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Thursday, June 3, 2004

I'm so mad becuase my I ran out of tape taping Case Closed! It got to the part where Rachel finds out that Conon is Jimmy >.< I just started watching Case Closed a couple days ago and I really like it, I don't know why but who cares. I have to go to school for like an hour just to get my report card.

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Wednesday, June 2, 2004

~@ Summer @~

Well school is officially done! Tuesday was the last full day and guess what! It's Wednesday! I celebrated by staying up till 2 watching Adult Swim and playing computer games ^_^

What are your plans for the summer?

I'm heading up to my grandparents house Saturday but that means I'm going to miss my friends party that's on Monday >.< It is a Japanese pool party that I really wanted to go to. Than latter in the summer My family and I are going to Nova Scotia for a couple weeks than just hanging out until August when Band camp rolls around.

Also our Marching band music came in:
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
All The Small Things (Blink 182)
The Chicken Dance
Festive Overture
Joy to the World
Notre Dame Victory March
The Hey Song
The Star-Spangled Banner (obviously)
Fire of Eternal Glory

What do you think? (atleast the ones that you know. I don't know many either)

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Thursday, May 27, 2004

I was just wondering for the people in the pittsburg area; Is anyone going to X-Fest? Sadly for me I'm not going but I at least get to do something for Friday. I'm going to an end of the year party at my friends house.
Well all of my finals are over and there is only 2 days left of school

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Saturday, May 22, 2004

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Current animes ::: Gundam SEED and Inuyasha
Current Drawing ::: Sailor Venus for Kristin
Current Mood ::: Dead Tired
Computer Game ::: WarCraft III Frozen Throne
Music ::: Punk
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? :::Travis
Birthplace :::Michigan
Age :::16
Age you act :::16 i guess
Current location :::California, Pennsylvania
Eye color :::Green
Hair color :::Dark Brown
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :::Righty
Zodiac sign? :::Dragon!
Height? :::5' 7.5"
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality :::German, French, Dutch, Scotish, English
Your hair :::Short: either spiked up or forward
Your fears :::Spiders >.<
Your perfect room :::Can't explain it
What you practically do in a day :::Sit here at my computer
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse :::Don't Have any
Phrases you overuse :::Same as above
Your first thought when you wake up :::Don't Remember
Your greatest accomplishment :::Don't have one
Something you want to do :::. . .
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke :::Neither
McDonald's or Burger Kings :::It depends on what i feel like
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :::Christina Aguilera
Chocolate or vanilla :::Chocolate
Adidas or Nike :::Adidas
Black or white :::Black
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :::Coins
Burgers or hot dogs :::Burgers
Egypt or France :::France
Rock or rap :::Rock
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke :::Hello no!
Cuss :::lol
Sing well :::In my own mine, yes
Sing in the shower :::sometimes
Talk to yourself --a lot-- :::yup
Believe in yourself :::On Occations
Like taking these longass surveys? :::I'm Taking this aren't I?
Play an instrument :::TRUMPET
Want to go to college? :::Yes
Want to get married? :::Yes
Want to have children? :::Yes
Think you're a health freak? :::Not Really ( i'm in shape though )
Get along with your parents :::Yes
Get along with your siblings? :::Don't Have any
Think you're popular :::In between and that's were i want to be
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state :::No, too busy
Drank alchohal :::No
Smoke :::No
Get high :::No
Done any drugs :::No
Eaten an entire box of oreos :::lol, No
Been on stage :::Yes ( Jazz band Concert )
Gone skinny dipping :::No
Been dumped :::You have to be going out to be dumped T_T
Dyed your hair :::No
Stolen anything :::Only from myself : P
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest :::Justin ( DarkJester )
Loudest :::Dito
Most shy :::Me
Blondest :::Leandra
Smartest :::Doug ( Iron Fighter )
Kindest :::Me
Best personality :::Jesse
Most talented :::Not Sure
Best singer :::Derdra
Most ghetto :::. . . ( no comment )
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :::Nope
Pain in the ass :::Several
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):::Can't say
Funniest :::I have a lot of funny friends
Best person for advice :::I don't have any one to ask for advice T_T
Dependable :::Only me
Trustworthy :::Same
Druggie :::Don't have any like that
Most likely to end up in jail :::Mikey
Person you've known the longest :::I moved too many times
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream :::I don't remember dreams
Last nightmare :::dito
Car ride :::From school
Last time you cried :::Last Week
Last movie seen :::Gundam Wing Endless Waltz
Last movie rented :::It's been too long
Last book read :::Dark Elf Trilogy ( a good book!! )
Last word said :::book!!
Last curse word said :::Hell
Last time you laugh :::Yesterday
Last phone call :::Today
Last CD played :::My County band CD ( i wake up to it : P )
Last song you listened to :::The Third Intro of Gundam SEED
Last annoyance :::Doug bothering me
Last IM :::Jesse
Last weird encounter :::YOU!!
Last person you hugged :::Leandra
Last person you yelled at :::My Mom
Last time you wore a skirt :::Does a towel count?
Last time you've been evil :::I can't tell the difference
Sarcastic? :::All the Time!
Last time you fought with your parents :::Last Week
Last time you wished upon a star :::Stars don't Shine
Played Truth or Dare :::A long time ago
Spent quality time alone :::lol, I do that a lot
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM :::No
Do you feel lonely :::Sort of
Ever TP'd someone's house :::haha my uncials ( No )
How about egging someone's house :::No
Do you not like dislike not like me? :::Confussed? o_O
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? :::No there not fine
Yo Momma :::. . .
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :::No when i get that hungry I don't feel hungry ( wierd huh? )
What do you think of George Bush? :::Don't like him
Any secret fetishes? :::Yes not tell you though
Do you like to wear chains? O_o :::only the one holding my wallet
How many languages do you speak? :::1.5
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! :::Almost but they work out a lot
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) :::Yes because this is the secound time i had to do it >.<

Bored? ((Over 100 questions)) brought to you by BZOINK!

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We've had some bad thunderstorms all week, almost one every day. and the Thursday night blew over our neighbors huge tree into our yard. I got a request from Kristin, one of my friends for a Sailor Venus (her favorite character) drawing it'll probably be up Tuesday or Wednesday

Not much else to say other than we ONLY HAVE ONE WEEK OF SCHOOL LEFT!

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Sunday, May 16, 2004

I'm down to 60 in site popularity T_T i guess this is a sign i have to do a little more with my site. I'm open to any and all sugestions! Even though i know it's pointless to ask -_-

Other than that I only have TEN days left of school and then I'm free for the summer ^_^ I hope to try to post and update my site soon too (I'm a bit lazy so you know how it is. . .)

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Monday, May 10, 2004

Well, I just got back from our concert band's last concert. It was good for the kind of band we have but nothing compared to the sound of junior county band. I just got back my CD from our director that I ordered months ago. He didn't know it was mine so he had it for all this time. Also my Jazz band concert is Wednesday -_- I'm soo nervis because of my solo.
On a lighter note I get out of doing anything tomorrow at school because there is a field trip to Laural Carverns and I'm completly done with our huge 9th grade research projec.

My friend lent me his game, WarCraftIII. It is one of the coolest games I've played only seconded by Age of Empires II!

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Friday, May 7, 2004

Yesterday was Jazz band practise and alot of people were missing so we had to fill in for te people and I got to fill in for the 2nd trumpet meaning I get the solo. But I don't get to play the solo that is written down I have to impervise for the 16 measure solo -_- and I'm only a freshman. I'm at school so i have to go but at least it's Friday

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Sunday, May 2, 2004


Well I'm all ready for tomorrow! Tomorrow is our big 9th grade research project presentation thing that we (DarkJester and I)have been spending 2 weeks on. For the research project we have to pick a state or country and at the end have a 30 page booklet! Guess what country we did. . .Japan! So that is why my site has been a little slower than it should be. It's getting late and I need all the sleep I can get for tomorrow so I'll tell you how it goes.

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Monday, April 26, 2004

   End of the BandTrip

I promise that I will get to the end of my BandTrip (hopefully soon, I'm already starting to forget it o_O ), whether or not you want me too i don't know but, I shall continue. . .

Let’s see, ah yes Day 4. Well we all got up and got ready for our march in Disney. We got on the bus and took the drive to behind the scene but we had the wrong time and we got there 2 hours early. So the ppl in charge let hang out and use the pop machines (they were only a dollar back there unlike the $2 like anywhere else in the park). So it finally came time to March and March we did. It was long and hot parade route and ended just in time for me. After that I spent my day at EPCOT and spent most of my money at Japan ^_^ and also rode the two rides they have, Test Track and Mission Space. That was basically it for Day 4.

Day 5 We parked up our stuff and said goodbye to our resorts and left Disney and headed for our last stop, Islands of Adventure (and Universal). This park had the best rides out of all! The Hulk and Dueling Dragons! Dueling Dragons was my favorite because of obvious reasons and because it was and awesome coaster! I'd pick Islands of Adventure over Disney any day (shorter lines) I found out that I have powers over water. . .lol. . .Ever water ride I rode I hardly got touched but I also found out I have poor gunning skills. Jurassic Park had three guns and below were 3 dinosaurs and all of them shot water. I couldn’t resist . . . saying the least, I got soaked. Around 6:30pm we got back on the buses and left for home and got back around 4:00pm the next day.

A little side question does anyone play Magic or Yu-Gi-Oh?

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