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myOtaku.com: DarkfireDragon33

Monday, September 6, 2004

Reunited and it feels so good.......

lol sry about the random title of my post, i have that song stuck in my head for some reason...hmmm *shrugs*

heh heh, looking back on this weekend, it was kinda funny ^^.....oh and btw, HAPPY LABOR DAY EVERYONE!!!!! whoooo ok im done....anyways, first off, i had another soccer tounament this weekend and i got hit in the face with the ball not once, but twice! whooo that was a hoot...the first time i had my glasses on (which you should NEVER play soccer with your glasses on i just learned ^^') and they hit me above the eye and flew off and got all bent up..then, the next day of the tournament i had (and still HAVE) a bunch of red marks and bruise above my eye..boy, i can still hear seto laughin now..*sigh* and then i got hit in the face again but it didnt scratch or anything so its not as bad, but it gave me a hell of a headache lol ^^;;

so that was pretty much my eventful weekend, back to the title of the post...i guess it could mean that i havent been on the computer lately and now that im back on myotaku, it feels really nice! ^^ hehe yea sure, that works..lol

ill get to my story.......eventually ^^" *nervous laugh* i feel really bad about not really starting on it yet but i will...maybe like christmas break or something..i cant think of another long break that we get, so ill shoot for that one ^^...anyways, maybe NOW i cant get on the computer more since my mom is getting back from colorado and seto is takeing a vacation from his work to see me ^^....but for now, its just me and my dad, whoop dee doo...lol

oh and just wondering, is anyone affected by hurricane francis? im lucky for where we live, itll get blown away before it hits us. but does anyone here live or know of anyone that lives in Florida or the southern states? because my grandparents have a condo down there and im glad their up here and safe ^^.....i was just curious to know...

well thats all i have to say for right now..kind of a long post for me, huh? lol byes! ttyl xoxoxoxox

~*~* ohh yea, and one more thing if you could, if anyone saw the two new episodes this weekend and has the time, do you think you could possibly send me an email of what happened? it would be much appreciated and and id give you a thousand hugs and thank yous! ^^

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