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Sunday, September 11, 2005
hey there!
well its early in the morning so i decided to post ^^
yesterday was really fun, i went out with a couple of my friends and we went dress shopping for homecomming! yayness lol... i wasnt sure if i was going or not bt i guess since i found a dress i like, im going now ^^'
the night before that (friday) i went to our schools football game with my friend mel and my other friend sara (brokenkokoro) it was really fun and we were being really stupid in the car going stuff...
so then today im going to help out with soccer pitures and try and sell some past tournament shirts to raise money for the hurricane victims....stupid hurricane..
well ill ttyl!
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Monday, September 5, 2005
school sucks
lol well it dosent really suck that much but im kinda gettin tired of it -_-'
the first day went pretty well. everyone was all excited to see their friends again and being all gay and stuff lol. i have friends in all my classes except study hall, chemestry, and algebraII....but ohh well, ill just make some new ones hehe
saturday and sunday i went to this island owned by my friends dad and a few other people in this river near me. its full of bugs and toads and fish so its really fun ^^ but i got bug bites all over me so im really itchy...rawr.. but anyway, i was sopposed to stay out until today but i decided to come home yesterday because this girl and guy my age (16) we like all over eachother and it really got on my nerves cuz usually hes fun to hang out with but hes a guy and i understand....but she was only 13!! GROSS! lol hahaha ok enough of my ranting
well other than that, nothing much has happened lately so i think ill tell you about my religion...excited, yes? lol
well last year i was very determined to find a religion to suit me since i was studying different religions in history and it seemed like a good idea. well i was serching very franticly when i finally gave up and decided to create my own.... long post short, i have some ideas and i was wondering if anyone else has this problem and has some ideas and/or what you would like to see in a religion to fit you...
well im done rambling so have a great day!!
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
theme yayness
well... my theme for the contest is well under way and should be done any time now ^^ from here on ill just be adding few little last minute changes to try and make it better...
i really dont care if i win, im just happy this has been keeping me busy all this time ^^ and ive been learing alot with html and stuff..
well, the day has finally come....tomorrow....i start school...... dum dum dum.. *screaming women in the background and random lighting crashes*
yes, yes i know its horrible but its time to face the music and suck it up for another year lol this summer went by really fast and ive made alittle list of all the things i DIDNT acomplish:
1. read books
2. start on my religion (more on that later on)
3. get a boyfriend (haha)
4. write a fanfic
5. comment on ppls sites as much as possible (^^')
6. update everyday
7. go to theme parks with my friends
8. get smarter
9. sleep all day and be awake during the night for at least a few days
10. get another website
yea so none of those things happened
well i do have something planed and i need your help with it. i made buttons of my 10 favorite bands and im gonna post them and i need you guys to tell me which ones you like the best so i can link to their site and look at their sexay bodies lol jk (yea i was really bored)
long post i know... but this is the last post of the summer so i had to make it special lol
well tell me what ya think and ill ttyl!
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
dont ya wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
lol ok sorry for the random title. its a song..cough..ok anyways...^^;
well i woke up at like 6 this moring so i decided to post ^^ last night was fun, i went to the mall with my friend mel and we did some school shopping. i got a pair of jeans and one of those cool side backpack things...ya know, the ones that have one strap and it hangs by your side? ok i think you know what im talking about ^^' my school starts in about 2 weeks and thats the first thing ive bought for better get a move on..heh heh
anyways this moring i was bored and watched a movie i had rented last night..Sin City. maybe you know what it is and if you have, what did you think of it? the first like 20mins of it i was like, okay this movies really gay....and then i sorta got into it (especialy since elijah wood was in it for a brief 10mins...then he gets his head chopped off 0.o') but over all it was pretty good except all the women nudity -_- i didnt really enjoy that....
well thats all i have to say today! ttyl!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
hey hey!
alright i know my site dosent match and it looks really bad right now, but bare with me cuz ill be changeing it in the near future. the pink and white and grey are just the main colors of my new site for the contest ^^
anyway, nothing really has happened lately except tonight starts frickin soccer practice which i hate and want to quit REALLY badly ^^; lol ive lost my will to play...
[EDIT]: ok i just found out that theres a girl that might be on my team that she and i have some history together and i REALLY dont like her..almost as much as i hate playing if she is on my team then i am NOT playing soccer. i told my mom this and she said okay....alright i dont know what this means beacsue she could say it as like, okay i dont wanna hear anymore of this. or like, okay you dont have to play anymore.... ugh....[END EDIT]
i dont have anything else to say but has anyone ever heard of the anime, Ayashi no Ceres? if so, what do you think of it?
ok thanks!ttyl!
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Friday, August 5, 2005
hey everyone. just thought id update because i havent in a while ^^; nothing really i can think of thats happened new, although i enterd a contest which you can win real prizes 0.o click the button above for more info.
im learning more about html (finally) so i can spruce my site up a little bit for the contest so youll see my site progress in the next few weeks (i hope ^_^')
i got a new anime dvd last week called Peacekeeper. its really cool and has lots of fighting.....not to metion...

....ahem....*dabs forehead with a napkin* hahaha
well its gettin pretty early in the morning so id better get to bed! talk to ya later!
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
hey everyone!
omg the concert was soooo CRAZY!! when we got there around 3, we stood in line to get in until 5:30! it wasnt too bad cuz we were almost at the front of the line, except that it was like 94 degrees out -_-'' anyways, when we got in, we were right infront of the stage! it was soo cool! we waited for another hour and a half and then the opening band came out, No Address, they were okay i guess, alotta people said they sucked..poor guys..
then when breaking benjamin came out people went out of control! mosh pits all around us stared to form and crowd surfing! whoooo!! lol it was kinda annoying in the begining and scary but then by the end of the night no body really cared and we just partayd along with them lol i got a pick from staind, it was really cool except it hit me in the chest -_-; ouchy...and then another one hit me in the forehead lol so id say the concert was a hot and sweaty mess topped off with a splash of beer lol jk (dont worry, i wasnt drinking anything ^^)
then the last 2 days after the concert i didnt do much. tonight im going over to my grandparents house to celebrate my aunt and uncle's bdays ^^ should be fun. cake and poker...what more could you ask for? lol talk to ya later everyone!
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Concert!! ^_^
hello there!
today im leaving at 11 to go to my friends house and hang out there with a couple other people and then we're all going to the 3 Doors Down, Breaking Benjamin, and Stained concert!!!! whoo! ive waited for several months to go to this and im gonna ROCK OUT!! lol jk ^^

breaking benjamin is one of my favorite bands and i think you should all buy their cd lol hehe..3 doors down is not one of my favorite bands and i dont really care for them (actually, when i bought the ticket, i thought it was 3 Days Grace and not 3DD ^^) but they do have some good songs..I dont really know Stained that much but all their songs that ive heard were really good!
well thats all for today! talk to ya later!
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Friday, July 15, 2005
hey guys!
not much to report today. yesterday, two of my friends slept over and now its the morning and their still asleep! and ive been up for an hour! lol anyway, today i have nothing to do so when my friends leave and my mom gets home, i think ill ask her if we can go to the store so i can get another anime dvd ^^ if any of you have any suggestions on what i should get, please tell me! ^_^
thats all for now! talk to ya later!
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
i thought id post short today because my post was to long yesterday and it didnt look good...0.o wow, i didnt know how stupid that sounded
well i changed my look again because i wasnt happy with how the other other one turned out. im still working on it though -_-;
knobels grove yesterday was fun. it was really hot and sweaty until about 6pm when it started to get dark and cloudy. it started storming REALLY badly and we ran to our pavillion to get ready to go. we still had like a hour to wait and the storm was passing right over us! about a fourth of a mile away from us was this hill of a mountain and the clouds were going over it when a big lighting bolt hit the hill and it started smoking! me and my friends were flipping out lol
anyway, on the way home we were sitting in the back of the bus and these girls were sitting in front of us. i was trying to sleep when one of the girls asked me if i would date their brother who sitting a few seats up, not aware of what was going on, i was polite and said, no because hes not my type and that i didnt want a boyfriend... well, i got made fun of by my friends for the rest of the way home -_-''
hehe i guess that wasnt too short after all. talk you ya later
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