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| darkflowerofdeath
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
hey everyone whats up? heh looks liek i havnt posted in a while. well nothing good has happened lol HEY LISTEN!!!! YUKI IS FEELING BETTER!!! ^^ oh yeah im good anyways! yeah so im feeling better and summer is still very boring....yes very boring indeed....i finally got a game for my psp its called darkstalkers chronicles the chaos gate. lol weird huh?>
but yeah thats the else has happened? i went to skate mania last night....havnt been there in forever....DUDE! ALMOST EVERYONE FROM SEVENTH GRADE WAS THERE!!! im serious! it was soo much fun! ^^ heh anyways yeah i have nothing else to say....oh yeah i would like to thank the following people for helping me get through my uh depression thing...heh
DERENZO = bobo
and i think thats it....yes yes but yeah if i forgot anyone sorry! ^^; well laters everyone! ^^ loves you all byz
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
ok heres the down low, im bored, nothing to talk about, and im a little depressed. laters everyone
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Sunday, May 29, 2005
hey everybody, whats up? nm here i hurt! heh i went fishing yesterday and i fell asleep he boat for an hour and now im burnt. lol but by tomorrow it will have turned into a tan so dont worry. heh me is tired so im gonna let you guys go for today ok? love you guys! byz
p.s. here are some corny jokes that my grandpa said while on the trip.
1- what do you call a man with no legs and arms?
2- what do you call a man laying in front of your door with no arms and legs?
ok im done! XD byz
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Friday, May 27, 2005
lookie at the kewl pictures! ^^
yuki is so bored right now! XD lol i saw this and i did it for like two hours today it didnt help though...
i am bouncing off the walls with hyperness! ^^ me likey ramen but i have no more......*cries* hey shuichi! will you supply yuki with some ramen!?
ok i think im done for today see you guys laters! ^^ byz
oh yeah for those of you who knew this person who used to have a site on here it was hotsunslave.....she says hi because she no longer has a site and is now at my house so laters guys! ^^ she also says chicken head! ^^ heheh her famous word.
yuki loves everyone of you guys byz
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
hello everyone! im bored again! lol well i wasnt but now i am.... i was just at gwens (britney p.) house and it was soo much fun! rage was there also so it was gwen, rosemary, me, rage, daniel and ej. gwen rosemary me and rage did karaoke most of today and it was awsome! we had so much fun i found out that i can acctually sing pretty good! lol well thats what gwen and rosemary said anyways. lol but yeah i seem to be going swimming alot lately lol its awsome! but yeah now i have nothing to do but update.....bol! rage left a whole outfit at gwens house! no literally! this is what she left. afi shirt,jeans,bra,underwear and her heeles! lol so she told me to take them home and shell come get them sometime soon. i am wearnig the heeles now lol they are kewl. i might get a pair....well....oh yeah! did you guys know that they made a winny the pooh ddr!? that is so not kewl! i hate that they even made a mario one! nintendo is trying to steal the ps's and xbox creations! XD that is not right!>
that is not kewl! when they make a game that good they shouldnt have to ruin it by making it into a little kids game and or mario! ok im good.......oh yeah! they are also making a katamary damacy 2! its gonna be twice as fun. (for those of you who like katamary damacy) lol look at the kewl picy i found!>
ok well thats it for today you guys! see ya laters!
for shuichi only
no me and rage didnt do anything so dont worry! ^^ lol i would never do that but she did try! XD
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
hey everyone whats up? hey i finally watched soem tv since forever! lol i saw the new smurai champloo and it was awsome! the creators of cowboy bebop are weird...but they make some good anime! you should watch it its awsome! lol well yeah im bored.....oh yeah hey i had an awsome saturday! it was so much fun i went to a party fo rthe gravi members only called the 'no more skewl' party. it was at ryuichi's house. shuichi, hiro, me, rage, seguchi, and of course ryuichi was there! it was so much fun! some of ryuichi's other friends showed up like noodles and andrea but it was stuill kewl. noodles is awsome! XD lol but yeah we played some games but most of time we were in the pool. yeah it was awsome but not! i got pantsed like 3 or 4 times and they were literally picking me up out of the water trying to get them offa me! and we got hiro only once. haha! we got everyone to take off their shirts so shuichi would take hers off. we had to force it off her but we got it off. and then some unecessary things happened....lets just say with ice and pants and stuffs lol. everyone kept grabing shuichi's and mine breasts and it hurt! lol and we put a chip in bewtween shuichi's boobs and i ate it. :> haha i stick my tongue out at you! (its deformed XD) but yeah and then we had to like go and stuffs....we had a bon fire in wich we did a memorial service for the thankfulness taht skewl was over! ^^ so we burned all of our skewl work. most was shuichi's he went alittle out of control with it....heh lol but yeah i almost got drowned! rage and shuichi are gonna kill me one of these days! we went into the 10 feet area and they were clinging to me cuz shuichi thought he was gonna drowned. then i sat on the ledge that was in the pool and layed down to catched my breath and ryu tried to rape me! (not really) but thats what it looked like! heh we played chicken and we died! ok well im guess im done with like telling my story....heh but yeah ill see you guys laters! byz!
stupid image of the day!
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
cute avatars!
hey everyone! my friend sent me a bunch of cute avatars! hope you like them ask before taking though please! ^^

well i hope oyu like them and please remembeer to ask before taking i will have more up tomorrw! ^^ -loves- byz
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
HEY EVERYONE! ITS SUMMER! lol ok im done with all this gloomyness ive been putting on everyone lately with my love life cuz its summer and im ready to relax! ^^ yeah summer started for me thursday afternoon at about 2:30 but for most people that live by me it started yesterday lol i didnt go to school yesterday and it was soo much fun! ^^ well hey everyone tellme what your doing over the sumemr cuz i want to know for some unknown reason lol! but yeah its saturday right? YAY! today i get to go to a 'end of the school year beggining of summer' party. almost all the members of our gravi group is gonna be there! ^^ there will be seguchi,shuichi,me,hiro,tatsuha,maybe reiji,and ryu! k-chan,fujisaki,and sakano couldnt come because ryuichi doesnt really know them but its still gonna be fun! ^^ well i better go and get ready! ^^ well love you guys. have a good summer if i dont get to post as often. i might be at work most of the time....heh>>
sorry i couldnt get you some better tasting doritos baby!
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
hey everyone! im bored and i have nothing to talk about so im just gonna let you look at the very cute picture of gir! -drools over gir- gir is well yeah laters! -loves- byz!
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
hey everyone whats up? nm here! well my friend gace me this poem today and i really liked it so here it is!
I love you writen with a pen sealed with a kiss.
If you love me then answer me this. Do you love me or do you not?
You told me once but i forgot.
Of all the guys i ever met,
Your the one i wont forget.
So if i die before you do.
ill go to heaven and wait for you.
And if your not there on judgment day.
Ill know you went the other way.
Ill give the angels back their wings and risk the loss of everything.
just to prove my love to you,
Ill go through hell just to be with you.
(thats the perosn that gave it to me) bored and have nothing to talk about...heh...NO! ALMOST FREAKING NO MORE DAYS LEFT OF SKEWL! -sobs over some random persons shoulder- well my life is ruined...heh and im so sad....well im gonna go and watch white noise now ok? love you guys! laters!
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