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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I went paintballing today (err. . yesterday I took to long to write this post :P ) with my dad, uncle, two of my cousins. We played in the woods and because we had 5 people, it was 2 vs 3. It was my dad and uncle vs my two cousins and me. ( Those two are 12 and 14 years old ) Even though it was 2 vs 3, we still never won one game :P. ( although we did tie once and almost one another )
I don't get to play paintball very often because I only play with my cousins and there over 3 hours away. All my friends stoped playing paintball about the time I bought my gun -_- .

I've got a new drawing done and I'm starting to work on my request that I have. The Kingdom Hearts one that one of my friends asked for first ^_~ than I'll start on yours. I need your help because my memory is about as bad as an 80 year old :P . My friend asked my to draw a picture of Sora, Riku and someone else that I can't remember. All I know is that all three of them have KeyBlades(or at least Riku has the DarkBlade ). I can't remember wiether or not he was said Micky or someone else. I've never beat Kingdom Hearts. I had barrowed it from my cousin and had to give it back. So does anyone else have a keyblade other than Micky, Sora, and Riku?

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Monday, August 23, 2004


Hey sorry it's been so long since I posted. >.< I'm really getting bad at posting -_-.

We're at my grandparents for the weekend. We left early than I had thought, Friday right after our preview show, so I wasn't able to post Friday night like I was planing but we're heading home Tomorrow.

I just noticed how slow my site is for ppl who have dial-up connections ( I've got cable ^_^ )

Friday was iniciation. Now don't get the wrong impretion this isn't like football iniciation. There is a big difference. We don't harm anyone, mostly it's involes the noobs getting wet and making them do stupid things. We had our noobs saying Mike Brown quotes while we're at attention. Also Friday evening was our preview show, Which got rain on but we still sounded good.

I'm now going to tell you the story of the Sombraro. The Sombraro was bought by a Trumpet player who graduated in 1998. He made the tradition of passing it down, when the person is a senior, to a sophmore of the opposite sex. It has always been with a trumpet player and it still is becuase is was passed down to me.

Band Camp is Over

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Monday, August 16, 2004

   Pissed Off

Warning:might not be suitable for little kids
Ok I'm going to give you the story. This year, in our band we have a male flute player. Which that doesn't bother me. I'm a musician, I've seen plenty of good male flute players. But guess what our upperclass flutes are ignorant, sexist bitches! >.< and I used to like one of them! They yelled at the kid for something that he accually did right! (and they did wrong!! there section leader is and idiot!) They yelled at him to the point that he started cring. I hope they try to do that again because that(ignorance) pisses me off so much!

To sum it up I now despise them.

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Well not much to say today but This is the last week of band camp. We don't have band camp tomorrw because we are going to Kennywood for a parade and of course we have the whole day to ride rides. We're leaving at like 10:30 AM. Than Wednesday we go to the fair for the afternoon.

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New Theme

Well my site is really starting to slow down. I haven't posted since last Wednesday -_-

Well I spent the whole day changing my sites theme. I want to know what you think. If you have any suggestions of what I should change or any thing like that I would greatly appretiate.

Friday I went with some of my friends in the band to go see the movie AVP ( Alien vs Predatore ). Before I watched it I had expect it to be a little more scary kind of movie but the movie was funny. Really it only got funny near the end of the movie. Like when the Predator was smashing the Alien's face into walls, we all started cracking up and when the Predator and that lady were running from the explosion. Two of the people that came were making jokes about the pepsi product placement in the movie.

On Saturday I drove up to the mall and bought D.N.Angel volume 3. Than went over to my friends for the rest of the night. A lot of his family was there to watch the football game and they were all bid steelers fans. We did our usual things; Yu-gi-oh, PS2 and a little sword fighting but after the game we had a Texas Hold'em game. Not a big one just a buck to enter but it lasted for ever and in the end I won ^_^ ( I only learned how to play last week ). So I'm now 6 bucks richer. That friend is planing on having a 5 buck Texas hold'm tournament at the end of this week.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Bus Painting

Well how have you guys been? It's been awhile. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. We are going to a bus painting that we do every year. We have a theme and each section as a part of the bus and then later on they smash the buses in a demolision derby. Last year the theme was like music or something I don't really remember because our section didn't stick to the theme. We drew a big Diablo head on the front of the bus and our bus won the derby rofl. This year the theme is cartoons and guess whos secialty that is? :P

So I probably won't be posting or checking on my site tomorrow.

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Sunday, August 8, 2004


I've reached 2000 visits ^_^ *dances around* Thank you all for coming and visiting my site! I'd like to thank the little people but I don't know how tall you people are so I'm just going to skip that.

Well this weekend is coming to an end and school is looming closer than ever and looking at what all I'll have to do if I take this mowing job on top of every thing else that I forgot about o_O I'll have trumpet lessens this year, along with my horse back riding lessens starting back up ( she moved a while ago to a new place ) and I'll have Marching band practice once to twice a week and friday games untill the end of football season. Plus the rumors of how bad Sophtmore year is >.< but I still want to do the job.

p.s. I got two fanarts in the works, Kenshin and Gundam SEED, and I plan on doing some more if I have the time.

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Saturday, August 7, 2004


I had a good time at the party. The band Experiment 116 was there which is a band some of my friends start awhile ago. Don't take it the wrong way they are really good. Any way there was a pool and a bonfire later on. Braxton ( Bass ) had brought CDs for selling of the songs they had wrote. When they were packing up near the end I oftered to buy one but they just gave it to me in exchange for me agreeing to draw there cover art ^_^

P.S. I might have a job. Nothing big just mowing a lawn but an extra 50 bucks a week is still nice!

Thank you and Goodnight!

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Friday, August 6, 2004

One Week Down

Hey, Sorry I haven't been posting very often. Been kind of busy with band camp in all but it's Friday and the end of the first week of band camp ^_^.

Well Tonight I'm going to one of the band members 16 birthday party. She invited the whole band. I'm running out of time so I'll rap this up for now.

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Monday, August 2, 2004

   First Day of Band Camp

Well the dreaded first day of band camp has come and gone. It wasn't as nearly as bad as I thought it would be. There are a lot of noobs this year and we didn't lose many seniors last year. We started off the day by marching a little just so that the noobs could learn a little about marching. Than the rest of the day was sectionals and learning America(tis of the), are marching song. This is the second year we have had a Patriotic marching song.

The only bad thing about today was it was hot! It was between 80-90 all day! even in doors wasn't much relief.

I think this will be the best year of Marching band ever because it's the last year that most of my trumpet friends and the best players in the band will be here. Although next year I will be section leader ^_^ Well I have to go It's late and even though I have insomnia I have to go try to get some sleep :P

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