AIM • MasterIshtar75 Website •Click Here Yahoo! Messenger • noahssweetheart75
Birthday • 1988-05-14 Gender •
Female Location • MA, USA Member Since • 2005-05-24 Occupation • college student Real Name • Natalie
Achievements • I went to Spain last year! ^-^ Anime Fan Since • I can't remember...I think it was the start of 8th grade or something. Favorite Anime • don't ask me this, lol my first anime was I guess that's my fave. I do love Naruto, OHSHC, Bleach, Prince of Tennis, and FMA more though ^__^ Goals • to travel through Europe and maybe someday become an illustrator (or manga artist) Hobbies • drawing, writing, reading Talents • drawing and writing Darkfire75
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Dudes, I just found this awesome site: and I already drew 3 pics on the comp! Man, it's hard to do with a mouse but it's fun. I don't know if these will show up...
Blah. Can someone say BORING? I didn't do anything today. Well, I
started to color that Atobe/OC pic I drew in photoshop. I only have the
base colors down. I need to figure
out what the bg will be to determine the lighting and shadows.
Gah. So much work. I also have to burn
like...4 CDs from all the songs
I've downloaded. I want them in time for Disney =P I was watching
the Law and Order: SVU marathon, I love that show. It makes me
want to be a cop. I've got some ideas
for pics that I might work on. I need to
draw a SuiKa pic to show my love and support. I also
wanna draw a Hidan/Sakura pic for the
Hidan x Sakura FC. They need more fanart. =)
Oh yeah...and...I found this awesome banner at DA saying: "I'm a Proud
Anime Pedophile" XD and I realized...that I actually am. I fantasize over
Prince of Tennis characters (who are like 13-14) and I used to
fantasize over Sasuke before the timeskip. I'm so glad I'm not alone! *laughs*
Cuz I can't stand kids in real life, so there's no worries there. I'm
just an anime pedophile. Watch out! *evil grin* Nah, I'm
not THAT bad. I can't help it
if my fave characters are younger than me. I mean...I'll be 20 next year but
I still feel like a little kid. Growing up
is for LOSERS! ha! Or so I say...>.>
Okay, so...3 more days left until we leave. Does ANYONE have any requests they want?
*cries and pleads* I asked at DA but I got no responses. I feel kind of
unloved. *sits in emo corner and hugs Sasuke plushie* I saw the PoT
National episode 13 subbed today...I saw it raw once before but that
was before youtube went all anti-anime. >.<
I want to punch Ryoma for shaving poor Atobe's hair. He's a devil child!
Seriously, Atobe looks too much like Akutsu with a mole after he gets his hair cut.
I like Akutsu's hair and everything, but NOT on beautiful Atobe. He just
looks like some weird gangster person.
And I don't like really short
hair on a guy. It bugs me. I always hate it when my brother gets a buzz
cut just to spite me (cuz when he lets it grow out, it looks
like Light's hair from Death Note) and I like that kind of hair. It's fun to look at.
Looking at a partially bald head is not fun for me. XD
Look at this! It's so FUCKING UGLY!!!
*murders Ryoma* I hope Atobe grows his hair
back to normal cuz without his normal hair, he's not really
Atobe Keigo. He's just...Akutsu Jin with a mole. haha
On a side note, I've been reading some
awesome fanfics by someone called Simply Kim at She writes my
OTP (Tezuka/Atobe) and several other crack pairings that I
never would have thought of, but they actually work with how she writes them.
Crack couples like Ootori/Mizuki and Akutsu/Shishido. Weird couples, right?
I thought so too but the
way she writes...the pairings make sense. And they're cute. Her humour is awesome too.
Trust me, if you're a PoT fan that keeps
an open mind with pairings or just wants to read something
really good, check her stuff out. You won't be disappointed. And...yeah...I better go.
I wanna see more eps of SVU tonight =P Comments (0) |
Friday, June 8, 2007
Just got back from my cousin's graduation party ^-^ I spent
a lot of time talking with his
girlfriend. She's really nice. Also, I found
out she used to watch Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, and Yu Yu Hakusho, hehe. Then
my other cousin asked if we wanted go
catch fireflies outside. So us three went outside in the dark with jars and
ran around trying to catch fireflies. It was fun.
Where I live, we don't get fireflies much, so it was amazing to see
little flashes of light every few seconds. I finally caught one cuz
it was on my cousin's gf. =P I was so pumped.
I caught my first firefly EVER. In case no
one noticed, I also uploaded a new pic.
I was just trying out a
different coloring style and it's sooo easy and fun and simple. Like
abstract art XD I realize I don't have to
color everything the way it's "supposed" to look. I'm stepping
out of my artist box and exploring
new things. Yay me. ^-^
So, bye for now peeps. Comments (1) |
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Wee, I've been drawing stuff all day. I almost forgot that Itachi's b-day was
this weekend (june 9th), so I drew a quick gift for him ^-^ Then I drew that
Sasuke-thong request thing.
Then I drew a pic of Atobe and Hidan cosplaying as each other. I've been
wanting to do that pic for a looong time. Hidan doesn't like being in shorts, hehe.
Atobe thinks he's gorgeous even as an S-class criminal. And I just drew a pic to
be my
new DA ID. It has me slumped over my desk, attempting to
draw even with
artist's block and my bro's in the back wondering what
the hell I'm doing =P Man, it's times like this where I wish I
had a tablet and pen =(
I'm probably gonna go shopping for stuff
later. Zomg, we leave for Florida one week from today! Yay! C'mon peeps, give
me requests or art trades! I'm on a drawing hype today XD
I saw the new Bleach eppy. Awwwww, Grimmjaw was so cute at the end. He was
like: "I never get to
release my Zanpakuto because someone always stops me." and then he goes and
kicks the
ground all pouty and says, "Keh." awwwwww. I wanted to hug him. Then Ichimaru was evil
and said: "Who should
we send to stop him next time?" Poor Grimmy! I hope there
was a Death Note
ep this week...I wanna see
Mello again! *cries*
Ooooh...I've had two ideas for pics. I wanted
to draw a Yu-Gi-Oh/Death Note crossover pic with
Kaiba as Light, Jounouchi as Misa (I'm so evil) and
Mokuba as L. I also want to draw a pic of time
skip Shikamaru getting pwned by Hidan. I need to
contribute some fanart to the
Anti-Shippuden Shikamaru FC anyway ^-^ I wrote a nice rant over there
the other day.
My bro is bored today so he's made it his job to annoy me -_- Make him stop!
*pleading eyes* I just wanna
be left alone in my room!
I was rewatching PoT ep 22 today when Atobe
first shows up. I forgot how much of a jerk he first was =P
But that's in the past now anyway. Haha, my bro
suddenly went: "You suck." and left me alone. yay! lol
Oh yeah, and I found out
my cousin's graduation party is tomorrow. Heh, I didn't
even know and I'm going XD
I think he's going to
UMASS for college next year. That campus scares the beejesus
out of me. It's
like it's own city, I swear to god. The dormrooms are like skyscraper buildings.
I'm glad I didn't go there
for college. I'd get lost O.o Soooooo...bye for
now, I guess. Comments (0) |
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Blaaaaah. It's cold today. It was thunderstorming and hailing all yesterday in
like all the western massachusetts cities BUT the one I live in. I know
this because we were driving around looking
for a mall store that sold nice shirts for my brother for graduation. It was
thundering a lot...and then we saw lightning (
which scares me everytime) and there was like small flooding in some areas.
It's like 60 degrees outside right now and I'm FREEZING. *shudders* I started
a new anime cuz I was bored. It's called Romeo x Juliet
and it's loosely based off the play. The
music and animation is so pretty. Romeo is adorable! hehe
I wanna just hug him...but he's Juliet's...darn =P
hehe, I realize that one of my picture folders
on my comp has like...all Prince of Tennis stuff. There are few naruto and misc .gif icons
mixed in, but I've seriously got over 200 pics
of PoT characters. XD I'm so freaking obsessed. The folder's called January 2007 (cuz
that's when I started getting into the show) but now that I think about it,
I should just rename it Prince of Tennis album. Photobucket
has like...everything there. =P mehehe, I'm feeling
some love the baddies of Bleach right now.
I have a strange obsession
with Ulquiorra. I can't pronounce his name though.
It doesn't LOOK Spanish to me, yet it is. He's such a cute emo Arrancar ^-^
mehehe, you know he's pretty.
My bro thinks he kinda looks
like L...yeah, kind of. But L's still cuter =P
shit, Grimmjaw is such a hott piece of ass =P
haha! omg! yes! I love this couple!
Well...I like a lot of couples...but this one ranks up there on my list ^-^
Hateful tension is always,
Grimmy's a bit obsessed with Ichigo anyway.
haha, i love this. Jump Grimmy and FLY!!! XD
mehehe, hottness. Ichigo
as an
Arrancar with Grimmjaw.
Now go have mad
with Ichi-kun, Grimmy! woot!
yeeeees...beware us, Grimmjaw!
We will hunt you in the night...and...molest you! mehehe
hehe, he's gonna kick someone's ass
...probably Ichigo's.
mehehe, Aizen is a sex god and he knows it.
c'mon...who doesn't want some of sexy Aizen?
Seriously. So what if he's evil? XD
holy fuck...yes! omg yes!
Aizen x Grimmjaw! *drools* I like weird couples and hot couples
and this, my friends, is a damn hot couple!
Well, my bro graduated last night *yay* I got one pic with him, lol. I forgot how long the church cermony was before the kids actually got their diplomas. Oh yeah, and I got an awesome request for a pic today ^-^ I get to draw Sasuke in a man-thong! woot! I finished that anime I started, Ghost Hunt. It's really good, but not the best show to watch at night with all the lights turned off =P I need to go shopping for capris and shorts this week. Blah. So anyway, bye for now peeps! Comments (2) |
Monday, June 4, 2007
Well, I didn't get around to drawing anything for my bro =( Maybe tomorrow I sketch Light real quick or something. Though it goes against everything I believe in, cuz I freakin' HATE him >.< Fellow L fans know why. Oh sure, Light's sexy but he just annoys me soooo much. I still don't know WHY my bro thinks he's cool. I'm like: "he's evil! he killed the best character on the show!" "He's cool when he's evil. Besides, technically Remu was the one who killed L." "...STILL!!! HE'S EVIL AND I'M GLAD HE'S GONNA DIE SOON SO THERE!!!" Yes, I'm very vocal about my hatred for him =P All my favorite characters die in Death Note...L, Mello, Mikami(he's sexier than Light, hehe. He looks like an Uchiha and you know that's like a serious turn on for me)...well...Matsuda still lives, yay. He's too adorable to kill off. Near freaks me out...he's okay, I don't hate him, but dude, he's just so WEIRD...weirder than L was. L was adorable with his quirks, hell, even my mom thinks he's kinda cute and funny. BUT...because it's for my bro...I'll...think of something for Light to be doing.
Also, he got an award today. I think it was the National Athletic Award or something. He didn't even know it was signed by the president, haha. He's like: "that's the principal's signature." and my mom and I are like: "Uh, no, that's Bush's sig. See? Right under the sig it says: President of the United States." "Why would the president sign this?" "Because it's a NATIONAL award, Tim. Meaning the NATION in which we live." "...oh." haha he's such a goob.
Oh yeah, I've gotten into a new anime. It's called Ghost Hunt and it's pretty cool. I like ghost-related stuff, so the anime interested me. And the characters are cool. Heh, I've been rereading Prince of Tennis Dream Novels again, cuz I'm such a sap for romance. I think my fave hosting site for PoT Dream Novels are,, and They have some really good ones at those sites. I wanted to contribute some of my own PoT fics...but oh well. I don't feel they're ready for public viewing just yet.
hehe, I joined two more clubs at the naruto forums. The Hidan x Sakura club (haha, sexy crack pairing) and the Anti-Shippuden Shikamaru club (check it out if you liked Shikamaru BEFORE he became all angsty and a chain-smoker: ) I still need to join the Akatsuki FC, SasuSaku FC, Sasuke FC, Itachi FC...and...maybe even Suigetsu FC (cuz he's just so darn cute). OMG, has everyone see the official colors for Team Hebi??!!! I FLINCHED when I saw Karin's hair! RED??? Ahhh! Why is her hair colored black in the b&w version of the manga? Usually colors like red aren't colored in. Blech. And Sui-kun...why purple??? It looks so...blah on him. But hey, at least he doesn't have blue skin. ^-^ It's late here (11:45pm) as I type this, but I'm not all that tired. I took a nap this afternoon, so yeah.
Anyone read the latest Naruto chapter? I was disappointed. Kabuto is/was one of my favorite characters and he just gave his life away to Orochimaru. I seriously wanna just kick him. I liked Orochimaru being less villian to worry about. I like Akatsuki more anyways...but now Kabutomaru is in the picture and I'm just pissed. I should start my own club...Anti-Kabutomaru or something. I liked him better when he wasn't infused with Oro. I liked when Kabuto was talking about his past and his feelings but when I saw him take off his cloak and grin maniacally...I just lost respect for him. But hey, maybe Kishimoto will surprise us in the next chapter. Who knows? I want Sakura to find Sasuke, dammit! As much as I like Karin, I don't like her fangirling over Sasuke. She should be with Suigetsu and make cute SuiKa love ^-^ And...I just realized this entire post is ranting without realizing it. Hah. Dude, I think there's something weird with me. I saw that John Tucker Must Die movie (cute movie, by the way) and I kept called the main girl character cute...I mean, she was probably supposed to be 17-ish, and I dunno, and I was like: "awww, she's so cute." O.O the hell? When did THIS happen? Same thing happens when I watch anime now. If I saw a teenage girl in anime back when I was stupid (i.e. when I was 14, 15, 16), I immediately disliked her for no reason at all. A good example would be Anzu Mazaki (Yu-Gi-Oh). I 'hated' her for the longest time, mainly because my friend hated her guts and I went along with it. But then I was like: "Anzu's not all that bad. She's not really annoying either. She's cool and pretty." Now I'm like a huge fan of her. I had that epiphany when I I got smart. XD Now if I see a teenage anime girl, I'm all: "awwww, she's sooooo cute!!!" like a total fangirl. *shakes head* Weird. ANYWAY. If you read all this, I applaud you. You have a nice long attention span ^-^ Saa...oyasumi nasai, minna!
UPDATE: hehe, I forgot to post these PoT slideshow things I made. I made one for Tezuka and one for Atobe so far. I still need to make one for Oshitari and then one for Hyotei. The songs in each slideshow are song by the voice actors. hehe, Tezkua has the most gorgeous singing voice and so does Atobe. And Oshitari's singing voice could give any girl an orgasm on the spot, seriously. When he sings his version of the Valentine Kiss song, he's moaning in the background. That's totally hott =P But that's not the song I'm gonna use for his slideshow. I'm using one from his album called Gin no Ken. ^-^ For now, enjoy the buchou-ness.
Holy shit! I just signed online and saw this funky article on about this AMAZING guy who sketches stuff on those little sketchboards! Watch it and be amazed!
Whee, I posted stuff finally! I also decided to enter this awesome contest someone is hosting at DA. The rules were that we could draw any anime guy character performing Naruto's famed Sexy no Jutsu and I chose Atobe! muhaha. It's all finished and in my gallery if ya wanna see it ^-^ I got my bro to watch the first part of the Tenimyu Dream Live 3rd last night...since there's no subs he kept making up stupid things that the people were saying. -_- That's annoying. I was like: "shut up! they are not saying they want to fuck themselves! jeez!" *cries* He's a tenipuri fan too, but he just has to be an idiot sometimes and ruin the fun. He's gonna be 15 this year too *gasp* That is freakin' SCARY. *shudder*
Omg, I had the scariest dream last night. Well, nightmare really. Okay, this is what happened:
I was living in this big house with my aunts (I don't know why) and my aunt Pat for some reason had a baby. We then left the house and came back but something was weird. The house was like...tilted. So we ran through the house trying to find out what was wrong, and then this tractor thing that was attached to the back of the house (again, I don't know why) smashed through the windows and started a fire. My aunts and I ran out the door as the house was engulfed in flames, but then we remembered that Auntie Pat's baby was still in the house, but it was too late. The firefighters memory of that is a little fuzzy...and then my auntie Pat was crying: "they showed me the baby! he was just ash! Oh my God!" And then I woke up.
Is that the saddest and scariest dream ever or what? I honestly thought it was real, but then I was like: "Auntie Pat doesn't have a baby...the youngest is like...7 now anyway. I don't even live in their house. it was just a dream, Nat." I hate having dreams like that. I wanted to go to that dream book place, but I don't even know what the main subject of this dream was. O.o
Hmm, well here's one interpretation from the dream:
To dream that a house is on fire, indicates that you need to undergo some transformation. If you have recurring dreams of your family house on fire, then it suggests that you are still not ready for the change or that you are fighting against the change. Alternatively, it highlights passion and�the love of those around you.
O.o I guess that's a little true. Freaky. And here's the other one:
To see a dead baby in your dream, symbolizes the ending of something that is part of you.
O.O that's not a welcoming thought, is it?
and the last interpretation:
To see your aunt in your dream, represents family characteristics and values. It is a connection to your own heritage. The aunt may also represent aspects of yourself that you like or dislike. She can also be seen as a substitute mother.
I have to say, those are some damn weird interpretation to such a scary dream. Anyway, I guess that's all for now, peeps. Go check out my gallery ^-^ Comments (1) |
Woot! I got off my lazy ass and scanned stuff today! yay! DA's being stupid, so I'm posting stuff here first. Oh yeah, and this art thief at DA was trying to tell me that she drew everything in her gallery. She posted official pics and screencaps. I'm not an idiot, but she certainly is. And could someone PLEASE tell me why all art thieves are always like 13-15??? It pisses me off when a 13-year-old thinks they can prove me wrong when it's so blatantly obvious that they stole someone else's art. *rolls eyes* She was like: "dood lyk chill out. I drew all this from google pics so shut up." O.o Riiiiiight. The internet is littered with idiots, I swear. I drew a cute little pic of Hidan shouting: "FUCK ART THIEVES!!" I'll probably color it at some point. Wanna check out the loser? Her username is me6 or something retarded like that. Look at her "gallery" and tell me she isn't an art thief. Comments (1) |