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myOtaku.com: DarkFireDragon

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Saturday, January 3, 2004

Well it's back to school for me on monday my vacation is over T_T that means i can't stay up or sleep in till noon and i need all the time i can get cause i'm getting behind in guestbook signing O_o i don't want to go back to school i don't realy learn much there anyway most of the time i spend in school is spent drawing except for a few classes i have to pay attension in that i don't want to fail don't get me wrong i don't mind school as long as there are no projects or homework they're giving us to do and basicaly letting have our own time at home cause i don't like homework cause i'm one of those lazy types of kid that doesn't like to do much work :P

one last thing before you venture out into the cold, anime-less world out there i would like to thank the people who acually come here O_O i now have over 600 visits ^_^

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Thursday, January 1, 2004

   Happy New Year

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Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone i got a scanner for Christmas so won't have to go to my dad's work to scan my pictures so i'll hopefully be able to put my drawings up more frequently and i'm learning how to color my drawings on photoshop so i hope to get some colored ones up although it probably take a while

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Wednesday, December 24, 2003

I was just wondering if anyone here plays Unreal Tournament i only have UT2k3 but it's a great game other then i miss the sniper rifle from UT:GOTY i don't realy like the Lightning gun that's all i have to say cause there isn't much i can do on this computer cause it's our old that we gave to my grandma and grandpa so it's slow and only has a dial-up connection T_T

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Tuesday, December 16, 2003

   AFI - Synesthesia

So what do you think of the new music? ^_^ i probably won't keep it up very long though cause i want to change it to something else soon you'll have to wait till i put it up cause i don't know myself even if you asked but of corse you wouldn't have anyway

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Monday, December 15, 2003

We have our Christmas concert Wednesday, i play the trumpet and sense this is my freshmen year i have all last parts T_T in concert band but at least i had one first part this year in marching band and probably next year in marching band i'll have all first parts ^_^ another thing is out band trip this year is to Disney so it'll be great. i'll have more for you later i hope, i have a boring life so there isn't much stuff to post about
!500 visits!

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Saturday, December 13, 2003

There's only two weeks till Christmas! n_n although i aready got my guitar early for Christmas so i'm not getting much else :P but at least no school for a while. i have a quiz i took i don't take them very often but here's one

Look at my stunning anime growth, nya! (Otaku Level: 5)
Otaku Level 5

What Stage of Anime Fandom That I Went Through Are You At?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Tuesday, November 25, 2003

I got 13 drawings i need to scan but I'm going up to grandma's for thanksgiving and although they have a computer (our old one) no scaner so another week without new pics

now i have 20 drawings O_o (11-30)

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Monday, November 24, 2003

Wow i haven't posted anything all week sorry guys
well anyway i can't wait till i get FFX-2 i loved FFX and it's the first ever sequal. i'm hoping to put at least one of my poems up there not that good compared to some peoples (Waterflash)
well i guess that's it other then the fact that i think i bombed another civic's test

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Monday, November 17, 2003


Hey for the few who visite this site what's your favorite band mine is Linkin Park if anyone of you want's to know and there is alot of others i like too

I have to add this has anyone here'd of the Kick Ass Christmas concert up in Pittsburg and Linkin Park is going to be there well any way i'm going i got tickets for the 3rd row from the stage i can't wait

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