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myOtaku.com: DarkFireDragon

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

   !! 15 Days Left !!
Well at the lose of things to talk about other than the fact that we got our report cards today and i have 4A 3B and a C(i don't even draw in this class it's because the teacher is so stupid) for the fact that i draw in school ^_^ I was wonder what classes do you dislike or like? Normally i like Algebra (only because it's easy for me :P ), Science, and Band :P and i hate this 9th grade computer class, the class and the teacher are stupid >.< and i don't like English just because i'm not a good writter (even though i wish i were -_- )

Well anway back to the real reason of the post. Our band trip is only 15 days away ^_^ We are going to Disney World on April 15! This will be the second band trip i have been on (it's my second year in the marching band. I'm a trumpet player if you couldn't tell by my site) We have one more practice before the trip and were are so unprepared. We are going to play at a parade out of Disney at another school where we will be playing the music that we played all year but for the parade in Disney we are going to play the theme for Coach but no one knows it by heart because we just got it and it doesn't sound good >.< Well that's it for now

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