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myOtaku.com: DarkFireDragon

Sunday, February 22, 2004

My Weekend
Sorry i haven't been keeping up with my site for the past couple days. since i haven't i'll tell you about my weekend:


i left from school to go to a county band practice at Jefferson Morgan school(by the way i play the trumpet ^_^). it was from 8:30 to 4:00 it was almost as bad as band camp -_- Well anyway when i got home i had already told my two friends to come over (Frost and DarkJester). They both uploaded there pictures from my computer cause the one doesn't have a computer and the other doesn't have any kind of picture program that works. besides that we also sword fought(with wooden swords, they always do that when they come over not that i'm complaining. They finily left about 10:30.


I had to be at the school ready to leave by 7:30 -_-. When we got there we had to practice for 3 hours so my lips were dead. After that we had to get dressed up (i hate to be dressed up >.<). then we ate and returned to the stage. The concerts went great and we sounded great ^_^ the songs we played were
>Star Spangeled Banner (of coarse)
>Marching Song
>Chorale and Shaker Dance II
>Loch Lomond
>Old Churches
>The Battle Pavane and
>The Thunder

After the concert i did nothing and chilled for about and hour before going to a friends birthday party. I had a great time at the party. I got to meet this girl that went to another school (she was hot too ^_~).(don't know why i'm telling you that it's only going to get me into trouble somehow :P) i didn't know it was a birthday party so i kinda felt bad that i didn't get her anything but it didn't look much like a birthday party so i didn't feel too bad. it was like 11:30 when i left and since too of my friends were walking home i thought i would walk home with them i only lived up the road from them. We'll i kinda got in trouble for that -_- though i didn't get grounded or anything like that. not like i live in a huge city, i live in a small town, though it does have a collage in it, it's not a town were drugies are standing on ever corner.


I'm not doing any thing today the only thing i have planed is to watch Charmed ^_^

We'll that was my weekend ^_^

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