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Eiri Yuki
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| darkflowerofdeath
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
ok you guys i like flipping out now! my dad is so determind that im doing drugs! you should see him! saturday night he was like 'let me see your arms' so i gave him my arms and he looked at them cuz he thought i was cutting my slef cuz i always cover my arms up. then this morning he asks if im on crack cuz im wearing a hoodie and a long sleeve shirt on today and its muggy outside. then this afternoon he and kandis come outside and my dad takes my arms again and looks at them and i go 'ok...' kandis goes 'what are you doing? seeing if she cut herself last night?' i go "no. he thinks im doing drugs. like heroin." and they both just stare at me and kandis says i shouldnt know that you do that on your arms. and dads said that kandis was dense cuz im 13 and even i knew what he was looking for and she didnt! lol but yeah im gonna have to have my mom have a talk with him about this...they say i cover myself up to much...but i dont know maybe i should stop wearing my hoodie 23:40 7? lol i have to take showers you know! lol well laters tell me what i should do ok? thank you! ^^
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thank you
hey everyone! thank you guys for all the help through mine and shuichi's little problem! ^^ but we have settled it and everything is back to normal! ^^ well as normal as you can get with shuichi...heh BUT I MEAN THAT IN A GOOD WAY! heheh woops....i forgot about that. well im so bored and i have chores to do today...i have to go and wash the car and mow and sweep. oh soo much fun! ^^
-sarcastic- lol so whats new with everyone today? i cant beleive its already 12 o' clock! i slept in man...yeah i just woke up...ok well i better go and start y chores befor it starts to rain again....i need that money for my PSP! oh yeah my dad and me are in a competition between who will get one way behind though...i onlt have about $90...but if i do my chores hes gonna give me $20 and put it with the rest of my money! oh yeah then ill have $100 and only need $160 more...^^; this is gonna take a while...well see you guys later!
sorry iif i cant get to everyones site this weekend. my computer over here is a peice of crap and is VERY slow! ^^ loves byz!
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
for darkflowerofdeath/yuki and skyerainofsorrow/shuichi
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pics made bye- BANDIT_YOUKAI!
thank you! -hugs-
and everything is better now guys its all good! ^^ i feel better now...
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sorry guys...not in the mood...
hey you not really in the mood right now...apparently shuichi loves this guy he met online named julian more than me but thats what he wants so if shuichi wants julian he can have him. not like im gonna be here much longer to stop him. plus i cant really tell shuichi how much i love him anywayz cuz he would never beleive me....oh well. looks like were not lovers anymore! lol damn and right after the how come shuichi can cheat on me but i cant on him? i dont get it. oh well if it makes him happy he can do it and i dont care how much i dont like it or how much it hurts shuichi if your reading this! you can have julian hold you for eternity! if it makes you happy go ahead. i wont hug you anymore or anything that i was gonna do. not that it would have mattered anyways....heh...well looks like my dream has come to a close everyone. not what i was expecting but hey it will do...-has tears comming out of eyes- ill see you guys later! byz! SHUICHI NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU DONT THINK I LOVE YOU! AND HOW MUCH YOU LOVE ANYONE ELSE! I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT AND I DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS! -sniff-
p.s. i cant beleive i just said all that on myo! XD but oh well i dont care i love shuichi (both of you) no matter what! and this is me talking shuichi not yuki!>
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
too much trouble!
omg! this week has been the best yet its been the worst! lol dont mind me im just freaked....ok so a good thing is seguchi is being not as mean to me YET! him and hiro are planning something for next week....i dont know...a bad thing is kelsey asked me out and i said no and now shes mad at me cuz i told her i didnt like her like that but i loved shuichi and i was married to him. and today she went up to him and said 'i hate you' right to his face! i cant beleive it! i was soo mad! i was ready to cus her out but i didnt...another good thing was...i now know how someone feels about me and i dont have to worry about them knowing i feel the same. lol and another bad thing is i even confused cliff today and now he feels bad about ryuichi....and tons of other crap! its insaine! lol well....i have nothing really to talk about...
MAJOR QUESTION! ok rage,hiro,seguchi, and me are all fighting for shuichi. he said yes to my proposal and so we are ingaged right. tell me if you think i shouild be allowed to marry shuichi or not! if i should comment on this and say i should. and if not comment and say i shouldnt! lol but please do cuz i really love shuichi and i dont want anything to happen to him so please? thanks!
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
what should i do???
ok well i have people all on my case for my new back ground so im asking everyone! SHOULD I KEEP THIS ONE OR PUT MY OTHER ONE BACK ON??? i only want the people at myotaku to like my site and be my friends so i can hang out with them so please tell me if i should or not thank you and ill talk to you laterz! im at skewl and bells about to ring!` byz!
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
a date?
ok so we got our interims yesterday.
my grades were!
4 = a's
2 = c's
5 = s's
2 = n's
lol im ok well if you want to see my honeys grades then go to this site on myo
and you can see shuichi's grades...
well i promise him that if he gets better on his report card ill take him anywhere he wants to go! ^^ but im not saying his grades were bad because they were very good! but i have nothing else to talk about...shuichi spent the night a few days ago. it was fun...until some 6 year old was fighting him for he ogt really mad....but it was so cute...well...uim gonna go and do more stuffs with my site cuz it looks like crap ok? loves all!
question!were do you think shuichi would like to go on a date???
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
hello everyones1 im shuichi is over here and im still bored...
shuichi: oh gee thanks... now dont i feel specially loved... er... -.-
yuki: yes! and ill even give you a hug with the bordism!
shuichi: uh huh... yeah... okay so what ever you just said made... ABSOLUTELY NO FREAKING SENSE.... -in a tiny voice- yuki-baby
yuki: NOT IN A POST YOU MORON!! and yes it did make sence... -hugs- happy?
shuichi: .... yes no mehbeh.... >.<
yuki: make up your mind or imma sick rage on you...
shuichi: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! your s mean to me! ... -sighs- but now i gatta go soon... so uh.... finsih your post while i run around in circles hop in the toilet and spin around untill i throw up and the eat it and then throw up agaian cuz i ate my own throw up......
yuki: your babbling you know that right? no one cares about your throw up...well at lest i dont...heh
shuichi: i have to use the bathroom.. BUT THATS OKAY CUZ I CAN CALL YOU! (bol sorry had to say that) okay so uh... I GEUSS I'LL SEE YOU GUYZ LATER!.... i supose.... heh! so..... yeah..... -walks away like a retartd-
yuki: im the retard...-runs over to you- ok byz honey! -hugs you-
shuichi: -wobbles out the door like a penguin- now i forgot what i was about to say.... -puts on banana suit- ^^ -then jumps on your back-
yuki: THIS SHIT IS BANANA'S B-A-N-A-N-A-S! you know that was good....
well i guess ill talk to you guyz's laterz also! -waves byz-
shuichi: yeah! bye yukis myo friends who visit the site and comment but if you dont im ganna rip your balls off and if you dont have any i'll i'll.....i'll think of something! >_<
yuki: nice...
YAY! laterz!
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what ive done so far!
hello everyones1 im shuichi is over here and im still bored...
shuichi: oh gee thanks... now dont i feel specially loved... er... -.-
yuki: yes! and ill even give you a hug with the bordism!
shuichi: uh huh... yeah... okay so what ever you just said made... ABSOLUTELY NO FREAKING SENSE.... -in a tiny voice- yuki-baby
yuki: NOT IN A POST YOU MORON!! and yes it did make sence... -hugs- happy?
shuichi: .... yes no mehbeh.... >.<
yuki: make up your mind or imma sick rage on you...
shuichi: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! your s mean to me! ... -sighs- but now i gatta go soon... so uh.... finsih your post while i run around in circles hop in the toilet and spin around untill i throw up and the eat it and then throw up agaian cuz i ate my own throw up......
yuki: your babbling you know that right? no one cares about your throw up...well at lest i dont...heh
shuichi: i have to use the bathroom.. BUT THATS OKAY CUZ I CAN CALL YOU! (bol sorry had to say that) okay so uh... I GEUSS I'LL SEE YOU GUYZ LATER!.... i supose.... heh! so..... yeah..... -walks away like a retartd-
yuki: im the retard...-runs over to you- ok byz honey! -hugs you-
shuichi: -wobbles out the door like a penguin- now i forgot what i was about to say.... -puts on banana suit- ^^ -then jumps on your back-
yuki: THIS SHIT IS BANANA'S B-A-N-A-N-A-S! you know that was good....
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Friday, April 22, 2005
ok so today was hecktic! rage came to school with marrige papers! saying that he and shuichi were married! (she doesnt know how to spell shuiochi!) lol but shuichi said i-m no+t marrying you and is making/'filing' divorse papers! lol and we are getting married. lol she totally killed seguchi! cause seguchi was trying to get close to me and stuffs! it was hilarious!! ok im good but yeah so im getting married and stuff and im gonna kill rage,hiro, and seguchi if they try to do anything to MY shuichi!!! lol so when i get my paper ill scan it and let you guys see it and let you know its official! lol ok well i got to get ready to go over to shuichi's house and the skate park so ill see you laterz! byz!
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