked past him and was about to go inside, when she felt him tug on her pants. �What?� she snarled.
He scowled back at her. �I figured I might as well tell you why I�m still here.�
�Oh this oughtta be good.� She crossed her arms over her chest.
Hidan took a deep breath and hung his head. �I lost my job a week ago and since I was behind in paying rent for my apartment, I lost my home too.�
Natari blinked. He was homeless? �So�you lied last night. You said you lived around here.�
�Yeah. And I do. Wherever I can find.�
�That explains why you smell.�
�Well you do.�
He stared at his feet. �I guess I thought your bushes looked more comfortable than cold, hard cement last night.� He got to his feet. �I�ll leave you alone now.�
Natari stared after him. She bit her lip. She was too nice for her own good. �Wait!� He stopped and turned around. �I�um�There�s an extra room in my house.�
Hidan blinked. �You�d let me stay with you? Seriously?�
�I�m not about to let you die on the streets after you helped me last night.�
He smiled. �You�re really gonna let me stay?�
�Yep, but not for free. You�re gonna have to get a job starting tomorrow.�
His face fell. �But I��
�Take it or leave it.�
He sighed. �Fine.�
Given the fact that he had no valuables, save for a pendant he wore around his neck, having him move in wasn�t that hard. Natari showed him to his room, which was across the hall from her own. She had never seen someone so happy to see a bed before. He acted like a little kid, jumping up and down on the mattress.
Natari smiled at his antics. �The bathroom�s across my room if you wanna clean up. We can go shopping for clothes for you later.�
�Shopping?� he repeated.
�Yeah. You need new clothes.�
He shrugged as he went into the bathroom. When he came out, she was amazed how clean he looked. His hair was slicked back, probably from using one of her hair gels. �That felt nice,� he said happily. �I haven�t had a shower in�well�a long time.�
�Well you look cleaner. Now let�s go shopping.�
Natari hated splurging money at the mall and rarely went shopping. Her sister was the one that liked to shop. However, shopping for Hidan was fun and different. She actually found herself starting to warm up to the guy. Of course, she would have to anyway since he would be living with her for awhile. They had agreed that as soon as he got a job and was making a steady amount of money, he would buy his own apartment. The only problem that Natari saw in all this was how to keep her parents from knowing about Hidan.
The next morning, Natari heard her alarm go off and did her usual routine. After she exited the shower and dressed, she walked into Hidan�s room and shook him awake. �Huh? Wha? What�s going on?� he mumbled.
�It�s time to get up,� she said.
He groaned and fell back against his pillow. �It�s too fucking early.�
�It�s 7 o�clock.�
�That�s too fucking early.�
Natari frowned. �And I suppose you�d rather sleep in until noon?�
A smile spread across his face. �Yeah, that�d be nice.�
�Forget it!� Natari pushed him out of the bed and watched as he tumbled over the edge in a heap. He stood up, with his face bright red, holding the blankets around his waist.
�I am naked under here, ya know!� he spat.
She raised an eyebrow. �So go take a shower.�
�Because you smell.�
�But I took one last night!�
�And you�ve been homeless for over a week. That smell isn�t gonna disappear in just one night.� Hidan swore under his breath as he gathered the blankets and stomped out of the room. �And don�t forget that you have to go job-searching today!� Natari called. Her answer was a slammed bathroom door.
When Hidan came down for breakfast, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, he plopped down on the couch and turned the television on. Natari waited patiently for him to come sit at the table and pursed her lips. She cleared her throat. Hidan turned his head. �What?� he asked.
�Aren�t you going to eat with me?�
He blinked. �Eat with you? As in�eat at the table?�
�Nah. I like the couch. And I haven�t watched TV in a long time.�
Natari felt her temper rising. Why did I agree to let him stay with me? He�s infuriating! �Look, Hidan, if we�re gonna make this living arrangement work out, I need your cooperation.�
He sighed and turned off the TV. �Okay, fine. I�ll eat at the damn table with you.�
She smiled. �Thank you.�
As she was preparing to leave for work, she handed him a newspaper. �What�s this for?� he said with a quizzical eyebrow.
�Find a job,� she instructed. �And if the phone rings, don�t pick it up.�
�Why not?�
�It could be my parents�and they don�t know you�re staying with me.�
Hidan winked. �Gotcha. Anything else I should know before we go our separate ways, �sweetheart�?�
Natari narrowed her eyes at his sarcasm. �Whatever you do, please come home with a job.�
With that, she got into her car and drove off. Hidan made a face after she left and stared down at the newspaper wanted ads. �Let�s see�what do we have here?� He began scouring the neighborhood, going in and out of stores and bars and getting turned down. He passed by a church and stopped momentarily to go inside. It was mostly empty, except for a few people in the front seats. He smiled warmly and took a seat. He knelt down and began to pray. �Hey. It�s me. Sorry I haven�t been to see you in so long. I got laid off and lost my house. I never lost my faith though. And hey, some nice lady offered me a room in her house. I�m pretty lucky, huh? Listen, I know I haven�t been giving you my all lately, but could you somehow help me get a job today? It�s really important. Thanks. I�ll see you on Sunday.� He stood up and walked out of the church, feeling slightly more motivated.
After getting turned down from several jobs, Hidan felt ready to just throw in the towel. That�s when he passed by an enormous building called Uchiha Enterprises. He knew it was a high-paying job and the likelihood of him getting a job there was slim-to-none, but he had to try, right?
�So he�s uh�living with you now?� Genma asked with a smirk.
�Yes and stop smirking,� Natari snarled. �I don�t even know why I let him stay in the first place.�
�You�re a nice person?�
�Oh shut up.�
Sasuke chuckled from his work station. �Sounds like this Hidan guy is a handful.�
�He�s rude.�
�But he�s good-looking,� Genma piped in.
�That�s what you said the other day. He�s rude, but good-looking.�
�I�ve seen plenty of those types before, Genma,� Natari grumbled. �Hidan is no different.� Suddenly they heard a commotion over by Uchiha Fugaku�s office. Several women were crowding around the door. �I wonder what that�s about.�
�Yeah, women never crowd my dad�s office unless my brother�s in town or there�s a new male worker.�
Natari rolled her eyes. �Thanks for making my gender seem like a bunch of idiots.�
�Well they are, aren�t they?� he grinned.
�I�ll be talking to Sakura about you, mister.� Natari frowned at the loud women. �Oi! Yamanaka!� A woman with blonde hair covered the right side of her face and blue eyes turned around. �What�s going on over there?�
�New worker!� she called back. �He�s absolutely gorgeous!�
�More so than your boyfriend?�
The blonde glared at her. �Hush you. Just come see him and you�ll know what I mean.�
Natari sighed. �Let�s go, guys. Time to see this �gorgeous� new guy.�
�I wonder if he�s gay,� Genma muttered.
�Hell, if he�s as gorgeous as Yamanaka says, he probably is.�
�Why is that?� Sasuke asked with a raised eyebrow.
�Because most gorgeous men are.�
�My brother isn�t and I�m not.�
She smiled. �You�re exception and your brother�he�s just�� Her cheeks turned pink.
Sasuke smirked. �He�s just what?�
�HERE HE COMES!!� someone shrieked.
�Thank you so much for letting me have this job, Mister Uchiha,� a somewhat deep voice was saying. Natari swore the voice sounded familiar. But after awhile, all men start to sound alike anyway.
�It�s no problem at all,� Fugaku answered back.
Natari tried to see over the heads of some of the girls but was failing miserably. �I�m serious though. If I didn�t get this job, I would have been so screwed.�
�Well I�m glad to have been able to help. Everyone, clear the way. Back to your stations!�
When everyone had moved, Natari was finally able to see the new guy.
And regretted it. Her jaw dropped open as she stared at the smiling silver-haired man standing in the office. Sasuke and Genma dragged her back to her station and stared at her. �Are you okay?� Genma asked.
�It�s him!�
�I think she means Hidan,� Sasuke stated.
Natari clenched her fists. �I don�t believe this! I told him to get a job and what does he do?!�
�Um�gets a job?� Genma supplied.
She glared at him. �Don�t you dare take his side!�
�Side? What the��
�No, Genma, don�t try to talk to her when she�s mad,� Sasuke said shaking his head. �Let her rant for awhile.�
�When I told him to find a job I didn�t mean MY job!�
�Natari, he�s not taking your job. He�s only gonna be working here,� the youngest Uchiha mumbled.
�Yeah, which means I�ll have to see him 24/7! Even when he leaves my house and buys his own, I won�t be rid of him since I�ll get to spend the majority of my day with him at work!�
�I kinda pity this guy,� Genma said softly.
�Me too,� Sasuke replied.
When Natari got home, she was livid. She was determined to be calm when talking with Hidan, but she was still very upset that out of all the workplaces in Konoha, he had to choose Uchiha Enterprises. Upon opening the door, she was greeted with a wide smile. Hidan looked happier than she�d ever seen him, and that included when she had invited him to stay in her home.
�I got a job!� he exclaimed. �And it�s not some shitty job at a bar or food place! It�s an actual job in a big building!�
�That�s�wonderful,� she said. He was radiating happiness and she just didn�t have the heart to crush it anymore. �So um�where do you work?�
�Uchiha Enterprises starting tomorrow.�
�Really? That�s funny. I uh�I work there too.�
His pink eyes widened. �You do? Seriously?�
�I didn�t see you there today.�
�I was the gaping woman outside Mister Uchiha�s office.�
He frowned. �Why didn�t you say hello?�
�Because�I was angry.�
�Yeah.� She plopped down on her couch and sighed heavily. �I shouldn�t have been angry at all though. You got a job and that�s all that matters. You�ll be making so much money soon that you won�t have to stay with me that much longer.�
Hidan smiled. �Yep. I�ll be able to have my own place again.�
Strangely though, in the back of his mind, Hidan didn�t want to leave now.
Ah, I love tension. Hidan's slightly OOC, but it is an AU fic, so he's not the immortal slaughtering jashin-lover that we all know and love XD And dudes, I went to deviantart today and omg, I had 58 messages! I've never had that many in one day! I sent fanart to the Sharingan Ecstasy club and suddenly all these members are commenting and faving my stuff. Yay me! ^-^ So....other than the fact that MA is suddenly getting a major heat wave...there's nothing more to say. Bye for now!
I've gotten better with drawing with the mouse =) I drew two more pics at the ratemydrawings site yesterday.
Erm...well, it's nothing BIG or interesting...but for the first time in a loooooooooong time, I actually painted my nails this weekend. I did it not because I HAD to (which is when I usually only paint my nails) but because I just had this desire to feel like a girl again. ^-^ I grew up way too fast, honestly. It feels like just yesterday that I was 13 and fooling around with my friends and dreading high school. I'm actually very scared about turning 20 next year.
I'm not very independent. I like the safety my parents provide. I've never had a paying job and I told myself this summer I would get one...but...I dunno. I guess I just don't feel that I'm ready yet. I mean, I'm mature and hell, I've traveled to a foreign country for 10 days and didn't have to rely on my parents. So I guess I am only slightly independent. =/ Also, I really don't know if Visual Arts is the right major for me. I can see myself as an illustrator and, hey, maybe there's an illustrating or manga school somewhere in New England that I can go to once I'm done community college. Blah.
Anyway, enough of that. I spent the majority of my time at the dollwizard site yesterday. I made...let's see...9 new characters for an original story or manga. It'll probably be an erotic type fic, since that's what I like to write. I've read some wonderful erotic yaoi novels online (check out and I was inspired to maybe try writing a story myself. I'm such a pervert =P
I really am attached to my characters though. Taurus was the first I created, but Mitch and Ru are special to my heart ^-^ They're like my kids. I'm gonna try drawing some more in photoshop. Anyone have any requests?
I found out I can actually draw on the comp using my mouse now. I used to find it sooooo hard to control, and it still is, but for some reason, now I can actually draw pictures (in my style). I think that ratemydrawings site helped improve my skill with the mouse. These are some of the ones I did Friday and yesterday:
I also wrote some more to my new fanfic. It's not much. I keep getting all these new plot ideas for it ^-^ I really hope it turns out okay so that way I can finally post a new fic at =) I REALLY want to write a lemon...but I may have to restrain myself to just kissing and...stuff. Yeah, I'm a perv, shut up >.< =P
Grrrr...I can't draw Tsunade! I have a funny idea for a pic but I need her in it. Bill Engvall has this joke in his latest dvd that was like: "Boobs are the source of power." And immediately Tsunade popped into my mind. But I can't freakin' draw boobs and I'm a girl...well is 19 really an age I can still consider myself a 'girl' and not a 'woman'? Hmm. Anyway...
I made a friend at DA and she's a Prince of Tennis fan too but I found out she really doesn't like Gakuto and Eiji and I was like: "but that's like saying you hate kittens!"
he's too cute to hate *sniff*
this is cool! the song is Rain Dance and it's got clips from the Tenimyu Dream Live 3rd
Heh, you know I wish there was a 'reply to comments' thing here. I love reading what others tell me and I can never quickly respond *pouts* Yay! I'm glad someone likes my fic. I was pretty proud with some of the remarks. I love laughing at my stuff =D I live up here in good ol' Massachusetts. When we got back from Florida the temps were pushing at 100 degrees here, but then they went back down to the 60s. I don't care much, since I'm in my air conditioned room all day =P Talk about lazy. I did some dusting...and omg, anyone seen the new Naruto ending? I LOVED it. I think the animators have read some fanfics where the Naruto characters are in high school or something. And Sasuke and Sakura zomg! Hehe. I liked Naruto's trench coat. He was all badass. I wish they'd do something like that for Akatsuki. It would make fans of them VERY happy (like me ^-^)
Well, I'm gonna be a disney nerd and watch that brother bear 2 movie tonight =P Being a disney nerd is fun! I R MAGICAL! STFU!! XD I rewatched Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame like...a day after we got back from Florida. That reminds me...I've still got pics to load onto my comp. *shrug* I was a Law & Order nerd last night. I LOVE ME SOME JUSTICE AND MCCOY! hehe. McCoy is my favorite lawyer, besides Alex, in L&O. I saw a commerical with McCoy's actor and I freaked out: "ZOMG! IT'S MCCOY FROM LAW AND ORDER!!" it was like a commerical about juice or something.
I was thinking...if I don't go anywhere with visual arts or illustrating, I MIGHT try going for criminal justice. I'd like to be a cop...or security guard or something. Not a lawyer. My cousin in Texas is studying to be a lawyer (I think). That's what my grandma says. I don't see my cousins in Texas that often. Last time I saw them was in 2004, when they came up to Mass for our grandfather's funeral. O.o So it's been awhile.
I hurt my wrist today...I don't know HOW. I was just grabbing a jar of mayonnaise from the fridge when my wrist just starting hurting like hell. I have one of those "smart glove" things on it. *pouts*
haha, dudes I found some vids from people that went on some Disney rides! it's Expedition Everest! I really liked that ride.
Woot! I actually have a use for the air conditioners now! It's been getting up to 89 and sometimes 90 degrees the last two days. Where was this weather July 4th? Honestly. Anyway, I just downloaded shippuden ep 19 and I'm waiting for my brother to wake up so that we can watch it >.< I stayed up 'til 1am this morning on that ratemydrawings site and I actually drew a pic that I'm extremely happy with. I did a doodle of Sasuke and another pic of Sasuke that's definitely the best computer drawn pic I've EVER done.
this one's kinda blah...but whatever
and this is the one I'm very happy with and stayed up in the early morning to do
Oh yeah, I also started a new Naruto fic. It's AU and it'll be a Hidan/OC fic because I've seen some Hidan/OC fics and well...a lot of them lack...effort, grammar, spelling, plot, description. You get my drift. SO, I started writing down scenes and I have at least 2 chapters done already. It's pretty original, I think, as far as AU stories go. Plus, I'm not having Hidan fall madly in love in like...the first few chapters. That's completely unrealistic and unlike him. And the same with my OC. She's not gonna fall head over heels for him until much later. I'm still working on it, but hopefully I'll post it at when I've checked it over for mistakes. I honestly don't know why I keep fanfics I wrote when I was 15-16 at anymore. They're so...blech. I'm a much better writer now, but I'm just cautious about posting my stuff. A lot of it isn't even finished. I just write random scenes for fanfics I'd like to work on. *shrug* Oh well. I'm gonna post what I've written so far in my new fic, just for you guys. ^-^
There�s never a time in your life where you think about killing someone. Well, at least not normal, sane people. Mizuno Natari was what she�d like to call normal and sane. She had a job that paid well, a decent home, loving family. Really, what else could she ever ask for? Well, according to her parents, Natari needed to �settle down.� She�d been single for a long time and it often reflected in her demeanor.
Natari shrugged off their plans to set her up. She was happy being single and alone. Well, so she said. Leaving work one afternoon, her friend stopped to talk with her. �Wanna hang out at the bar tonight?� he asked, chewing on what looked like a blade of grass.
Natari smiled and shook her head. �Sorry. I�m meeting my parents for dinner.�
�Oh. Is it�that time again?�
She rolled her eyes. �I honestly don�t know why they don�t think I can�t get a man for myself. They always find these pathetic guys who want nothing except a girlfriend who�s got a steady job.�
�They�re looking out for you.�
�I know that, Genma. It�s just�annoying to be set up on dates by my parents.�
He nodded. �I understand. But hey, maybe this guy�s the one?�
Natari laughed. �Yeah right.�
When she reached the restaurant, she took a deep breath and prepared herself for another pointless night with a guy she didn�t know and didn�t want to know. Upon entering, her parents ushered her over to their table. She saw someone else sitting with them. He had long silver hair tied back in a low-hanging ponytail. When he turned around, she saw dark eyes behind circular glasses and a smile on his face.
�Nice to meet you, Natari-san,� he said holding out his hand. �I�m Yakushi Kabuto.�
�He�s a doctor,� her mother piped up.
As Natari sat down beside Kabuto, he chuckled, �Well actually, I�m still just an assistant.�
�So which hospital do you work at?� Natari asked.
�The Konoha Main.�
�Ah. Your work load there must be tough. I hear it�s really hard to get employed there.�
�Well, it all depends on how well-qualified you are. I was one of the lucky ones.�
Natari pursed her lips. �Yes you were.� She picked up her menu. �So, Mom, Dad, how are things?�
�Oh absolutely lovely,� her mother answered with a sweet smile. �We met this nice young man during one of my check-ups at the hospital, didn�t we, honey?�
Her husband nodded. �Yep, and I noticed he looked to be the same age as our little girl and asked if he was seeing anyone.�
�Dad!� Natari cried, turning wildly at Kabuto. �I can�t believe he did that.�
Kabuto smiled. �No, I didn�t mind in the slightest. I told him that I was single and that�s when they started talking about you.�
Natari�s cheeks burned. �And�what did you guys say?�
�Oh nothing embarrassing, sweetheart,� her mother said with a wave of her hand. �We just said you worked at Uchiha Enterprises and that you were also single.�
�Then they asked me to dinner so that I could meet you,� Kabuto finished. �And I must say, you�re a lot better looking than the picture they showed me.�
�You showed him a picture?!�
�Yes, the picture of you at your sister�s wedding,� her dad explained.
Natari gaped at him. �I was drunk when that picture was taken, Dad!�
�Yes, but you were so lovely.�
She resisted the urge to bang her hand against the table. This night was already giving her a headache. �Are you all right?� Kabuto asked.
�Yeah�I�m fine,� she replied, wishing the night would end quickly. �Um�I just remembered I have an important�thing I have to give to my boss tomorrow and if I don�t start on it now, I�ll never get it done.�
�What thing is that, dear?� her mother asked.
Natari glared at her from across the table. �A thing, Mom. A very important thing that Mister Uchiha needs for tomorrow.�
�Oh, I see.�
She stood up and said to Kabuto, �I�m sorry for this. It completely slipped my mind.�
He shrugged. �Oh don�t worry about it.�
�Yes, we�ll set up another dinner for you two,� her mother announced, taking out her planning book.
Natari�s eyes flashed angrily. She faked a smile. �That would be so sweet of you, Mom.�
�How�s Friday night?�
�Can�t,� Natari said quickly. �Plans with Sakura.�
�Scheduled operation,� Kabuto answered meekly.
�I�m free,� Kabuto said. He looked over at Natari.
She looked like a gaping fish for a bit before nodding her head and saying, �I�m also free.�
�Great!� her mother said. �I�ll schedule you both in for 7 o�clock here Sunday evening. Don�t be late.�
�Right,� Natari mumbled. �I�ll be seeing you, Mom, Dad. It was nice meeting you, Kabuto-san.�
As soon as she was out of there, Natari reached for her cell phone and called her friend Sakura. �Hello?�
�Hey Sakura, it�s Natari.�
�Oh hey, how was the�you know?�
�Well, I managed to get out of it.�
�Really? How?�
�I told them I had to do a thing for Mr. Uchiha.�
Her friend laughed. �Nice. So who was the guy? Was he cute?�
�He wasn�t bad looking. He said he works over at the Konoha Main Hospital.�
�Really? Maybe I know him. What�s his name?�
�Yakushi Kabuto.� There was a pause. �Sakura? You there?�
�You�re not serious, are you?�
�Uh, yeah. I guess he met my parents when my mom went for her annual check-up there a week ago.�
�Well, Kabuto�s a pretty popular guy here among the single nurses.�
�So that means he�s been with them all at least once. He�s not a steady boyfriend kinda guy, Nat. Are you seeing him again?�
�My mom set up another dinner for Sunday.�
�I can�t; I already said I was free.�
�Then�I�ll find some way to have him cancel.�
�Thanks, Sakura. You�re the best.�
�Heh, I know. See ya later.�
�Bye.� Natari hung up and got into her car. Man, what a night. When she got home, she opened the door and dragged herself up to her bed. Finally. Some relaxation.
The next day at work, Natari found herself retelling her story to Genma. Said person was laughing and attempting to hide it. �It�s not funny!� Natari growled.
�I�m sorry, but the thought of your dad showing a drunk picture of you to your blind date is hilarious,� he said, tears coming out of his eyes. �I imagine he was rather amazed that you actually can look decent.�
She glared at him. �It�s not like I was some swamp creature in that picture.�
�No, but you were heading there.�
�Genma, this is serious. My mom scheduled us to have another dinner date on Sunday. I called Sakura and she told me this guy is bad news.�
�I�m bad news, but you hang out with me,� he shrugged.
�And I wonder why every moment of my life,� she drawled. She shook her head. That�s when she noticed the son of her boss and Sakura�s boyfriend walking by. �Sasuke!�
He turned around and nodded in her direction. �Yeah, Mizuno?�
�Have you talked to Sakura?�
He lifted an eyebrow. �Everyday��
�No, I mean, have you talked to her about my�you know what?�
He blinked. �Your period?�
Genma snorted into his coffee. �Ha! He said �period!��
�Oh grow up, Genma!� Natari snarled, before turning back to Sasuke. �I mean about my dinner date with Yakushi Kabuto.�
�Oh,� he said. �Yeah, she might have mentioned it.�
�Well? Did she say anything about what she plans to do?�
�You�ll just have to wait and see, won�t you?�
�You�re a very difficult man, Sasuke. I think I know why your brother left the company.�
He smirked. �Why be simple when you can be difficult?�
�I hear ya, man,� Genma stated.
�Ugh, men,� Natari growled, stomping back to her station.
Natari stared at her phone Saturday night for a very long time. She didn�t know if Sakura had already pulled the strings for Kabuto to cancel their date. She took a deep breath and grabbed the piece of paper her mother had given her with Kabuto�s work cell. She dialed in the number. It rang a few times, before she heard the silver-haired man�s voice.
�Hello? Yakushi Kabuto speaking.�
�Hi Kabuto-san, this is Mizuno Natari,� she answered back in her sweetest voice.
�Ah, hello.�
�I was just calling to make sure you�re still up for tomorrow.�
�Ah�um�you see, I was going to call you later about that. It appears something came up and I�ve been put on the night shift Sunday. I won�t be able to make our date.�
Natari moved the phone away from her ear to give a triumphant air punch. Then she put the phone back to her ear and said, �Oh, that�s a shame. I was really looking forward to seeing you again, since we barely talked the other night.�
�Well, I am free Tuesday night.�
Shit! Not good! �Uh, sorry. I�ve already got plans.�
�Oh. That�s fine then. Well um�I�ll keep in touch.�
�Okay. Bye.�
She hung up and glared at the phone. �That was too close. Better call Sakura and tell her everything went well.�
Sundays were Natari�s relaxation days. It was the only day of the week that her boss let her have off. Every employee of Uchiha Enterprises was given the option of one day off a week, so she chose Sundays. On this particular Sunday night, Natari was at a bar, just enjoying herself. She didn�t drink often (contrary to what others saw at her sister�s wedding) and actually preferred just drinking water. But there were some nights where she felt the need to celebrate with a glass of wine or beer. Tonight was one of those nights.
It was, in her mind, a victory over her parents. They constantly shoved men at her to try and marry her off, but she would have none of that. When she wanted to settle down, she would meet the man herself, before her parents. After a few glasses of wine, Natari decided she�d celebrated enough and left the bar, leaving a nice tip for the bartender. Unbeknownst to her, an overly large man had been eyeing her in the bar and had followed her out.
It took Natari a few minutes to realize she was being followed. She whirled around and glared heatedly at the man. �What the hell do you want?�
He smirked and wiped something off his double-chin. Natari made a disgusted face and turned around to continue walking. The man apparently didn�t like that, and roughly grabbed her wrist. He yanked her back towards him and grinned toothily. �Let me go!� Natari cried. She struggled and kicked as hard as she could, but the big man just wouldn�t let go. Just when she thought she�d have to kiss Mister Sloppy Joe, a fist came out of no where and smacked right into the man�s jaw, sending him flying and Natari free from his grasp.
Natari saw a flash of silver hair out of the corner of her eye. There was another man standing a few feet from the big guy, flexing his fist as though he had just punched a wall. �Dude, you�re face is like a fucking rock,� he hissed to the big guy. �It�s called a diet!�
�Asshole!� the bigger man shouted, planning to attack the other guy.
Natari thought her savior was a bit of an idiot. He was way smaller and unmatched for this guy. He stood his ground and smirked. She watched as he pulled his fist back and swung hard at the other guy�s face. Again. Blood squirted from the big man�s nose.
�Who you callin� an asshole, asshole?� the silver-haired man taunted. �I hate spineless motherfuckers like you! Always picking on the weak, huh?�
Natari�s eyes flared at that. �Oh, so now I�m weak?� she cried.
The guy blinked his pink eyes. Wait. Pink eyes? Was he an albino? �Uh�lady, I just saved your goddamn life here. Shouldn�t you be a little bit more grateful?�
�You called me weak!�
�Well this guy almost slapped a big nasty wet one on you!�
�I�m not weak!�
Natari knew she was being bitchy and partly blamed it on the alcohol and the fact that she was close to her period. But that also didn�t excuse this stranger of calling her weak. She�d hated being called weak as a child and she hated it as an adult.
�Okay, fine, you�re slightly stronger than the average woman.�
�Excuse me?!�
�Fuck! What the hell was I thinking when I saved you from this guy?�
�I don�t know! Were you even thinking to begin with?�
�Oh that does it!� He advanced on her, but she put her hands up in defense.
�Would you really hit a lady?�
�If it would make you shut up! I just saved you from a horrible kiss and this is the thanks I get?�
Natari thought it over and sighed. �Ugh. Fine, I�m sorry. I just overreacted.�
�That time of month, huh?�
�No!� Damn, how�d he know? �I�m just��
�Really pissed off for no reason?�
�Look, how �bout I walk you home so that no other creepy guys come after you tonight?�
�Why should I trust you?�
�Lady, I just beat the shit out of this fat fucker. I�m the only protection you�ve got right now.�
She rolled her eyes. �Fine. And my name�s not �lady.� It�s Natari.�
He stuffed his hands into his pockets. �Name�s Hidan.�
�Do you live around here?� she asked as they walked down the street.
He tensed up. �I�uh�yeah. I guess you can say that.�
�What does that mean?�
He shrugged. �So do big dudes usually follow you around?�
�No. Tonight was a first.�
�I�m surprised you weren�t with your boyfriend.�
�I don�t have a boyfriend.�
�Oh. Sorry, my bad.�
She shrugged. �It�s no big deal. Um, this is it.� They stopped as she reached into her purse to get her house keys.
Hidan whistled. �Nice place. A little big for a single person though, eh?�
�My parents bought it for me in hopes that I would marry and have a nice big family soon. You can see how well that�s worked out.�
He chuckled. �Well, uh, I�m glad your safe. Nice meeting you.�
�Uh, yeah. And sorry about before. Really. I don�t know what got into me.�
�Hey, I�m used to people bitchin� at me all the time. Don�t worry about it.�
She walked inside her house and closed the door. She glanced out the window and saw that her mysterious silver-haired savior was still standing outside the house. Then he walked away with his hands in his pockets. Strange guy. Good-looking, but strange.
I will write more...I started the story yesterday and it's already 9 pages. Not bad on my first day XD And yay! Hidan makes his appearance! For some reason, he reminds me of a bad-mouthing city punk from Boston or New York in my AU. =P
SO, I'm off the watch shippuden ep 19 now (when my bro wakes up >.<) and uh...bye! ^-^
I'm seriously wondering why the hell it's July and yesterday it was in the 60s and raining during my family's 4th of July party >.< I was so freakin' cold! Other people brought jackets, not me! So anyway, at the guy cousins and my dad and bro played volleyball for awhile. My mom and I watched, as well as my two older girl cousins. My cous Jackie was drinking beer XD Then she offered my mom some. My mom offered me a sip...but I said no. =P I'll wait to get drunk when I'm 21. I found out my cousin Matt, who's my age, is studying to get into the police academy to be a state trooper. I didn't even know that until yesterday. XD And omg, half the people at the party yesterday I didn't even know I was related to. I think they're all like...2nd and 3rd cousins to me or something. Or great aunts and uncles. *shrug*
I had the weirdest dream last night. Honestly, it felt so real. For some reason, my family and I were in this amusement park and there was a ride called Will Turner's adventure. No joke. It was like a ship ride but not really. It was...jeez, I can't describe it because it was so weird. There was a roller coaster but went underwater. And one of the coasters actually tipped people out of it, but the people were okay, it was part of the ride. One of the coasters went up a hill and then took a drop underwater at fast speeds. Honestly, I'm not joking. It felt so real. And then my brother and I went on it. And when we go off, we went to find my parents and saw that my dad had bought me a snake and ferret. I have no idea why, but they were in the same carrying thing and I yelled at my dad for doing that becuz snakes and ferrets can't be in the same area together. Ferrets are like weasels: they attack snakes and might eat them. The snake I had was albino and kind of torn up but otherwise healthy. And THEN, as if this dream wasn't weird enough, I find myself at this farm area with a bunch of other people and we're feeding and helping with the animals in the barn.
And then I woke up.
I don't even know what that subject is off that dream so I don't think I can interpret it. O.o So um...yeah. I had a weird night. I'm downloading Bleach ep 132 (i seriously hope there aren't any more filler eps. I wanna see Aizen and Grimmy again!) So...I guess I'll shut up now. Bye. Comments (2) |