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myOtaku.com: DarkFireDragon

Monday, September 6, 2004

Sorry I haven’t been posting much. I haven't had much time for my computer but this weekend I had some time because they didn't give out much homework and we have a 3 day weekend. So I don't have to go back to school tomorrow. That's why I'm writing this at 1:00 AM ^_^ ( I'm not a morning person, I like to stay up ^_^ ).

Anyway yesterday, we were invited over to a family friends house. They had just put in a in-ground pool not too long ago. The family has two kids. One is about 12 ( I think :-\ ) and the other is a little younger. So I spent the day with them swimming and playing the Yu-Gi-Oh card game.

They spend so much money on Yu-Gi-Oh! They have the God cards, All the Exodia cards, Exodia Nexros(sp?), a whole bunch of other extremely good cards that they bought. So when it comes down to it I got my ass kicked :P .Although once I almost won. I was only 350 short of wining but that was only because he showed mercy and got rid of one of his ground collapse (he had two out! meaning I could only have one monster >.< ) There both really nice though. They gave me a couple card that they didn't want and a few others I don't understand why they would part with. Some of the ones that they had marked as rejects, I thought were really good. Like they gave me, my now favorite card, Archfiend Soldier. They also gave me one of the sphinxs from the movie. It's not like they don't know what there doing they know there values.

Also I'm going start giving the older one beginner trumpet lessons next Tuesday
. He was going to learn in school but they were put in cyber school ( Which now that I think of it I think he could still take school lessons but oh well doesn't hurt me, I got a job ^_^ )

I gotta sign off for tonight ^_~ ttyl

- DFD -

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