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Friday, November 26, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving

I forgot to post before I left but I'm gone for Thanksgiving break. I'm down here in Florida with some of my family. I'll be back Tuesday. I hope everyone filled up on turkey yesterday. Sorry for the horrible post, I'm at my cousins house and we have to leave. I promise to post when I come back

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Sunday, November 7, 2004

Full Metal Alchemist

Hello eveyone.

So who of you saw Full Metal Alchemist last night? ( or morning which ever way you look at it ) I don't know about you but I liked it. I'm suprised at the things they're putting the main characters, Edward and Al through. I sometimes forget that they are only 14/15 years of age. They were even younger when they tried to bring their mother back to life. There past is really sad. Do anyone you know how old they were when they tryed to bring their mother back to life?

I was searching around and I found the manga online or at least some of it. Just in case anyone would like to read it here it is: www.fullmetal-alchemist.com/

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Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Well, I'm a 4th of the way done with 10th grade. I'll be getting my report card next monday. I don't think I failed anything but they're not all A either.

We are done with the band season. We made it to the first game of the playoffs but didn't get any further. Accually we have one more parade and of coarse our Band Trip down to Verginia beach.

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Monday, October 11, 2004


As the title says; I'm back from my sabatical :P . I'm down to 92 site ranking. I guess I'm a fallen nation -_- . There is no hope for me to get back to my 55th position. Anyway I guess I'll tell you some of the things that have been happening.

First I'd like to make a comment on Wolf's Rain: EVERYONE IS DIEING! T_T WHY? I liked Toboe and The old man!

School is tough. Well not really school but a few classes. *cough*Honors English *cough*. o_O But at least I'm not failing it. I have a "C" I hope.

For any of you Lain fans I got to see Serial Experiment Lain over the summer. It was quite interesting.

Well I know that wasn't much of a post esspecially after being gone so long but I'll try to make them longer

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Monday, September 6, 2004

Sorry I haven’t been posting much. I haven't had much time for my computer but this weekend I had some time because they didn't give out much homework and we have a 3 day weekend. So I don't have to go back to school tomorrow. That's why I'm writing this at 1:00 AM ^_^ ( I'm not a morning person, I like to stay up ^_^ ).

Anyway yesterday, we were invited over to a family friends house. They had just put in a in-ground pool not too long ago. The family has two kids. One is about 12 ( I think :-\ ) and the other is a little younger. So I spent the day with them swimming and playing the Yu-Gi-Oh card game.

They spend so much money on Yu-Gi-Oh! They have the God cards, All the Exodia cards, Exodia Nexros(sp?), a whole bunch of other extremely good cards that they bought. So when it comes down to it I got my ass kicked :P .Although once I almost won. I was only 350 short of wining but that was only because he showed mercy and got rid of one of his ground collapse (he had two out! meaning I could only have one monster >.< ) There both really nice though. They gave me a couple card that they didn't want and a few others I don't understand why they would part with. Some of the ones that they had marked as rejects, I thought were really good. Like they gave me, my now favorite card, Archfiend Soldier. They also gave me one of the sphinxs from the movie. It's not like they don't know what there doing they know there values.

Also I'm going start giving the older one beginner trumpet lessons next Tuesday
. He was going to learn in school but they were put in cyber school ( Which now that I think of it I think he could still take school lessons but oh well doesn't hurt me, I got a job ^_^ )

I gotta sign off for tonight ^_~ ttyl

- DFD -

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Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Wow, It's been two days since school started and I'm already exhausted. Our schools sophomore ( Yes I'm in 10th grade -_- long story, but I've never even failed one class for your info ) year is the hardest out year even harder than the junior year. The reason is the teachers are ruthless. Mrs. Stone ( honors English ) assigned us a 3 page essay of what we did during the summer like it was nothing. Although it was my fault that it was so hard because I typed it in single spaced when it was supposed to be double. -_- Today our World Cultures teacher gave us a pop quiz on what we should have learned in 7th grade. When some of us had a teacher that hardly thought a thing >.< but at least she was a little lenient and gave us hints so I only missed like 8 out of 50 ( pretty good I would say :P ). Last year I didn't take honors English but this year I did and I'm not good at English. I'm probably crazy for taking it o_O I'm so goanna fail that class :P. Other than those classes, my schedule is ok. I took ArtI this year because I didn't take it last year. They didn't give me enough room ( I could only have 2 electives ) but I had tons of room this year. I also took Web Page Design which will really help me out around here ^_^

This year all the schedules are so messed up. For the Sophomores, they dropped Drivers Ed. They're making us take both the class and rode time during the summer! So for that empty spot our guidance councilor just dropped the whole 10th grade in random classes. One of the craziest is a Sped student was put in COLLEGE WRITING! I got off easy, she gave me a required class that I wasn't going to take this year because I didn't have room: Independent Living. Actually the class is awesome because a lot of the seniors I hang around in band are in there the same time as me.

Well I know that there is no reason you would like to see my schedule.

Honors English
Web Page Design
Art Club ???? (this is really just a study hall thing. I wanted chess club >.<)
World Culture
Independent Living

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Monday, August 30, 2004


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Sunday, August 29, 2004

Today I'm going with a few of my friends to see the movie Hero. Frost planned the trip out, so I'm going to direct you to his site. I'll give him some more visits. I'll make sure I give you a review sometime after I get back. The movie is at 7:00 so I'll be getting back late kind of late though.

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Yesterday was our Coal Queen parade. It's the longest parade that we do and to top it off every year it's hot for the parade!

Anyway after the parade, my friend Doug had planned a Texas hold'm tournament. It cost $5 to play and there were 15 ppl who played. It was that the 3rd place winner got his money back, 2nd got double, and 1st got the rest ( $60 ). We had 3 tables running untill there were only 7 left and than the ones that were left moved to one table. It took 4 hours till it was over but in the end I won ^_^ When we all moved to one table I expect to be out soon because I had the smallest stack and eventually had to go all because I had the blind but I ended up getting good hands and won the tournament. ^_^

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Thursday, August 26, 2004


Well I'm back home for the last few day of the summer T_T We go back to school next Tuesday. That means there is only 6 days left >.< I'm totally not ready for school to start up again. I think I set my brain down somewhere because I can't find it o_O.

I went on a bike ride yesterday. Around here a bike ride isn't very long because were I live, to get home, I have to ride up a huge hill. Anyway I was riding up the hill and was at the last strech before my house and my gear sliped, my foot sliped off the pedel, and my ankel went into the gears. So now I've got a gash on my ankel >.<

I put up a new drawing. I named it IceWind Dale because it is a region in one of my favorite books. The guy in the picture is supposed to be Drizzt, The main character in the book. I used acrylics, it's practicly the first time I've tried coloring with any kind of paint. If you have the time check it out.

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