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myOtaku.com: DarkFireDragon

Sunday, April 25, 2004

   Florida Day 3
Well now that I have a little time on my hands I'll try to tell you the rest of my BandTrip. . .

The Third day was spent mostly at MGM. My group and I went strait to The Rock n Rollercoaster and got a fastpass and then headed over to the Tower of Terror and got in line. The rest of MGM was spent that way untill we went back to the resort. After that I went with some of my friends to Epcot for dinner and then came back. between then and curfue(sp?) I hung around on the walkway outside our room with some others. We set up one of my friends laptops and were watching movies outside of our rooms for the rest of the night.

Sorry people i have to go, again without finishing my story because it's to late.

p.s. I'm going to a Magic tournament tomorrow mourning which will be my first one. Wish my luck cause I'll need it!

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