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myOtaku.com: DarkFireDragon

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

   Florida Trip Day 1-2
Hello people i'm finilly back from my band trip. I hope you all missed me :P Well i'm going to start at the beginning, last Thursday, where our California Trojan Marching band left for Florida. I had a seat by my self in the middle of the bus (even though I had wanted to be further near the back but there were no seats left -_- ) but it worked out well because I was sitting by one of the 1st years that I didn't know that well but I became friends with him on the way down.
So we rode through the night and into the morning untill we found out that one of the tires on our bus had a bubble on it and we drove on the tire untill, to my suprise, it popped. So the busses pulled over and the drivers got off and checked it out. The drivers got back on the busses and we started driving out towards the nearest truck stop. We stoped at a nice one that had a large store and waited it out there untill the wheel had been fixed.
As soon as it was fixed we got back on the rode and before long we had reached the Disney Resorts but we at the wrong ones. So we drove around in circles untill we found the right ones (All-Star Music). We all unloaded and headed for our rooms but soon we found that either the key didn't work or that there was someone all ready in the room! So after an hour or so we got into the correct rooms and were free to spend the rest of the day how we wanted (though there wasn't much of the day left).
I didn't want to head out to one of the parks because I thought it would be to late for that so I headed for the pool and many others had the same idea. So that was how i spent the frist day at Disney. I'll have to get back to you for the other 4 days.

p.s. i got a tan ^_^


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