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college student
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I went to Spain last year! ^-^
Anime Fan Since
I can't remember...I think it was the start of 8th grade or something.
Favorite Anime
don't ask me this, lol my first anime was I guess that's my fave. I do love Naruto, OHSHC, Bleach, Prince of Tennis, and FMA more though ^__^
to travel through Europe and maybe someday become an illustrator (or manga artist)
drawing, writing, reading
drawing and writing
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Well, I've got some good news ^-^ I've been drawing a lot lately and have a few things I'd like to scan and color. Once I have time. I've got like...two tests this week plus an art project to finish. Blah. I finished watching Avatar: The Last Airbender. I LOVE it. Seriously. I can't decide what character I like more, cuz they're all so likeable. Katara and Toph are the best girls. Oh yeah, and I'm a full-fledged Zutarian ^-^ Zuko is adorable and so is Sokka and Aang. I love Aang. He's like...the little brother I wish mine was XD I'm watching Devil May Cry now cuz I missed Dante. =D He's a smexy bitch.
My friends Erica and Josh are engaged ^-^ I guess he proposed to her Monday at 2 in the morning XD I told them I better be invited to the wedding. I saw the ring on Erica's finger when she showed me and I was like: "ooh, pretty." and didn't even occur to me that it was an engagement ring until both of them started smiling like 'yaaaaaay' and I was all: "oh! Oh my god! hahaha!" Gimme a break, I don't expect my friends to get engaged at 20. I think Erica's 20...maybe she's still 19...I forget. Either way the two are seriously in love. They are such a cute couple, so I'm really happy for them. makes me feel all left out now though cuz in the lounge today there was like this 'couples corner' thing. If that don't make you envious, nothing will. I TRY not to be obvious, but dammit, when they're 3 couples kissing and stuff, it's kinda like: "shit...I'm missing out."
I was having a long talk last Friday with this guy in the RPG club ^-^ Honestly, we never talked that much last year, but this year, we've been seeing each other and finding time to just sit and talk about various stuff (mostly anime) and it's awesome that he actually knows what Prince of Tennis is and he LIKES it too. That is like...the best thing ever. We talked about Naruto and Bleach and other stuff and our fave charactes and how we don't care if an anime is subbed or dubbed. He was gonna let me borrow Outlaw Star this week cuz I never got to see it and I've been wanting to =D Hopefully he brings it tomorrow.
Oh yeah, and I have absolutely no idea what my sexuality is. I say things like: "if I was a man, I'd be so gay." and yet I still really like girls...DAMMIT!!! I guess I prefer a man over a woman, but I'm willing to experiment. My friend Bridget and I shamelessly flirt with each other all the time anyway >D I love talking about yaoi with guys too...that is awesome. Especially when they actually have pics on their comp. One of my friends, he's got a pic of Dante from DMC and another video game character making out and I was like: "hottness...." and he goes: "mmm...I know." And squee, tomorrow's anime club! The club coordinator is gonna have us watch this cosplay video thing that has some of the best cosplays ever. I'm so excited ^-^
On a more interesting note, for my field bio lab today we went up to Mt. Tom, which is a mountain about 15 minutes from where we go to school and we were looking for herps mostly. We found frogs and salamanders and newts. I wanted to find a snake dammit! The guys in my class were like...destroying the forest just to find a snake and they never did XD Oh yeah, and I got pelted with a huge acorn today. It fell from this HUGEASS oak tree and landed on my left shoulder and I screamed cuz it felt like a rock had landed on me. I thought someone had thrown it. Nope, it had just fallen. Ouch. Oh yeah, and we picked up a dead shrew and dead chimpmunk for study skins *shudder* One guy kept touching the chimpmunk. Yuck. He was all: "if I keep touching him, I wonder if he'll wake up." Yeah, my classmates are odd. Please rememeber that these people are 20 and over =D
I drew a humanized pic of my computer, Gateway. He's such an emo computer. I imagine he's beyond pissed at me for downloading stuff all the yeah. He's a hot computer though, hehe *strokes Gateway* He's my baby ^-^ I know it doesn't really have feelings, but dammit, sometimes it feels like it does. Of course he's stubborn as all hell too.
Blah...this post is long and if you've been reading up til now, HORRAY! YOU GET A COOKIE!! ...if I had a cookie XD Oh yeah, and you guys wouldn't believe how many page views I've got a deviantArt. I have 8,750!! O.o I can't believe that many people look at my DA page. It's nuts. It's not like I'm striving to be popular or anything, but damn.
Lookie! Dante!
BONDAGE!!! mehehe...why am I reminded of Hidan here? XD
*fans self*
Yeah...I like Dante a lot ^-^ Oh yeah, and because I'm feeling happy...
bwahaha! sokka! it just me or is Sokka like Shikamaru?
You guys cannot imagine how happy I was when I found all these sites that had GrimmIchi and ByakuyaIchigo pics *drool*

SEXY! *dies from nosebleed*
And this is the CUTEST GrimmIchi pic EVER...seriously. Seeing Grimmy so happy and loving makes me a squealing fangirl ^-^
Byakuya and Ichigo is a freaking sexy know you like it =D
haha, Byakuya's expression is like: "Sex. Now. Bitch."
haha...poor Grimmjow, having to watch that...(can't post the pic here cuz it's um...slightly naughty):
OMG!!! *fangirl mode* Sexy men! (well...Wonderwice is kind of...meh) But...hehe:
...I would so read this if it was a doujinshi! Yaoi AND yaoi incest? Hell yeah!
And yeah...I think I'm done now XD
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